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General Duke

Defeated courts split Shabaab are to blame...?

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an arms seller who was interviewed said the TFG never got even close to that place ever since they came on the back of ethiopian tanks.


he also said most of the weapons were being bought by the opposition.

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^^^That market will no longer exist soon saxib, rest assured the guns they sold will sooner or later will be brought back to the armed forces of the TFG.

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Originally posted by abu ansaar17:

anyway I doubt the authenticy of this article as a real somali person would not say this let alone ICU commander

I also share the doubt. Besides, and other reliable sites didn't report this article.

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

quote:They inshallah will have their own adminstration with no trace of the cirfo's, deylaaf's, indhacadde's, dhuxuloow's of the world.

Right! Administration headed by the cousins of Idmaale Editor. Not too long ago, TFG was casting the same blame on Geedi and tried to rid him until Meles, the Tigrayan savior of TFG showed up.
Are we speaking about the same shabelle hoose region? No longer is indhacadde the governor. It might sadden you but that is the truth.

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^With the help of Tigrayan troops, you managed to get one aggressor out and replace with another? And you call that progress?


I like when you remain true to your delusion.

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^ What delusion? We are talking about shabellaha hoose. Now your talking about the presidents spokesperson who I may add very little is known atleast in comparison too indhacadde who had human rights groups, NGO's etc all barking at.


Now kindly tell me when you will start making sense.

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Originally posted by General Duke: is not reliable enough for the clan courts supporters? is considered the CNN of the ICU. is another reliable site. So is If you don't have this report on those trusted sites, then something isn't right with's report.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

So is not reliable outlet for clan courts propoganda.

I don't know about that site. I can only speak about those I mentioned which I trust. Don't forget that you too trust; how it reported Sheikh Sharif wasn't yet in Yemen, how many sites you trust misled you about Sheikh Sharif being already in Yemen.

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^^^I do not trust saxib, let me tell you that from the outset, its a terrible tabloid even worse than Dayniile. Thats my opinion.

Though was a champion of the courts, if you do not like it then so be it.

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You two should get a room and fight it out. Goobjoog, qaasidiya, dayniile, idamaale, kismaayo what's the difference? Maryooleey Waxaa la Yidhi News.


Taako, I know you're a firm believer of the puppet government but I didn't know you were disappointment. Who the heck spoke of president spokesman? Adeer is neither free from human right abuse nor is his savior Meles so don't pull that crap now.

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^ You went from talking about the editor of idamaale and saying 'what does he got to do with this'. :D You are one funny character Jimcaale.

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