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Sharif Xasan no longer Speaker of TFG : according to constitution..

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Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka DFKS Shariif Xasan oo si sharciya u dhumiyey Jagada Guddoomiyanimada

Posted to the Web Nov 05, 15:40



PP:-Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliyeed Shaiif Xasan Sh.Aadan ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in uu Dalka ka maqan yahay mudo Labo Bilood iyo bar,hadaba Sharciyaaqanada ayaa ku doodaya,in sida ku qoran Dastuurkii Soomaaliya ee lagu mira dhaliyey dalka Kenya uu qeexaya in Guddoomiye Shariif Xasan Wadanka uu ka maqnaan karin muddo intaa le'eg.


Hadaba Axdi-Qaramadeedka ayaa lagu xusay in Masuulka ugu sareeya ee Dalka uu yahay Madaxweynaha,tan ku xigtaana ay tahay Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaamka Soomaaliya ,islamarkaana aysan Dalka gudihiisa ka maqnaan karin Labadoodaba mudo 45-Cisho ah,in ka badan,hadii ay ka maqnaadaana mudadaas Dalka ay luminayaan Xilalka ay hayaan ,waxayna Xilkooda dib u hanan karaan oo keliya inay ansixiyaan tiro Baarlamaan oo cadadkoodu yahay 189-cod.


Hadaba Sharciyaqaanada ayaa ku doodaya in aan waqtigan-xaadirka,aan loogu yeeri karin Shariif Xasan Magaca Gudoomiye Baarlamaan maadaama uu Dalka ka maqan-yahay in ka badan 45 Cisho,ayagoo tixraacaya Axdi-Qarameedkii lagu ansixiyay Magaalada Eldoret ee Dalka Kenya.


Hadii la tixraacayo Dastuurka u degsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa halkaas kacadaanaya in uu Shariif Xasan uu lumiyay Xilkii Gudoomiyanimada ee uu u hayey Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya,balse ay u soo hartay oo keliya Xubin-nimada Baarlamaanka oo kelya.


Shariif Xasan ayaa isagu waxaa uu caado ka dhigtay badanaa in uu Carabka ku adkeeyo in uu ilaalinayo Sharciga iyo Dastuurka Soomaaliya, eeda kalena uu dusha uga tuuro Madaxweyne Yuusuf iyo Raysal wasaare Geedi,balse is weydiintu waxay tahay Shariif Xasan ma aqbalayaa marka hore in uu lumiyay Xilkii Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ? maadaama uu noqday xubintii ugu horraysay oo heer Qaran ah oo jebisay Xeerka Dastuurka Soomaaliya.


Xuseen Yaasiin Gode-Gode

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Does the Sharif care? Does Col Yeey care? None of these men who hold such fancy titles like 'president' and 'speaker' know or care for anything regarding the very constitution they signed. Secondly, Sharif represents a group of Somalis. Its beyond obvious to anyone who's been watching Somali politics in recent months that the Sharif and his Muqdisho wing have lost plenty of ground and momentum to Jowhar. They failed to make use of the anti-Ethiopia europhia following the Parliament fiasco in Nairobi. They failed to fulfill their 30-point peace plan for Muqdisho. They even failed in maintaining the MPs they had in Xamar - and the biggest blow was Boqorre's desertion.


What I'm saying is that what we have here are two opposing rebel groups: Jowhar v. Muqdisho. If we get into technical debates about the laws they signed, then they've all done wrong - one way or another, starting with the sudden relocation of Somali capital to Jowhar (for plausible reason, of course). So, in a real democratic system, the TFG's top leaders would be found guilty of treason and breaking the law. But, once again, must I repeat the reality in Somalia: man with the bigger gun wins. And Sharifka has guns from Baydhabo to Marka to Muqdisho. Puntlandpost, HorseedNet and the rest can type fancy articles about technicalities but the reality is there: Jowhar calls Qanyare "security minister." But he flat-out says "I don't recognize Geedi or Yeey." So where's this gov't? It only exists online and in Jowhar offices.

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^^ Of course everone cares. The Sharif talks about the constitution and his supporters talk about the constitution. With out them reading the text. Now according to the constitution he no longer is the Parliment speaker..


Anyhow its over for Sharif, he is the man who estimated the vote of the parliment. His two deputies and more than 180 MP's are either in Jowhar or on route.

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