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Does IndaCadde know the road to Addis Ababa?

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^^Enlighten me. All i have seen are quotes from so called shiekhs!


Let me break it down for you so you can save us from the sheikh quotes.


"If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion"


A shiek from Afar state, Ethiopia

The ‘shiekh’ doesn’t go into how the ICU have made Islam like McDonalds or Coke for wanting the Xabashi army out of Somalia. Now go back to your ‘shiekh’ and ask him about kafir armies occupying Muslim lands and if he supports it. What does he mean by fly by night mehdis? Is he saying is a better muslim?



"Here, we were Muslims before the Mecca people, before the Medina people," he said. "We have the original books, and we are sharing the original Islam. They cannot tell us what Islam is."

Elias Redman, vice president of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC)

A brief history of this Elias Redman (what a name by the way).


“Meles will soon begin to make claims of "Muslim fanatics" or "Jihadists" within Ethiopia's Muslim populace to scare all Ethiopians. He will also take advantage of the intolerant elements within the country to create a climate of suspicion and hostility between the the two religious communities”.


AFP just ran a story in which Elias Redman, vice president of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC) is quoted as saying:


Meles and EPRDF are ridiculously predictable.


Elias Redman-by the way-was a member of the commission set up to investigate the post elections violence that occurred in 2005. Ethiopian Muslims (especially those overseas) were horrified when Associated Press quoted him with regard to the 193 unarmed civilians killed in Addis Ababa by the security forces:


"I consider the motives of the protesters was to overthrow the government. I therefore fully support the action taken by the police."


Elias has shown himself repeatedly to be a staunch EPRDF supporter and spokesman much like the infamous Bereket Simon, and any opinions he expresses should be seen in that light.


read this


"Deeply down in that criminal showbiz were also some side kickers, and floor dancers, Sheikh Aweys, an army colonel in the Al-Itihad destroyed late Somali Army, and his top lieutenants in the current top leadership of the ICU, were part of it, were they willfully wanted, and sacrificially desired the dark destruction of Somali people, and their land from bottom to top!"

Radio Jijiga editorial

Al-Ithad to make us good moslems- stranger than fiction

Anyone can say things but its better when they make sense don you think?

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Lets not go into theoretical discussion. I give you a practical example that happened two of them:


1. An ethiopian cabinet minister, a moslem, and the majority of ethiopia's federal cabinet ministers are moslems,(take only one for this case), was called to a cabinet meeting and informed that his fellow moslem in Mugadishu has called for Jihad?


a. Put yourself in the ministers place and tell me what is the right thing to do, I will tell you what the minister did.

b. For this case ignore nationality or ethnic, we are only dealing with a moslem minister in a federal government of a secular regime.


2. A moslem member of ethiopian federal parliament. You have been informed your fellow moslem in Mugadishu (if it matters to you, but it shouldn't)has called for Jihad, holy war or any name, but Jihad. You are asked to support a resolution against him, presented by a cabinet of a secular government.

what would you do. What ethiopian parliamentarians did is public information including the postponement by a week.

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Ya xabashi, you said this:


I have shown in at least 3 threads why the ICU call to Jihad on Negash was wrong. I have shown what clerics, teachers, shieks, followers and moslem politicians had to go through according to the proper process, validation and procedure of Jihad.

I'm waiting for your evidence for the above.

a) Show me how ICU's call was wrong

b) Show me your 'proper process' of sheikh, politician etc for the above with tangible evidence. Dont avoid answering my questions.


You ask:


2. A moslem member of ethiopian federal parliament. You have been informed your fellow moslem in Mugadishu (if it matters to you, but it shouldn't)has called for Jihad, holy war or any name, but Jihad. You are asked to support a resolution against him, presented by a cabinet of a secular government.

what would you do. What ethiopian parliamentarians did is public information including the postponement by a week.

As a Muslim i would follow what is stipulated in Islam but that would be impossible as its not a Muslim country i'm representing. But i would ask myself the following questions: Why is the ICU calling a jahid on me? Is it because i have been interfering in his affairs? Is it because i have been financing warlords that have kept the country in chaos for 16 years? Is it because i back a warlord government? Is it because i enjoy the chaos in Somalia?


Now, as i represent a non-Muslim country in all of the above anti-Islamic ways of my government (Ethiopia) do i (as a Muslim) have a right to say to Somalia (a Muslim country) that it's Jihad call against the country i represent (Ethiopia) is wrong?


You see SF, the same shiekhs you are quoting are WRONG!

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There is something you and I can easily come to an understanding. Any country cannot be called Islamic country becaue all or most of its citizens are moslems. Do you agree or not?

Ethiopia is not a christian country, somalia is not an islamic country. Ethiopia is a country of moslems, christians, jewish and Traditional religions. Somalia is a country of moslems (lets not get into details).

Countries are man made. Djibuti and somalia are man made and made by very far away man too. so is ethiopia, kenya, sudan or egypt, yemen, saudi arabia...etc.



Do you agree so far?

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I'm still waiting for you to answer and present your findings to my earlier questions. Therefore, before we continue any further please present your findings otherwise i will take it as you not being able to back-up your statements and disregard having any future discourse with you.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

I'm still waiting for you to answer and present your findings to my earlier questions. Therefore, before we continue any further please present your findings otherwise i will take it as you not being able to back-up your statements and disregard having any future discourse with you.

What is so difficult to agree on some foundation, which is the basis of a follower wether he is minister or member of parliament follows?


Why don't I tell you then what the minister did.


1. He asked that the meeting not reach any conclusions and that time be given, intelligence agencies be available for questioning..etc.

2. After all this he still was not sure if he can make up his mind and reach a conclusion

3. He went to see a highly regarded scholar, an Immam, a few shieks he knew and trusted.

4. The conclusion he reached was that this group in Mugadishu that has called Jihad is not genuine and I shall not join them.


The member of parliament also did similar.

The parliament debated for 2 days and some members asked for a week of recess and postponment.


The political parties also did the same. Some parties, especially the opposition party that voted in favour of the resolution supporting the government sent persons to somali, Afar, Benshangul and other states, communicated with knwledgeable persons from foreign countries, including somalia. At the end everyone of that party members voted in support of the resolution.



Those who opposed the resolution (90% of those who opposed were christians) opposed it because the government insisted that eritrea be included, so if needed action can be taken on eritrea without a second resolution.


Most of the conversations of the minister or MPs is private, but some mentioned that they have consulted and obtained advice from such and such. Nobody mentioned about Fatwa they may have recieved or not. These are heavy words in ethiopia, unlike ICU where everything is an Aweye jesture away.

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Why don't I tell you then what the minister did.


1. He asked that the meeting not reach any conclusions and that time be given, intelligence agencies be available for questioning..etc.

2. After all this he still was not sure if he can make up his mind and reach a conclusion

3. He went to see a highly regarded scholar, an Immam, a few shieks he knew and trusted.

4. The conclusion he reached was that this group in Mugadishu that has called Jihad is not genuine and I shall not join them.

Do you seriously expect me to buy that? I asked for your evidence that this is not a jihad and this is all you can come up with? A shiekh said and he said that and bingo this aint jihad. Simple way of thinking.

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It is simple and is supposed to be made very simple for all followers to understand it.


Yes it is difficult to do, but should be simple to say. There is nothing complicated about Jihad if its genuine and called and implemented the right way.



You cannot have it both ways:

If you want to discuss based on Islam, you should discuss regardless wether you are somalian, djibutian or ethiopian.

If you want to be nationalist on me, be fair, I am also nationalist of another country.


Isn't that fair and right?


Don't mix the two to satisfy the imposters and fake in ICU.


somalia doesn't mean equivalent to Islam. Somalia is a country like any other. Somalia is made by mortal man. The current shape was actually made by a chrisytain man. Islam is more than somalia unless you want to pull a fast one here like ICU fakes tried, that failed.

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1) When is Jihad geniune?

2) How is it implemented?


Please explain with the necessary back-up (Quran and Sunnah) and not a so called xabashi shiekh!

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Originally posted by Northerner:

1) When is Jihad geniune?

2) How is it implemented?


Please explain with the necessary back-up (Quran and Sunnah) and not a so called xabashi shiekh!


I have to give you the benefit of the doubt and we are discusing to learn from each other.

In the interest of fairness:

1. please stop mocking the ethiopian shiek. Its very similar/same how communities or villages in ethiopia and somalia call a person shiek, it may have an element, but its a community recognition of a person's ability to provide example, to recieve from generation before and pass to next generation preceeedences..etc.

You are expected to accept as shiek if a community in ethiopia accepts one of its citizens as shiek.


secondly, I have given you how an ethiopian moslem reacted to the call of Jihad from Aweye/IndaCadde. Its only fair you tell me how Aweye/IndaCadde reached at the call for Jihad.



Are we going back and forth between nationalism and Islam or you have agreed we stick to one? Thats very important.


your turn.

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