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The khawarij and extremism in takfeer

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^Come on 'Abdur-Rahmaan Abu Zubayr sounds so much more fitting for a Muslim international outlaw than Roobow! Jihadis care about image too yo! No street cred with Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri and co!

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As Somali religious scholars apply theological pressures, the goons of alshabaab sect are begining to feel the heat. The recent pilgrimage season produced a profitable consensus amongst Somali scholars from various regions and countries on the need to confront the takfeeri menace that is plaguing Somalis lands. Today the only lone mufti wanabe left to concoct theological basis for the killing spree which alshabaab undertake in the areas they exist is a fellow named Hassaan. Sh. Ummul, equipped with far reaching Islamic knowledge and solid status of being a dacwa man has successfully eclipsed the likes of Hassaan. He fired his first salvos in his live lecture broadcasted in Seattle Washington, emphasizing the sacredness of Muslim life, and life in general, and the impressibility of taking it out with no legitimate authority sanctioning it.


Also one can listen Sh. Ali Warsame’s guidance from Burco, Dr. Ahmed Haji’s from Boosaaso, and other prominent scholars from abroad.


Godane may have good intentions to establish Islamic Khalifah, but good intentions are not sufficient when it comes to matters regarding religion and jurisprudence. He is an armed takfeeri man, killing good Muslims because he deems them murtadiin…may Allah guide him to he right path.

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^A little late in the day. It's gonna take some time to swing this ship around even if Shariif's TFG can get things moving in the right direction (which it isn't currently). And this virus can never be fully eradicated once it has taken hold.

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It’s a bit too late, I agree. But one needs to keep in mind the Somali masses has yet to accept this takfeeri group and would turn on them if the opportunity arises. The scholars are providing the religious basis for rejecting this group’s ideology of takfeer and bombing, something no any other authority can provide. If they keep up the pressure, the pendulum can be swung again.


The TFG leadership has completely failed and lost its focus on confronting the armed opposition. They have been outmaneuvered in every aspect of this conflict. Sharif and his team started good but lost the ball although their latest pronouncements sounded strategically viable. But all is not lost, and this group can be stopped.

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That these anarchist deviants can be stopped is not the issue here. The issue here IS, there isn't yet a viable authority who, with the people's mandate and support, are ready and capable of wiping these deviants off the face of the Somali Republic.


We need genuine leaders who can inspire hope in our people once again. Not these incompetent fools that currently call themselves the transitional Federal Government!

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