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Defeated courts split Shabaab are to blame...?

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Confused well I am, now the Shabaab are being blamed for the defeat and failure of the clan courts union. Why?


Here is [major mouth piece] with more on this story.



Warar xog-ogaal ah oo soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya inuu jiro khilaaf u dhexeeya maamulka Maxkamadaha kaasoo ku wajahan sidii

mar kale dib loogu abaabuli lahaa maamulka Maxkamdaha si ay ula jaanqaadaan marxaladda cusub. Khilaafkan oo usoo dusay ayaa tibaaxaya inuu ku salaysanyahay sidii markale la iskula jaanqaadi lahaa loona sixi lahaa khaladaadkii hore ee la galay. Kooxda Shabaabka ayaa khilaafka kiisa ugu badani ka taaganyahay, iyagoo loogu taag la'yahay in ay u hogaansamaan maamulka siyaasadeed ee Maxkamadaha, iyadoo sababihii ugu waynaa ee soo dedejiyey jabkii Maxkamadaha ay qaybta ugu wayn ka imanaysay Shabaabka oo aan u hogaansamaynin taladda iyo itijaaha siyaasadeed ee hogaanka sare ee Maxkamdaha.


"Amar kala qaadasho la'aan iyo ajendayaal qarsan oo maxkamadaha lala soo hoosgalay ayaa keenay jabka Maxkamadah, haatana waxaa moodaa in jidkii lagu noqon rabo hadii aanan si deg deg ah loo xalin" ayuu mid ka mid ah saraakiisha sarsare ee Maxkamadaha oo diiday in magaciisa la shaaciyo.


Wararka ayaa intaas ku deraya in labo wado ay kala qaadi oo ay dhowaan kala soocmi doonaan hogaanka qunyarsocodka ah ee Maxkamadaha iyo Shabaabka oo iyagu u badan dhalinyaro hadafkooduna yahay dagaal watana qorshe dhaafsiisan xuduudaha Soomaaliya, talo wadaagna la ah duul aan Soomaali ahayn .


Maamulka Maxkamadaha ayaa todobaadyadii lasoo dhaafay ku hawlanaa sida warkani sheegayo in la xakameeyo Shabaabka lana hooskeeno maamulka Maxkamadaha, laakiin haatan u muuqda mid loo caal la'yahay.


"Shabaabku hadafkooda waa dagaal iyo jihaad, inaguna dagaalku wasiilo lagu xaqiijinayo hadaf siyaasadeed ayaan u aragnaa ee isaga qudhiisa hadaf inooma ah, hadafkeenu waa in dalka la dhiso lana nabadeeyo cadawgana laga xoreeyo aduunkana loo furmo oo lala tacaamulo, dagaalkuna waa mid ka mid ah wadooyinka lagu gaarayo hadafkaas ee isagu hadafkii maaha"


" Ma lihin dan dhaafsiisan wax xuduudaha Soomaaliya ka shisheeya, mana doonayno in inoolaka arrimiyo oo uu go'aankeenu ku xirnaado dad kale oo aan dalkan u dhalan badaha dabadoodana jooga", ayuu yiri sarkaalkani".


"Inkastoo go'aankani uu marxalad adag kusoo aadayo hadana waa mid laga maarmaan ah, sababtoo ah horay ayaan isdul huwanaan ugu soo fashilanay intaan ka badanna la isma saarnaan karo, waxay ku haboon tahay in la kala fududaado oo intii isku ujeedo talo wadaag ah ay isla jaanqaadaan" ayuu k daray hadalkiisa.

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^ I care about all of somalia and somalis. Especially those who've been occupied by druglords flaunting as sheiks. They inshallah will have their own adminstration with no trace of the cirfo's, deylaaf's, indhacadde's, dhuxuloow's of the world.

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^^^^Why should one not care about lower Shabbele.

Anyhow alleged drug baron IndacADE is no where to be seen, alos its quite sick they would blame the confused youth and not the man who started this whole war and then ran away with his deputy to Jeddah..


Also there is no place for Dhuxulow,Cirfo, Sharuup, IndaCade, Daylaaf & others in the future of lower Shabbele.

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The important thing is, the ICU will adapt and make corrective measures. It's healthy and natural to have minor disputes sometimes.

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The cause of a Defeat is not a minor issue.I don't know how any foot soldier can be blamed as in the case of the shabaab.Its the commanders that are to be blamed for they neither stood their grounds nor tasted the heat of the battles.When one is led by a Hypocritic coward,what will one expect than doom,the very doom they all got.


Taako is right,the Clan courts are absolutely liquidated.

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anyhow the whole point the islamic courts disbanded was because they had elements within them who, praise to be god have been cut off.


there is no time for talking or trying to make peace when you are in this situation, this literally mounts to giving up.


the shabaab are right.

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I told you this many times already, the ICU cannot agree on a strategy because it is made up of two groups, one which is really extreme and hardline and the other one which is more moderate and restraint.


International Jihadists such as Al-Itihad group which is what essentially Al-Shabaab is and the Muslim brotherhood or Ikhwaanis/Qutubis cannot go hand in hand together and work out a strategy that will satisfy both.


The first group is a radical one, which shares ideology with Al-Qaeda and killing all kaafirs and no to negotiations and killing people on suspicoun, they're very young and not very well educated in Islaam, trust me you don't want to be in their company.


Whilst the second group is educated more intellectual but the problem with them is that they introduce many innovations to the deen which is again detested by the radicals who themselves have gone astray of the righteous path themselves.


They cannot be consolidated as they do not share the same viewpoints and strategies of to best establish a real and viable islamic state, simply it was doomed to fail and it did fail.


I was saying long time ago that both sets of groups don't even talk to each other nor do they sit together to the contrary they ridicule each other and I told and asked the gallery 'How can those folks fight together for the same cause if they harbour so much hatred for one another'?


I was astonished when I first heard that they merged together it was a surprise to me and never thought that Al-Qeada will approve of such kind of deal but I was proven wrongly there but anyhow the devisions soon couldn't be overlooked and thus the recent public split although in private the split occured a long time ago when the Shariif was put to a side by the mighty Aweys and his Al-Qeada branch of the ICU, who are extremly rough and violent and in short lacking any attitude or behaviour that would link them together with the previous sunnah and salaf of this religion. They approve and practise of killing, first shoot and ask questions later, the target of innocent people, suicide bombings and killing people on public transport and hijacking areoplanes and crashing them into high buildings.


In fact this sort of radicalism is alien towards islaam and sometimes I believe it is supported by the secret services of the Mossad, CIA and SAS and their likes.


Islaam is not that and because there are misleading individuals who spread a false belief to the young and radicalise them and give them the hope that 'they're indeed the generation that will bring about the much loved Islaamic state' etc but they don't tell me that they're indeed leading them astray.


Young folks that are not educated jump to the guns and say that they're doing Jihaad for the sake of Allaah the glorified but they're not doing sometimes what they think they're doing, in fact in some cases they even aid the kufaars.


However the niyyah or intention works and we ask for them to be forgiven as their ignorance is the reason to why they believed they were actually doing good but it has misfired.


Global Jihaad is simple, for that you need one authority and leadership an Amiir after that you need a common aqeedah or belief that's why it is required for the ummah to repent, educate and purify themselves and after that to prepare themselves fully for Jihaad in the best of their ability.


How can we wage global Jihaad when we're buying our weapons from the kufaar themselves, can you see the irony?


This guys that are shouting 'death to the west' get their weapons from the west, isn't that something that is contradicting itself? Pure paradox I say.


What we need as a ummah is that we produce our own weapons inshallah and not to rely on kaafirs, who even have developed ways in which to make weapons defect if they fall in the 'wrong hands'.


You need specific bullets and if the previous ones run out what are you going to do when the enemy says 'no more'?


I want a bullets factory in Islaambad, a weapons factory in Cairo, a tank factory in Madinah, a mortar factory in Mogadishu, a plane factory in Malaysia, a war ship carrier factory in Indonesia etc only if we're self-reliant can we compete with the others on world domination.


Where have you ever heard of a superpower buying its weapons instead of producing it itself. Why is the US so powerful? Because they produce their weapons which are more technological advanced then other nations and because they have the capital to buy the most intelligent and innovative techniciasn out there that will deliver for them. They're a economical powerhouse with a good education system in which they bring out the most brightest in any kind of field and if they do not existed they bring them over from overseas, simple.


Even Cumar bin Al-Khattaab brought a persian named Lula may he be cursed as he killed the righetous khaliif but the reason to why he was brought was that he knew how to make exceptional swords and because there wasn't anyone who had the same skills at him, so we need to stop listeing to those ignorant extremists that only know how to go to wars without a long term strategy, simple they're supported by the enemy of this religion without them even knowing it and because they're confused.


Well that's my take at the situation and nobody can disagree with it inshallah (that's if you're totally sane ofcourse).

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They inshallah will have their own adminstration with no trace of the cirfo's, deylaaf's, indhacadde's, dhuxuloow's of the world.

Right! Administration headed by the cousins of Idmaale Editor. Not too long ago, TFG was casting the same blame on Geedi and tried to rid him until Meles, the Tigrayan savior of TFG showed up.

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to say our intentions are just in somalia is wrong because the enemy who just toppled you also occupies a large swath of muslim territory.



if you read the article again they say the people who are causing this trouble is people who are after a land that is not part of somalia i.e. 0gaden, somaaligalbeed.


we all know the backbone of the UIC is al-itihaad and they were formed to liberate that land.


the argument that states you need a leader to wage jihad is used by the saudi govt to save their monarchy so don't bother with that one.


there some countries who don't care who they sell arms too but do it to make a profit, like ukraine,russia,yemen


where do you think the arms that are sold in the bakaara market comes from?


anyway I doubt the authenticy of this article as a real somali person would not say this let alone ICU commander


" Ma lihin dan dhaafsiisan wax xuduudaha Soomaaliya ka shisheeya, mana doonayno in inoolaka arrimiyo oo uu go'aankeenu ku xirnaado dad kale oo aan dalkan u dhalan badaha dabadoodana jooga ", ayuu yiri sarkaalkani".


Me thinks that is a direct reference to Sh. Xassan Turki.


the shiek comes from the tribe of ********* and was a former soldier of the somalian army.


[ March 01, 2007, 12:06 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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