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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland:deploys more troops to widh widh and the Hawd Region

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Xashaa caleeg taasi dhicimayso..... Haddaadse I soo martido maamuuskii Soomaali lagu yiqiin waad iga heli lahayd...... Saas oo ay tahay heeryada gumaysiga ee beeshiina anoon iska tuurin hadhsanmaayo abti:)

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Taleexi, the consistent attacks on our regions are where the clan-inspired break-away states seek their international attention or display hard how significant they are in exericising authority in lawless Somalia. Instead they are waging war on peaceful regions and causing mayhem and destruction. The erstwhile warlordism of the South is what these entities practice at the moment.

I think it's important to highlight it

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Originally posted by Taleexi:

Xashaa caleeg taasi dhicimayso..... Haddaadse I soo martido maamuuskii Soomaali lagu yiqiin waad iga heli lahayd...... Saas oo ay tahay heeryada gumaysiga ee beeshiina anoon iska tuurin hadhsanmaayo abti:)

Maya abti wax gumeysi ah ma jirto somaliland wa dalkaagi wa dadkaagi cid ka leh oo ka xigta ma jirto, dalkan aynu dhisno wadda aynu buhoodle u dhisno bridgo aynu u dhisno widhwidh aynu ganacsi ka furno higschoolkyo aynu ka furno hormar iyo wanaag halugu wada noolaado, ciidanka somaliland na wa ciidanki shacabkan ka ilaalin laha cadaw kasta oo ku soo duula. Maha ciidan shacabka buhoodle ama widhwidh wax u dhimaya wa ciidankoodi wa dadkoodi wa ehelkoodi sida ula soco.

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Xaaji... Muruqa`labo suule ninba si ku ah, bal aragaanee marka laysku shuf beelo cidda caanuhu ka daatan.


JB: Maad yarka jiibiska ka daysid run buu moodayaaye...


Nassir Well said; the clan enclaves on the peripheries are making havoc and insecurity in our regions as such to realize their illusory dreams. We've to be awaken, vigilant and consolidate our efforts in order we face in unison the accumulating threats posed by those entities.... The establishment of military might is essential to our survival and coexistence with our neighbors in peace.

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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

The government should win over the locals and provide a better alternative to the SSC side by biulding schools and MCH centers in those villages. That way, you are depriving the local support to the opposition.

Ninkii tiisa daryeela tu kale ku daraa.. Adeer suldaan you have sounded so naive when you post the up above statement. SL should do this, and should that.. Are you kidding me.. What does it have? It barely makes its end needs.. These people need nothing from you so leave them alone with your madness idea of recongnition.

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You're right Taleexi. Ma maqshay beryahan erayga "Qof gudban". It's a new phenomenon in somalis lately 'Qof baa wax lagu soo shubayaa wixii buu kugu sii daynayaa and in the middle way ka go'aysaa because it wasn't his ideas oo waxay ahayd wax lagu soo shubay.. So he has to go back and get more filled in....


Now he will come back here and lecture us that it's his promise to the queen to do do this. Waxaa laga kari la'yahay leave the furuq-alone these people's homes. Your Ill adviced endeavor ideas are unacceptable. You ain't get hired with them for 20 years.

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Xiisaddo Ka soo Cusboonaaday Degaanka U DhexeeyaBuuhoodle Iyo Qorilugud

Oct 19, 2010

Buuhoodle(Riinjinews)Degaanka Kalshaale oo u dhexeeya Buuhoodle iyo Qorilugud, oo uu ka taagnaa khilaaf Dhinaca degaanka ahi oo u dhaxeya Beelaha, Halkaasi wada degan ayaa lasheegayaa in dib uga soo cusboonaatay Xiisaddii iyo Muranka halkaa ka jiray.

Khilaafkan ka taagan degaankaasi ayaa la sheegay inuu ka dhashay markii Beel ka midda Degaankaasi isku dayday inay Baraago ka qotaan, Balse Beelihi Degaanka Buuhoodle ay Arrintaasi si Adag uga Horyimaadaan. Wararka laga helaayo Degaankaasi ayaa sheegaya in Maleeshiyo hubaysan oo ka soo jeedda Qurulugud ay soo gaadheen degaankaasi. Masuuliyynta iyo Wagaradka deegaanka Buuhoodle ayaa la sheegaya inay maalinta Berito tagi doonaan goobtaasi khilaafku ka taagan yahay, si ay Xaaladda u Dejiyaan. Mudooyinkii u Dambeeyay aya Degaanka Kalshaale ahaa Meel Muran ka taagan yahay, marar badan Waxgarad iyo Odayaal Labada Dhinac Dhex galeen , Balse Guul aan gaadhin. YASIN MAXAMED AXMED GAROWE SOMALIYA

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