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Congressman Donald Payne Condemns Puntland/Faroole.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Actually I got an email from Congressman's office containing the actual statement.


So the authencity question is settled now.

So don't you think you owe an apology dadkii aad caawo dhan naftii u keentay as if you are the alpha and omega of correct information sources?

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^^No even the congressman's office admit the mistake of not updating the website which should be the correct source of Payne's statements.


Adiguse xamaasad baa ku haysee waad ogtahay inaan waddo sax ah hayey

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If it was concerning any other entity except Puntland, waan kuu garaabi lahaa. But I know your warwareeg was not entirely coming out of a desire for accurate referencing of the news.


Midda kale, waxaan ka yaabi in Puntland aan buxino caddayn-land; ninyahoow wixii muuqda iyo wixxi mugdi ku jiraba hala caddeyo loola jeedo jikaar ayaa noqotay your hallmark.

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Xinnow isdaba qabato saaxiib. Ma warsaxaafadeed been ah iyo mid been abuur ah ayaadan kala qiyaasi karin, oo taasaan kaa dhagaysanaa?


Sidaan kaa qabo nin inuu Press Release'kaasi inuu jiro iyo inkale mugdi kaga jiray ma tihid. Macnaha yaadanba ka haynin xog sugan, laakin odors waad ku garan lahayd, waanaad qiyaasaysay inuu jiro.


Balse arintani waxay dabasocotaa isdiidsiinta isdabajooga ah ee baryahan ay caan baxeen defenders of the entity of abode, which is selling somali's to Ethiopia.


I can expect this from Duke, Cowke, and many others; but you shouldn't be behaving like this. You and your other side of the binary - Bashe, pass as men of wisdom and I can't tolerate when you fake uncharacteristic daftness for a purpose.

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^^Waad caytamaysaa awoowe


That I disagree with drama queens of SOL, or ask source for a press release does not make me fake.


Shalay waxaad halkaan la taagnayd 5 nin baa la dhoofshay, maantana waa hal, berri waxaa dhici karta inaan cid ba la dhoofin, marka sidaad jeceshahay ma yeeli karo awoowe.


I dont understand what Bashe has to do with this. the man retired from sol for some time now, why bring him up in this discussion?

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Actually I got an email from Congressman's office containing the actual statement.


So the authencity question is settled now.

Awoowe I urge you to come to the luuqa, si aan u kala war qaadano.


Walle Xiinow waa imtixaan socda.. :D

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I always thought Baashe is you. kkkk. Anyway, odaygu muxuu saa u yeelay haduu retire gareeyey? Waxaan islahaa bal haduu meelahan ka dhow yahay soo aakhiri toosi. Si xunna uma soo hadal qaadin as you can see.


On the issue, you are right on the issue concerning the five men. But I never said they are handed over. I was saying they will be handed over. That was to raise the profile of the issue. And also that can be really dubious. Why would one invent a Press Release of someone who will see it the next day and will issue a correction?


Anyway, wax weyni majiro; and I didn't at all insult you. In fact what I said is the opposite if insult. Ha is yeel yeelin se waan ku idhi.

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^^Rajjaad leedahay hadaba.


Awoowe cidna ONLF kama soo horjeedo, Ethiopaina cidna jeceyl uma hayso, if anything Faroole more or less attempted to by pass Ethiopia and go directly to the well as it were. He had some success in that regard. wiilasha xiran waa lasii deyn haddii alle idmo, xattaa haddday xukumaan i would be fine with it but handing them over to Ethiopia is a big charge , and unless it's proven Faroole did it I am NOT going to take your or some else's word for it.

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Adiga mawqufkaaga guud waan la socdaa, nin aan si qaldan u tuhmina ma tihid. Laakiin inkaari waxay kaga dhacday uun kolkaad qof jeclaatid, ayaan lagaa fujjin karin. Sheikh Hotel iyo Caravankii intaynu daba soconay waad ogtahay. Faroole'na you are excessively protective of him. Iskadaa dad la dhiibay; hadalkii uu ku hadlay adigoo canbaarayn kuma arag.


Hedde kaamana quusané la soco. Ileen hadaan Duke kuu arko, maanaan kugu dhaganaadeene.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Actually I got an email from Congressman's office containing the actual statement.


So the authencity question is settled now.

Authenticity proven. Your response to the press release? smile.gif

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Aw Tusbaxle, perhaps you are unrealistic about the effectiveness of the prevalent policy making model in PL. I am not concern with the details as long the general direction is on the right path. Faroole has made great bold moves, his tongue slipped few times, but overall the man is making much needed political and security realignments that Somalia will benefit in the end.

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