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Defeated courts split Shabaab are to blame...?

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:


They inshallah will have their own adminstration with no trace of the cirfo's, deylaaf's, indhacadde's, dhuxuloow's of the world.

Right! Administration headed by the cousins of Idmaale Editor
. Not too long ago, TFG was casting the same blame on Geedi and tried to rid him until Meles, the Tigrayan savior of TFG showed up.
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With the help of Tigrayan troops, you managed to get one aggressor out and replace with another? And you call that progress?

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Who the heck spoke of president spokesman?

This post is about the shabaab and the reasons they were being blamed. You went from Blaming the idamaale editors cousin, to denying it? :D

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Aweys and his Al-Qeada branch of the ICU, who are extremly rough and violent and in short lacking any attitude or behaviour that would link them together with the previous sunnah and salaf of this religion. They approve and practise of killing, first shoot and ask questions later, the target of innocent people, suicide bombings and killing people on public transport and hijacking areoplanes and crashing them into high buildings.


Where did Dahir Aweys say this? i bet it's all based on hearsay and your own opinions?

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Ms DD   

War ninyahow..Does Al Qaeda exist? When you say they? Who are they? What is their purpose?

I personally think it is a fantasy that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians. Al Qaeda, is a non-existant enemy created by the United States and its ally Britain, was created to scare the masses into submission and it is used as a pretext to unjustly invade countries.

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Originally posted by Taliban:

The important thing is, the ICU will adapt and make corrective measures. It's healthy and natural to have minor disputes sometimes.

It did not adapt and make corrective measures when it was most needed. The reason why Somalia is under 'gumeysi' and scumbag like Yusuf can only be narrowed down to the lack of vision, sense of direction, prioritising and fairness by the ICU. They did not realise the importance and value of the task they achieved and what lay ahead. Their command was limited to one clan and its associates thus nullifying the fact that they were broad and justified. It is this factors and meddling within them that has brought their fast downfall. They are history as far as Somalia is concerned, but what one wonders is how will Somalia recover from the bitter and ugly situation the ICU has put them in. If you see them any other way Taliban , then you are not true to your words.

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Cambarrow sister again you're confused here. Al-Qaeda exist and guess what? It's the west bests friend, atleast behind the scenes.


If you want real education into that matter I shall kindly provide you with it.


1. Islaam is not what Al-Qeada does.


2. Al-Qeada goes against the tenets of this religion.


3. The group is made up by hardliners, rebels and extremists with little knowledge into this deen.


4. They're radicalised young muslims, who have been recruited to think that they're doing a service to Islaam.


5. Mostly they're made up of people who hate the west or become disillusioned with the west.


6. Most of their terror makers are bunch of fools and have little to do with muslims and Islaam, what and who was Muhammed Atta?


9/11 plane hijackers were all partygoers, chain-smokers and had or followed a western lifestyle and overnight they turned into muslim warriors, how come?


7. Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri who are sending their infamous messages where Al-Qeada is written all over it (which you deny but bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri always mention Al-Qeada in their tapes) are never caught and the reason is because the west doesn't want them to be captured.


8. The west perfectly knows as long as this folks follow this kind of disillusioned and innovative Islaam that they will be ok.


9. Sister Al-Qeada wants to conduct a global Jihaad against the enemies of Islaam by using suicide bombers and rag-tag militias that do not have an Amiir or overall leader basically their Jihaad is a group Jihaad.


10. That isn't Islaam, in fact the global Jihaad can only be conducted by a single authority but not by a group.


11. Are this folks doing a group Jihaad?


12. You know there are two types of Jihaads, there's the one whereby one has to do self-defence in order to defend his own life, wealth, livlihoods and loved ones from aggressors, there it is allowed to have a regional person that leads that Jihaad and coordinates it in order to defend themsevles from their enemies but to do global jihaad on a group bases is not allowed in Islaam.


Tell me what you think?


Remember Muscab Al-Zarqaawi the psychopath, when he used to say 'on behalf of Al-Qeada in Iraaq' and then behead innocent people or blow up markets etc and the numerous and dubious messages coming out of that group from around the globe. 7/7 was an Al-Qeada plot?


It is designed to confuse the muslims around the world and you have fallen for that. There's a group like you that says 'They don't exist it's all made up by the west'.


Yes I agree it is supported by the west by they do exist that's I disagree with you and they have a huge following, understand?

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The real man behind the Alqaeda strategy is Ayman Al Zawahiri and not Bin laden.Abdullah Azzam did not want to fight Muslims governments but the Muslim brotherhood groups(Zawahiri) wanted to overthrow secular Muslim governments by force.The Sheikh, wanted to free Muslim lands such as Palestine and Afghanistan and thus had some disagreements with these groups. Al-qaeda is more of an ideology rather than a organised group as the West would ahve us belief.You can bring chaos, death and destruction anywhere in the world, all in the name of Islam.Ironically, alot of their leaders are not scholars/sheikhs rather they are secular educated people.Bin laden studied economics and Zawahiri is a doctor.Zarqawi, was a ex criminal thug bedouin he suddenly becam an emir.Somehow Colin powell knew of this guy even before the Iraq invasion(see his U.N speech).


Bin laden was under the protection of some Afghan warlords, when they where defeated by the Taliban, he convinced them(Taliban), he would be of good use to them.Even before that, he had no real record in the Afghan war, most of the times he was simply a financier.Clearly, he is not what they are making out to be. There are no computer systems in ilusive mysterious afghani caves.

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^You're right. It is also said that bin Laden was very undeceisive to who join as he was split between the radicals and the not so radical the group lead by Abdullah Azzaam who mysteriously got blown up as he was on his way to Friday prayers in Peshwar.


Bin Laden is not educated and cannot be called a 'Sheikh' and both he and his actions have been denounced by the vast Ulamaa of this religion. They gave him real advice but he didn't want to listen.


They're a misguided bunch and Al-Qeada exists as a group and it is a ideology but even that group is split into many more groups which are totally separate to each other and operate totally independent from each other as well.


It is true that Zarqaawi was a monster and psychopath who used to be a patty criminal in Ammaan, Urdun.


This group is in favour of killing innocent people which amazes me and sometimes I had heated discussion with those folks. I hate shiite's but my hate does not justify any barbaric and inhumane acts Al-Qeada is pursuing in Iraq.


Blowing up a market in Sadr city to evict some invaders is beyond comprehension. Are you in favour of evicting occupiers, so why are you blowing up a Shia inhabited slum?


Their tactics in Iraaq is wrong and no sane muslim will ever condone the systematic and indiscrimiate killing of innocent people. Why target civilians?


You can see that this people have gone astray.


The other thing is that global Jihaad is and should not be a group Jihaad. Only a Amiir that has got the pledge and support of all the muslims can be global Jihaad be done but not before that.


They're a insane bunch of group that have got in their midst some 'collaborators' or 'double-agents' that assist them in further propagating this alien ideology and pass it on as 'Islaam'.


Blowing up trains in Madrid and London won't bring about a Islamic state I say because you have not fulfilled the requirements of such a state nor have you followed the sunnah that's why you're going to fail and continue to fail.

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Taako Man, You don’t get it do you?


Here's what you wrote. Re-read the bold text if you don't mind.


^ What delusion? We are talking about shabellaha hoose. Now
your talking about the presidents spokesperson
who I may add very little is known atleast in comparison too indhacadde who had human rights groups, NGO's etc all barking at.

^ You went from
talking about the editor of idamaale
and saying 'what does he got to do with this'. You are one funny character Jimcaale.

This post is about the shabaab and the reasons they were being blamed. You went from
Blaming the idamaale editors cousin,
to denying it?

I think this is the statement that got under your skin but let's look at it again. “Administration headed by the cousins of Idmaale Editor.” Do me a favor and show me where I talked about and/or blamed Hussein Idamaale?

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Originally posted by MKA Yoonis:

The other thing is that global Jihaad is and should not be a group Jihaad. Only a Amiir that has got the pledge and support of all the muslims can be global Jihaad be done but not before that.

Incorrect; your reasoning isn't based on Islam. If you insist you're correct, prove it.

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Originally posted by MKA Yoonis:

^You're right. It is also said that bin Laden was very undeceisive to who join as he was split between the radicals and the not so radical the group lead by Abdullah Azzaam who mysteriously got blown up as he was on his way to Friday prayers in Peshwar.


Bin Laden is not educated and cannot be called a 'Sheikh' and both he and his actions have been denounced by the vast Ulamaa of this religion. They gave him real advice but he didn't want to listen.


They're a misguided bunch and Al-Qeada exists as a group and it is a ideology but even that group is split into many more groups which are totally separate to each other and operate totally independent from each other as well.


It is true that Zarqaawi was a monster and psychopath who used to be a patty criminal in Ammaan, Urdun.


This group is in favour of killing innocent people which amazes me and sometimes I had heated discussion with those folks. I hate shiite's but my hate does not justify any barbaric and inhumane acts Al-Qeada is pursuing in Iraq.


Blowing up a market in Sadr city to evict some invaders is beyond comprehension. Are you in favour of evicting occupiers, so why are you blowing up a Shia inhabited slum?


Their tactics in Iraaq is wrong and no sane muslim will ever condone the systematic and indiscrimiate killing of innocent people. Why target civilians?


You can see that this people have gone astray.


The other thing is that global Jihaad is and should not be a group Jihaad. Only a Amiir that has got the pledge and support of all the muslims can be global Jihaad be done but not before that.


They're a insane bunch of group that have got in their midst some 'collaborators' or 'double-agents' that assist them in further propagating this alien ideology and pass it on as 'Islaam'.


Blowing up trains in Madrid and London won't bring about a Islamic state I say because you have not fulfilled the requirements of such a state nor have you followed the sunnah that's why you're going to fail and continue to fail.

^^Orators, as the saying goes, are most vehement when their cause is weak!


What caught my eyes this time though is how strong you seem to feel in your own folly! You turned to idle tales as though you can make up in length what your argument lacks in depth. If you correctly observed the apparent flaws of the Islamic struggle against western hegemony what prevented you to extend that same intellectual bullet to the sheer brute and the naked aggression of your allies adeer? To be sure I find no difficult to understand your mournful cries for the victims of London and Madrid but what troubles me is how you play sheikh and elegantly put things in context when it so fits your agenda but die out in a state of unconsciousness, or worse yet, wax some lyrics while apparently being in a festive mood to celebrate the victims of the very terrorism you denounce. Not that long ago your fellow Muslims were targeted and hit with barrage of indiscriminate shelling from your allies, and you were, unless my memory fails me, among the cheerful supporters of such a operation. With such a glaring lack of credibility, are you not wasted in sure vain when you try to reason from a religious angle yaa MKA?


Al qacida may be guilt of killing few (comparatively) innocent souls while avenging millions of Muslims under western domination but what say you about killing hundreds of innocent Somalis, not to count their livestock--the very livelihood that sustains them, all of that for a mere search of three fugitives, as the west claims? Whose side would you rather be: on a decidedly anti-Muslim regime that saves no soul from its wrath and the lethality of its weapon or on the side of people with a legitimate cause and a known grievance—albeit with a questionable means to remedy it---I ask?


Think about yaa MKA!!

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