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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland:deploys more troops to widh widh and the Hawd Region

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Maamulka Somaliland oo ciidamo dheeraada keenay Degaanka Widhwidh.

Posted: October 9/2010, 2:09 pm


Waxaa buuhoodle laga soo sheegayaa in ciidamo aad u tiro badani soo buux dhaafiyeen magaalada soomaalidiidku haystaan ee widhwidh, dad la soo hadlay Buuhodle oo isticmaalayey taar ayaa buhoodle uga soo digay in laga yaabo in ciidamo Somaliland oo dheeraada ay aagaas yimaadeen.


Dadkale ayaa sheegay in aysan ku fool lahayn buhoodle ee ay doonayaan in ay jidgooye ku sameeyaan Xaglotoosiye oo saaxdheer wadatashi ugu tagay Ina Garaad Jaamac.


Dadka saadaalinayaa ayaa sheegaya in ay doonayaan in ay inta wadada hawdka xidhaan in ay markaasi kadib Saaxdheer u hareereeyaan kooxda isku magacowda SSC.

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The government should win over the locals and provide a better alternative to the SSC side by biulding schools and MCH centers in those villages. That way, you are depriving the local support to the opposition.

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Suldaanka inadeer the soldiers are just going there to protect the people From these terrorist. But i do agree we will indeed build schools and hospitals etc in the region.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

Suldaanka inadeer the soldiers are just going there to protect the people From these terrorist. But i do agree we will indeed build schools and hospitals etc in the region.

My freedom fighters are your terrorists. Your triangle cities need schools and health centers.... My people need peace, if the clan enclave' s policies of expansion and isaqification not challenged collectively, cawaaqib xumada halkaa ka dhalata yaan waxba layga siin.... Our war of necessity will go on, and let us see how your of choice ends up.

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Taleex it's just a matter of time abti till these nabaddiids are cleaned from your country and inshallah 2011 harada cayneed will be back to normal few days back we opened a school in yagoori inshallah there will be more projects like that in buhoodle and horuffadhi Yeyle dhalamacune xammarluguxidh xadhdhanka dharkeyn widhwidh ,, soo ducee abti.

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Originally posted by Taleexi:

quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

Suldaanka inadeer the soldiers are just going there to protect the people From these terrorist. But i do agree we will indeed build schools and hospitals etc in the region.

My freedom fighters are your terrorists. Your triangle cities need schools and health centers.... My people need peace, if the clan enclave' s policies of expansion and isaqification not challenged collectively, cawaaqib xumada halkaa ka dhalata yaan waxba layga siin.... Our war of necessity will go on, and let us see how your of choice ends up.
The Garaad of Widhwidh clan, handed all the armory/weapons of the said clan to the Somaliland appointed D/C. That tells you the fact that the local clan leader/elders have more faith in Somaliland to provide peace and order than the SSC leadership.

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I think before you can build hospitals or schools you have to remove the so called "SSC" who's funding apparently ran out, it seems that minnisota couldnt bank role them forever, knowing somali's from the projects dont have that much cash. I knew this was gonna happen and it has and ultimately like i said it is not good for the people of buhoodle, but every man is responsible for the decision that he makes and for that we are held accountable. So destruction of the SSC is the end game, but in reality as soon as we get inside the town like ghosts and rats they will just scatter like the so called puntland "soldeirs" in the east who are to scared to cross from garowe.






loooool, check out the haters..calling us dreamers.


Saxib if you believe in Somalia you are a dreamer,


Somaliland turns out over 5000 student university graduates every year from its local universities, Yemen, Pakistan, India, Sudan and Malaysia.


It has the largest standing somali army which is still till this day undefeated, not even from your little back water fish smelling bosaso village could stop it which you hold as high and mighty, for my its a village half the size of burco.


Somaliland controls the largest centralised area of land with a common flag and elected authority that is free.


so if you wish to call me a dreamer, go for it if it makes you feel better, but in my opinion if i were you just put on a niqab and move to mugdisho,


but just watch out my boys alshabab are going around inspecting bra's aparently touching young women is the new craze.



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Capt Mik, I`ll call you a Dreamer and a *****.


You have no grasp on reality, nor truth, leave the Good People of Somalia alone. Take your lies, your falsehoods and your violence somewhere else. Your Dream is False, your tongue split and once we meet, will give you No Quarter.

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Every man is entitled to his own opinion, my opinion is based on logic and reason and actually seeing the ground. The predictions that i made have come about, if you go back a few weeks ago this exact event is what i said would happen, im not a magician but it was logical for it to happen.


so saxib, your hate is one mans hate, it means nothing, but use logical and reason that is what somali's lack. A nation without a government for the last two decades is no joke it shows there is a serious problem, so instead of talking garbage use actual reason and logic and create a solution.


:D:D:D if that makes me a dreamer then so be it.


but i live in the real world i can travel from london to hargiasa land there at night and drive from borama to las canod without a gun under Gods convent with an array of clans living in every city doing business and trading so saxib that is reality.


I woke up in 1991 and you seem to be falling into an even deeper sleep.



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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

The government should win over the locals and provide a better alternative to the SSC side by biulding schools and MCH centers in those villages. That way, you are depriving the local support to the opposition.

smile.gif In other words, keep up "divide and rule

" policies you copied from your OLD British masters. :D


The people of SSC should be left alone to decide their faith, How hard is that? :confused:

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Axmed Siilaanyo oo cirka u tuuray nabadii garaad abshir iyo xaalada deegaanka oo isbadal ku soo kordhay.

By admin2 on Oct 16, 2010 with Comments 0


Wararka naga soo gaadhay magaalada Hargaysa ayaa sheegay in xaalada deegaanada hawadka uu ku yimid isbadal , kadib markii uu axmed siilaanyo iyo wasiirkiisa gaashaandhiga ay u tageen rag aad ugu culus deegaanka widhwidh ayna u sheegeen in garaad bashir uu nabad u ku baaqay.


Axmed siilaayno ayaa arinkaas ku gacan saydhay isaga oo yidhi meesha waxaa qabsaday ciidamada qaran , wax isbadalayaana ma jiraan ee reer widhwidh tashada waana arin horay looga filanayay, tani waxay ku tusaysaa in axmed siilaayno uu san nabad doonayn oo uu dagaal u diyaar garoobay.


Hadalkii ugu qosolka badaan ayaa ahaa war widhwidh baad sheegaysaan waxaanu qabsanaynaa Buuhoodle billaha soo socda, SSCna waa iska soo dhamaanaysaa waa hadal ka soo fakay axmed siilaanyo ah oday waligiis ahaa nin nabadu ka fogtahay.


Dhaca kale wararka naga soo gaadhay magaalada widhwidh ayaa sheegaya in magaaladu ay qasantahay oo kadib markii ay Maleeshiyaadka SNM ay dad ku dhaceen magaalada gudaheeda, oo aysanba qarsan dhacaas.


Col. Inna Cabaasha oo ka soo jeeda maagaladaYagoori ayaa isagu si badheedh ciidamadiis dagaalka u soo galayay markii la qabsanayay Degmada widhwidh iskaga oo magac ka raadinayay Jabahada SNM. Waxaase illo lagu kalsoon yahay laga helayaa in innu hada isbadal ku yimid isaga oo ogaaday inuu dagaalkii widhwidh uu ahaa mid la doonayo in reer walaal ah lagu isku jabinayo.


Isku soo wada duub waxaa muuqta in shacabka reer widhwidh wuu waa ku baray kadib markii ay nabad uun jaclaysteen oo ay diideen inay dagaal galaan, waxaase taa badalkeeda lagu badalay xabada rida ama iska aamusa sida Laascanood oo kale.

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