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General Duke

You have lost...give it up

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The Djibouti agreement is a landmark moment on the quest we have embarked to regain our national government.


Regardless of all the fantastical talk from the opposition it is clear that they have failed in their “armed struggle”. Today they have less meaningful territory than they had since their defeat. In fact they are splintering into various desperate groups at odds with each other leaders and without a clear chain of command and purpose.


Their war has been successful in projecting to the rest of the war that things are as they have been in Somalia, violent, chaotic and unforgiving. Outside that simple perception which is consumed like honey by the western media the truth could not be more different.


Today a national government recognized by the majority of Somali people is in the seat of power. It is becoming more entrenched in Mogadishu, and no matter how many mortars and bombs both conventional and otherwise are sent, no matter how many officials are assassinated and no matter how much wailing is done and how many demonstrations it has not gone away, fled disappeared into the night.

Its not religion of Jihad that has given them courage it is the example of history. In 1991 street battles in Mogadishu chased toppled Siyad and dismantled the structures of power.

Between 1991-1994 Ali Mahdi, and UNISOM were again brought to their knees by violent armed struggle. Then came toothless Abdiqasin who instead of taking a stand joined the gangs who by this time became much more sophisticated and entrenched.


The TFG has proven to be tenacious and has outmaneuvered these groups at every turn. The frustrations is evident in the language used. These groups who have occupied and drank innocent blood for 17 years now issue Fatwas and declare themselves “Mujahids” while others are all criminal, treacherous and “non belivers”. T

The funny thing is that they do this from Asmara and now their Amir has signed a deal with the devil.


So all of Somalia want peace but Xasan Dahir, Ahmed Diriye and some clan based websites. Funny

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Originally posted by General Duke:


So all of Somalia want peace but Xasan Dahir, Ahmed Diriye and some clan based websites. Funny

Aside from the patriotic/peace loving people over at Puntland who else wants peace? Its bunch of Looters and clueless separatists are left together. C'mon now...

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They said they would crush the resistence but today they run for cover in just about all the town in south Somalia.


They said they would not negotiate with the resistence until they put their guns down but ended up calling for peace talks!


They said they would not negotiate on the Ethiopian withdrawal but are now biting their nails for 4 months.


The airport is still being bombed giving the 'president' a close shave when he departed for that peace conference :D


A C4 programme exposes the realities on the ground and just how toothless the TFG really is.


2 weeks has now been 18 months and no signs of a let up from the resitence icon_razz.gif

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Somali insurgents kill 9 after rejecting peace deal 11 Jun 2008 08:43:31 GMT

Source: Reuters

MOGADISHU, June 11 (Reuters) - Somali insurgents killed five officers and one civilian in an attack on a Mogadishu police base, witnesses said, hours after rejecting a U.N.-brokered peace deal for the Horn of Africa nation.


That attack, and two other insurgent killings in Baidoa and Mogadishu, brought to about 40 the number killed in an increase in fighting since the weekend between allied Ethiopian-Somali security forces and Islamist-led insurgents.


Witnesses said five bodies lay in the street after insurgents opened fire on Tuesday night at a police base -- a typical attack in an Iraq-style campaign of hit-and-run raids, bombs and assassinations.


Police confirmed the other fatality in that incident.


The attack came after Islamist hardliners Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys and Sheik Hassan Abdullah Hersi al-Turki -- who are both on U.S. and U.N. lists of al Qaeda associates -- rejected a peace deal signed in Djibouti.


Under U.N. mediation, the pact was agreed by representatives of Somalia's government and some members of the exiled opposition Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS) late on Monday.


But with militant ARS members, and insurgents on the ground, scoffing at the deal, analysts say it will have negligible impact on the fighting on the ground.


Aweys and Turki both encouraged insurgents to keep attacking the government and its Ethiopian military allies.


Insurgents also killed a policeman and a taxi-driver in the provincial town of Baidoa, where Somalia's parliament sits, on Tuesday night. "They came from an alley and fired at the taxi," said witness Hawa Farah.


And in Mogadishu, suspected insurgents shot dead a tax-collector on Tuesday night, residents said. (Reporting by Abdi Sheikh and Ibrahim Mohamed; Writing by Aweys Yusuf; Editing by Elizabeth Piper) (For full Reuters Africa coverage and to have your say on the top issues, visit: (, +254 20 2224717)

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At this moment and time for the sake of a lasting peace IA Aweys and Turki have to accept and honor the agreement and see if the tfg and its amhar were honest on their side. Three months is tomorrow!

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Northerner, again your few cents do not add up to much here.


You are as ill informed as that tabloid programm on C4. Its like when the daily sport tabloid stated that Somali's in South east London had eaten all the donkeys, thus the reality is, the oppositions greatest leader signed an agreement with a toothless government?


Give us a break lads, you have lost.


Xasan Dahir, IndaCade and Co can do nothing, let alone some ill informed out of touch secessionists taking their notes from a western jouranlist who at times reported Somali's eat donkeys. :D

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ Ilaahow nin jaahil ha cadaabin.

Ilaahow nin naive oo niyad-fiican ha cadaabin

What can I say than say thats typical Kashafa. Kaligii Saxsane, Kaligii Muslim. Adeer, the true is the vast majority of the nation seeking peace with itself and by any means necessery.


PS. Maalmahan afsomaligii si fiican ayaad u baratay ma istiri ninyo. hambalyo! smile.gif

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Duke, your input is very factual, truthful and does faithfully represent a complete picture of the double-faced gangs in Mogadisho.


Thanks for ur analysis.

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^^^You welcome it was a rush job but truth is truth.


Secessonists seem more angry than uausal, some are clapping for Djibouti's defeta what in the world?

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Again, what have they gained since their attack on Baidoa in December 2006?

They lost all important territories, logistics and man power.

They lost their cash cows notably sea and airport of Mogadishu.

Yes they caused mayhem and used all avenues to regain their lost possessions. They have cloaked themselves under religious garbs and have gained a following among gullible clan loyalist and brainless others who have been sold the big lie.

Forget liberation they are not coming back, every day their news media has a success story, another assassination another bombing another threat. The capture of an important village. And when dawn breaks they cry out, civilians have been killed, market has been burned. The loudest cries are reserved for their militia’s deaths and the loss of their economic dominance.

Theirs is a religious movement based on telling lies. They fight the infidel while working for one. They make guerrilla attacks inside the capital, send mortars into heavily populated areas, use children as bombs and their supporters and accomplices cry out about civilian deaths and massacres, never once conceding that their actions are the main cause for the suffering.


Every peace initiative they cry out, lie after lie, threat after threat. And who were the first to go into exile when the bullets came.

Abu Manssur, Suuley, Xasan Dahir, Inadace and yet they make the most threats.


Keep making threatsyour days are numbered. Northerner don’t convince me adeer, go speak to Sheikh Sharif and Janagow.

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