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ONLF reprisals against Puntland arrive in the form of Poetry

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Warku waa suganyhay, LS. Wiilasha la qabtay waa laguu yaqaan. Kama aysan tirsanayn urur. Siyaasadna lug kuma lahayn. Hadday noqoto ururka ONLF, sida lawada ogyahay waa urur caalmi ah meel walbana xafiisyo ku leh. Waa urur ku leh xafiisyo dalalka reer galbeedka oo dhan sida Marykan, Ingiriiska iyo Jarmalka, haddaba ma PL ayaa kala saaxiibsan Itoobiya maraykanka iyo Ingiriiska?


Taasi jawaabteedu waa maya haddaba niman adduunkoo dhan xafiisyo ku leh oo aan cidina ku aabyoon maxaa PL ku kallifay inay qabqabato?


Runtii waa arin u baahan in loo kuur galo kistoo aan la ogaan karin tahayna arin ka fog runta iyo maslaxadda.


Dhagarta uu cadawgu la damacsanyahay PL waa in wax garadka beesha iyo cuqaashu ka hortgaan, aan k ahayn fidno, dagaal ehli iyo hoog badan ka waaarsan mayso.

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People from Puntiland should not feel the need to defend the actions of the “government” when it is so out of line and wrong. ONLF has no fight or problems with other Somalis, so if we are not going to aid them, we should not hinder them.


I am sure the normal Puntiland civilian has been caused embarrassment and discomfort by these arrests. Talking about kicking an entity when they are down.

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I am never in favour of political gunnimo ina awoowow. If this is the true as many argue then this is a political gunnimo at first rate. I am sure Odey Xiin will agree.


Insha Allah, xaq will prevail.



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LST summed it up wisely. The actions of few must not be taken to blame the good people of Puntland.


Yet, the poem posted is relevant as long as its literary merits are concerned. Not that i agree with the composer. Look how it rings well when he says "dhabayac low kuusan" to the PIS guys who snatch innocent young men from their homes daily! :D:D:D Tantalising piece! Xinn comes to mind.

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^Heard from the camel's mouth? I would not suspect ineey run tahay. Horeey u dhacdey. Waxa PISta loo baabi'in la'yahay is biggest problem with me.


Yee hoos yimaaddaan?

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Puntland media ayaa sheegi lahaa haday waxaan dhab tahay.


Meeye horseedmedia, puntlandpost, allpuntland, garowe-online, radio las canood, dhahar radio, sbc, etn?


Meeye kuwi la yaqan? All puntland ayaa ka jawabtay ariintan iyo waxba kama jirto. Believe me bro puntland media are one of the few media outlets that say whatever happens.


They are not a media that hides stuff, before onlf that have been arrested have been reported all over puntland media, but when it's not true they don't report it.


So this onlf propaganda against puntland needs to stop, this is not the first time the onlf mouth piece has lied against puntland. This is now the second time.


What is their agenda? that is what garowe is trying to figure out.


Libaax was spot on saying PIS even harass ppl in bossaso, it is not like their simply against onlf.

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

Warkani war la hubo ma aha ee yaan lagu degdegin. Hadiise ayba dhacday oo tuugada loo yaqaan PIS ay lacag ku raadsatay dhallinyaradaan dhibaatayntooda, yaan shacabka reer Puntland lagu eedayn falxumada arxandarrada ah ee ay PIS maalin walba ku samayso shacabka reer Puntland iyo walaalahooda ONLF.


Mr. Somalia, awoowe you need to calm down.


In 2003 markii Hargeisa lagu qabtay 21 nin waa tii humanrights activists laywer u qabteen ilaa Court la geeyay deedtana la iska sii daayay dhamaan. And that was just imprisonment/detention of young men from Kilka 5aad.


But what is happened in Bosaso now and Galkacayo before is 100% worse. These are abductions, beheadings and now Abu Qurayb fiasco.


Awoowe, you can push this to the PIS group but that is just the tip of the iceburg. Dadkii ka dhiidhiyi lahaa halkee joogaan? Xataa ugu yaraan, xaquuqda aadanaha (humanrights activists) cid u dooda Puntland ma laga helayaa?



Originally posted by J11:

^Heard from the camel's mouth? I would not suspect ineey run tahay. Horeey u dhacdey. Waxa PISta loo baabi'in la'yahay is biggest problem with me.


Yee hoos yimaaddaan?

Listen to Faroole's speech on 21/Oct.

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The O's are livid because they naively think puntlanders are closer to them than Somalilanders, by way of primitive lineage counting.


The fact is that sell outs among all Somali's value political self-preservation and access to pilferages than kinship or other considerations. What the PL adminstration is doing is not different than what Ina-Iley and Da'ud are doing in Somali Regional State. However, it inflcits more pain as it gives the impression that all Somali's are conspiring against their relatives whose only crime is to seek self-determination and to cling to their identity.


False O clan activits are taunting the ONLF and the freedom loving supporters daily by painting the actions of Somaliland and Puntland as manifestation of the low calibre of the O leadership. They urge ONLF to succmb to the whims of Meles, thereby getting rid of the Somalinimo ambition, and reap as reward oppressing the people of the Land's with the borrowed might of Axmaaro.


Only shallow-minded individuals will fall for this cheap trap.

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^You got it. Remember these admins in regions all over the place, their legitimacy depends on 'exclusivity', a sort of meme or mimic of statehood. Marka on every side dadkaa ku hawlan sidii ummada cadaawad iyo cqudad ugu beeri lahaayeen, so that they can sway the masses to their ill-gotten causes. In Puntland, Somaliland and the Somali state region have full time fake activist oo dadka kala dila.



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I can assure you I personally fight the idea of creating enemity between the brotherly Somali people on all sides. I can't say too many people agree with me from those I daily confront,though.


I wouldn't go down well with those who are losing their boys as the result of the illegal renditions, and the more it continues, the more will the xumo-wadayaal thrive.


But, I also relish the funny side of this confrontation and the sterotyping. It is easy to see it is gross generalisation, but so was what Sayid Mohamed used to say about clans too.

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Nin reer Somali sax ah oo Dawrwaa la yiraahdo ayaa arrimaha noocani ka yiri:


Waxa igu adkaatoon sidii Fiinka uga ooyey

Aqalkaaga ruux kuugu yimi IIBI waa halise

Agoon aabaheed (Somalia) weeydayood geeri ku oga.atey

Umeeydaan arxamin iyana weey aaasan karayaane

Rag kolkeey afduubaan sidii adigu aad yeeshay

Erga yow ugu tegi waa suaal adiga kuu taalle

Odeyaal ma loo diri karaa Ooga iyo Faafan?

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Dhacdooyinkan soo noqnoqdey ee Maamulka PL ku ka cayo ma aha mid been abuur ah balse waa mid caddeymaheeda iyo markhaatigeeda leh waxaana ugu danbeeyey shanta wiil ee reer oga'deniya ah ee wayaanuhu xabsiyada Boosaasoo kuqaawiyey sawiradana ka qaatey sidii Abu-qareybkii ciraaq, madaxoodiina gacanta wayaanaha lagu wareejiyey. Waxaa ka horeeyey labadii wiil ee suuqa Gaalkacyo badhtankiisa lagu ugaadhsaday ee midna meyd ahaan isagoo gawracan looga tagey midkii kalena aan laheyn meydkiisii xataa si eheladiisii si wanaagsan ay ugu aasato. Waxaa ka horeeyey Wiilki suuqa Boosaaso lagu toogtay, ka dibna dad boqol kor u dhaafaya oo qaxooti ah loo xidhxidhay si arinta qiiq loogu qariyo. Waxaa ka horeeyey tii garoowe ee Dhiirre Caafi iyo Cabdi-nur sooyaan wayaanaha gacanta loogu galiyey. Waxaa jira dhacdooyin waxyeelooyin oo aan halkan lagu soo koobi karin oo waxyeelo dad badan loo gaystay.


Dhacdooyinkaas oo dhan intii Maamulka PL ee uu ugu dambeeyo maamulka Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ay kula ka cayeen shacabka Soomaalida Oga'deeniya wuu ka sii jeedey isaga oo dulqaad doorbidey tixgalinayeyna darisnimada, Islam-nimada iyo Soomalinimada balse waxaa cadaatey iney u fasirteen dulqaadkii shacabka reer Ogaa'deeniya dad aan dareen laheyn kana danqan heynin xumaanta loo geysanayo. Arrintani waxay keentey in Cabdiraxmaan Faroole si badheedh ah ugu dhawaaqo in shacabka Soomaalida Oga'deeniya aysan aheyn Soomali isaguna uu yahey ruuxa qeexaya yaa Soomaali ah yaanse ahayn. Balse waxaa hoos nooga xariiqan Go’aanka Maamulka PL ee Cabdiraxmaan Faroole qaatey oo ah cadaawada aan geedna loogu soo gaban lidigana ku ah shacabka Soomaalida Ogaa'deeniya, Colaaddaas uu qaatey Cabdiraxmaan Faroole iyo PL ayaa innoo wada go’aan ah.


Cid aan dhul laheyn Soomaali ma jirto Cid aan dhulkeeda la dhex dageyneyna majirto beesha wayaanaha loo dhiibi waa tan markii aan Soomaali nahey ugu dhul balaadhan ha noqoto Soomaaliya, hanoqoto Waqooyiga Bari Kenya iyo Ogaa'deeniya intabana bulsho reer PL ahi waa laga helayaa. Hadaba, dhibaatada ka timaada ficilada xumaanta iyo naca xambaarsan waxaa dhabarka u ridan doona Maamulka PL ee uu madaxda ka yahay Cabdiraxmaan Faroole.


Gebagebadi, waxaa la gudboon Bulshada Soomaalida Og'aadeenya:


  • Ee degan ama ganacsi ku leh Degaanada PL iney si dhekhso ah uga xero gedistaan degaanka PL.
  • Iney hantidoodana uga daldashaan meelo kale, xataa haddii ay dantu ku qasabto iney ku noqdaan gumeysigii ay ka soo carareen markii hore labada geerina tan gumeysiga ayaa dhaanta haddaad Marley dhimaneysid.

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AT&T, gabaygaa dhuux. Khatimkana ka ogoow in dadkoo ceebta loo simo in ay tahay wax laga uruugoodo, inadeer. Aduun waa ciil.

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