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Conflicting reports about the health of our Great President Adan A Osman

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adan_ade.jpgThe greatest leader in Somali history


I woke up today to news of the death of Somalia's first President of Somalia Adan Abulle Osman. I searched the net for any news on this terrible event and I found contradictory claims. It seems that his demise was reported prematurely and now many sites are reporting that he is alive and is alltogether doing better.

My prayers to him, may Allah restore his health.



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WAR DEG DEG: Prof. Dufle oo oo beeniyay geerida madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya.

22. Maj 2007


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Gelinkii hore ee maanta waxaa soo baxday warar sheegaya in Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan (Aadan Cadde) uu ku geeriyooday isbitaal ku yaala magaalada Nayroobi, warkaas oo ay faafiyeen qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta Soomaaliya hase ahaatee daqiiqado ka hor ayaa Prof. Cusmaan Xaaji Maxamuud Dufle oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan sida gaarka ah ugu dhow dhow Aadan Cadde waxaa uu sheegay ineysan geeridaas jirin balse, Aadan Cadde uu ku jiro xanaanada gaarka ah ayna ku xeran yihiin mashiino neefta soo celiya.


Dr. Dufle wuxuu diiday wararka ay faafiyeen warbaahinta Soomaaliya balse qiray in waaberigii saakay Aadan Cadde neefta ay ku dhegtay kadibna la geeyay Isbitaal, wixii war ahna ee ka soo baxana dib uu ka soo sheegi doono.


Afhayeenka Guddiga dib u heshiisiinta Qaran C/qaadir Maxamuud Walaayo ayaa isagoo ku hadlaya codka Guddoomiyaha dib u heshiisinta Qaran tacsi u diray eheladii iyo umada Soomaaliyeed isagoo ugu tacsiyadeynayey geeri uu sheegay walaayo iney ku timid Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya, balse beenintan ayaa timid saacado kadib.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali

AllPuntland, Muqdisho

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Dhimashada Aadan Cadde oo la beniyay

22 May 22, 2007 - 7:46:28 AM


Ehelada Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Soomaaliya Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan ayaa beeniyay in uu geeriyooday iyagoo sheegay in xaalada caafimaad ee Aadan Cadde ay iminka tahay mid wanaagsan.


Faadumo Aadan Cadde oo ah gabar uu dhalay Madaxweynihii hore ayaa sheegtay in uu aad u wanaagsan yahay aabaheed isla markaana iminka uu ku jiro qolka xanaanada gaarka ah.


Prof. Cusmaan Xaaji Maxamuud Dufle oo aad ugu dhow Aadan Cadde kana war haaya xaaladiisa ayaa sheegay in geerida Madaxweynihii hore Aadan Cadde aysan jirin balse uu jiro in neefta ay ku dhegtay saakay waabarigii haatana ay ku xeran yihiin mashiino neefta soo saarta.


Warbahinta Muqdisho qarkood ayaa maanta baahiyay in uu geriyooday Madaxweynihii ugu horeeyay ee Soomaaliya Aadan Cadde, iyadoo warbaahinta tacsi loogu diray ehelada iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed isagoo nool Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya.


Cali Muxayadiin Cali,Muqdisho

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I'm praying to allah that Yeey the vampire does not attend his funeral....I am so 100% sure that Mr Osman wouldn't want, for baby killers and stooges like AdeerKEEN the vampire, at his funeral....

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^^^Adan Cade is not dead yet so planning for his funeral is quite wrong and insensitive. The old man is ill so lets pray for his recovery rather than scoring some silly political points.

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again, I hope he makes that decision will only boost his stand with the Somalis everywhere.....I hope he says that....and am like every somali in every conner of this world praying for his speedy recovery...

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