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Somali poet marches for peace-BBC Report



Somali artists have been accused of inciting civil unrest



Somali artists have been marching for peace as faction and government leaders at talks in Kenya fail to agree the formation of a transitional government and a national assembly.



The Hadraawi Peace March, after Somali poet Muhammad Ibrahim Warsame Hadraawi, on Saturday reached the southern port town of Kismaio after covering the 500km from the capital, Mogadishu, in less than a week.


The BBC's Hassan Barisse in Somali says that in Kismaio, Mr Hadraawi, the most popular living Somali poet, told the rally not to despair as the "solution to the problems of Somalia will be found one day".


Accompanied by his fellow poets, writers and musicians, Mr Hadraawi said that the march is part of his new initiative to persuade the Somalis to forgive each other and live in together peace in their homeland.




Our reporter says that Somali artists have always been accused of inciting the civil unrest in country with their songs and poems.



I felt I lost my way and I decided to return back home where I am one of the most respected people

Muhammad Ibrahim Warsame Hadraawi



Mr Hadraawi, in his late fifties, was born in Burau in the self-proclaimed republic of Somaliland and graduated in literature and education at the Somali University in Mogadishu in the early 1970s.


A former teacher of literature, Mr Hadraawi started writing poems to protest against the dictatorial regime of Siad Barre in 1970s.


He was jailed for 10 years and when he was released he fled the country to Djibouti, Ethiopia and the UK where he continued to write patriotic songs and poems.



'Down to Earth'



The BBC's African Services regional editor, Yusuf Garaad Omar, describes him as a "very down to earth person who would talk to ordinary Somalis in the street without revealing his identity."


"He restores hope in the society and lifts the morale of people in the country which has suffered many years of civil war," says Mr Omar.


Mr Hadraawi, who has lived in the UK for the past five years, has explained to his fellow countrymen about how he felt humiliated in the streets of London, "as thousands of the British people in their cars passed him by without any of them recognising or offering him a lift".


"I felt I lost my way and I decided to return back home where I am one of the most respected people," he said.


"But, before going home, I took with me something for the Somalis".


"It is a big 800-verse poem entitled Daba Huwan (covered in the back)."


In Daba Huwan, he writes about the difficulties the Somalis experience when living abroad.




Mr Hadraawi's work is used in schools as teaching material and "he spends most of his time going around the country training and encouraging budding Somali writers and poets," Mr Omar says.



The poet is a traditionalist who even in exile managed to continue wearing his Somali traditional clothes and spoke Somali language "without an accent or mixing it with other foreign words".


In one of his most loved songs titled "Hooyo'"which means Mother, Mr Hadraawi praises women and their contribution to society.


During his peace tour, Mr Hadraawi will also pay a visit to the jail in Qansah-dhere of Bay region where was imprisoned for more than five years during Siad Barre's regime.


"I am going to visit that jail," he said, "because it is where the freedom of expression was seriously violated."


His recital tour will take him around the whole of Somalia although he himself comes from Somaliland.


"I shouldn't put myself into a small enclave when I can enjoy the life with all my people," Mr Hadraawi said.


"The country has been fragmented into pieces, and I don't want to become a part of any of the fragmented pieces, but Somalia would be my real place."

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Peace Rally in Kismayo.


July 20, 2003. HornAfrik, Mogadishu, Somalia.


Hundred of people have taken par on Sunday, in a big rally in Kismayo town, lower Jubba region, to support a prominent Somali poet, Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame Hadrawi who is currently in the town as part of his peace march across the country.


The spokesman of the Jubba Valley Alliance which controls the town, Abdirahman Ahmed Haji, said that they have fully accepted Mr. Hadrawi’s messages.


Addressing the rally, Mr. Hadrawi, has expressed his gratitude to the people of Kismayo describing the aim of his tour as an attempt to raise the brotherhood within Somali community.


During the rally, musicians have played music and poets recited some traditional poems.


Congratulations were also sent to Mr. Hadrawi and his delegations by the people of Kismayo.

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By: Ahmed Hussein Kahin



This week was of great significance in the daunting attempts at restoring peace to Somalia as the well acclaimed Somali poet and lyricist, Mr. Hadraawi, arrived in Mogadishu, his first stop on a mission named the peace march, and it is reported that Mr. Hadraawi came close to tears as he was given a heroes welcome by well wishers chanting “Muqdisho ku soo dhawoow, wiilki magac dheerayoo.” And ‘’Nin lagu seexdow ha seexan, xilbaad sidaayee ha seexan.” This respected poet is to the Somalis what Shakespeare was to the English and his poems and literary works reflect on all aspects of life such as social ills, politics, love, peace and the agony of the Somali people. Hadraawi who had last seen Mogadishu 21 years ago when it was a beautiful city and one of the most peaceful capitals in sub Saharan Africa, must have been p! rofoundly shocked to see how it was been reduced to rubble by more than a decade of factional fighting.


Like his compatriots, Hadrawi also suffered the hardships of the past turmoil and he was imprisoned by the former dictatorship of Siad Barre from 1973 to 1978 because his literary works were deemed to be anti-government by the regime. He had refused to tow the line of a dictatorship that forced all poets to compose poems and songs in praise of the regime and its leader. After his release from the infamous Labaatan Jirrow prison Hadraawi was again constantly harassed by the Barre’s dictatorship and in 1982 Mr. Hadraawi went into exile in Ethiopia but his expectations of a quick return to his homeland after the overthrow of Siad’s dictatorship suffered a set back as the country descended into factional conflict amongst the my! riad number of groups all vying for power. It was only in 1999 that the prevailing peace in Somaliland permitted Hadraawi to return back to his homeland where he settled in the town of Burao. But Hadraawi’s noble instincts told him that he could not just sit back in the relative calm of Somaliland while Somalis in other regions continued to live in anarchy. As a fellow Somalilander, I share Hadraawis view and strongly believe that we Somalilanders have a moral obligation to assist our fellow Somalis in the path to peace and the best method of trekking on this road is by restoring people to people contact and it is undeniable that no matter how much stability we have in Somaliland it is also a loss for us everyday a Somali dies of fighting in Mogadishu or other areas. The past record of the factional leaders shows that they can not be relied ! on to make the peace and what we need is peace from the people, by the people, for the people.



In this context, Hadraawis mission got off to a flying start and during his first few days in Mogadishu, the first stop of the peace march, there were many ceremonies held in honour of Hadraawi and his peace activists. These activities took place across all the divide lines of the city irrespective of the controlling faction and it is reported that Hadraawi and his peace entourage even ventured into some of the most lawless areas of Mogadishu that are controlled by freelance bandits. The warm reception that the peace movement has received in Mogadishu, a city whose residents have been deprived of the right to live in peace for the past 12 yrs, is a remarkable testimony to the fact that the people! of Somalia are craving for a return to peace. Already many people from all walks of life in Mogadishu have joined Hadraawi’s peace march and although vehicles traveling between most towns in the south require armed escort, Hadraawi and his entourage have made it clear that they will travel without any armed protection as they deliver their message of peace from to all towns and villages along the way. All members of this peace movement deserve praise for their display of courage in undertaking a mission that is full of challenges and danger but surely a noble task.


It is highly hoped that this nascent peace movement will quickly gather momentum and play a pivotal role in the quest for peace which has seemed so elusive for quite so long. For the past decade the international community’s efforts on bringing peace to Somalia have concentrated solely on convening conferences abroad for the innumerable faction leaders. Unfortunately, past experience shows that the faction leaders were able to break whatever ceasefire agreements they had signed because they had under their control fighters who had been brainwashed into thinking that their survival and that of their sub-clan was based on their ability to kill and weaken other sub-clans. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “Peace, like charity! , begins at home,” and with a peace movement on the ground the desire for peace will get the grass roots support that is so essential and as more people embrace the idea of peace it is certain that a breeze of peace will sweep through Somalia. Once the peace movement inspires in the minds of people that 12 yrs of conflict has left all of us as losers and that as Mahatma Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye leaves us all blind,” I am sure that even the faction leaders will be forced to make peace with their rivals when they see that the tide is against them and that the people they once used to carry out their violent agendas and hypnotized have regained their consciousness.


Amidst the mayhem of the past 12 yrs the peace march that began this week in Mogadishu is indeed a positive development and an encouraging sigh that we may again see the light of peace. Let us hope and pray that the long extinguished light of peace which Hadraawi and his peace activists have illuminated through the peace march will herald the first steps towards the dawn of peace in Somalia.

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^^ Thanx Bari, that was really inspiring smile.gif


This is what we should be doing, working for peace together instead of hating on each other under the direction of ruthless politicians.


Amidst the mayhem of the past 12 yrs the peace march that began this week in Mogadishu is indeed a positive development and an encouraging sigh that we may again see the light of peace. Let us hope and pray that the long extinguished light of peace which Hadraawi and his peace activists have illuminated through the peace march will herald the first steps towards the dawn of peace in Somalia.

Ameen... In Sha Allah!

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Bari_nomad! Thanks for the head up SXB! This nobel man is indeed a man with vision.


As they said "United we burgin, Divided we beg. Keep the faith.

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Thanks. If only we had people like him leading us rather then these selfish warlords we'd be much better off. I really admire him for his courage and bravery in putting his life at risk by leaving his peaceful home in Burco and marching for peace in Southern Somalia. May Allah protect him on his journey. Amiin.




"I shouldn't put myself into a small enclave when I can enjoy the life with all my people," Mr Hadraawi said.


"The country has been fragmented into pieces, and I don't want to become a part of any of the fragmented pieces, but Somalia would be my real place."

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Just so you know it, Hadrawi’s peace march is part of the reconciliation and peace process currently in due process in Kenya? It is being sponsored and promoted by international organisations operating primarily in Somaliland and Puntland. It is part of a multifaceted reconciliatory movement of reaching the issue of Somalia from angles uncultivated before.


The mission by generals presently in Puntland who will be visiting other parts of Somalia is also a part. Traditional leaders being brought to the meeting is another dimension to it. Proposed financial, economic building projects and business initiatives used an in incentive is also part of the bigger plan. Promises have been made for the leaders of Somaliland and Puntland that they are to be the first to benefit from such programs.


Rehabilitation of refugees and repatriation of asylees in Somaliland and Puntland is the initial wave of the latter approach. So there you have it. Another piece to he puzzle. So there you have it. Another piece to he puzzle.

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ABWAAN HADRAAWI: " Guul darro weyn weeye, micnana ma sameyneyso in Xamar tegisteeda ay dambi noqoneyso, Mareykanka, Ingiriiska iyo Israa'iil oo aan tagana lagu farxo"


"Waan jeclaan lahaa in aan tago xabsigii aan ku xirnaa ee Qansax dheere oo aan ku jiray muddo shan sano ah sanadka markii uu ahaa 1978-kii" =SHIR JARAA'ID=





Arbaco, 23 July, 2003


Abwaan Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame (Hadraawi) oo xalay ka soo laabtay safar dhinaca dhulka oo uu ku tegay gobollo ka tirsan K/Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa uu galabta shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Hotel-ka uu ka degan yahay magaalada Muqdisho ee Amiira.


Halkaan ka fiirso sawiro la xiriira safarkiisa


Abwaanka oo ay hareer fadhiyeen guddoomiyaha Hay'adda isku xirka nabadda iyo xuquuqda aadanaha Dr. C/llaahi Xaaji Dayib, guddoomiye ku xigeenka hay'addaas Drs. Faadumo Cusmaan Xaaji iyo weliba sarkaalka hay'addaas u qaabilsan dhinaca tababarrada iyo warbaahinta Md. Axmed Kiimiko ayaa waxaa uu ka warbixiyay safarkii uu ku tegay gobollada Shabeelaha hoose, Jubada dhexe iyo Jubada hoose, wuxuuna ku cel celiyay in socdaalkaasi uu u ahaa mid taariikhi ah oo uusan hilmaami doonin abid.


Abwaanku waxaa uu sheegay in socdaalkiisa laga bixiyay fasirro qaldan, isaga oo beeniyay hadal horay loo shaaciyay oo sheegayay in aaney soo dhaweyn fiican ka helin wafdigii uu horkacayay magaalada Kismaayo, isla markaana loo diiday in ay dadka la hadlaan, wuxuuna Abwaan Hadraawi sheegay in deegaanadii ay booqdeen dhamaantood looga soo dhaweeyay si niyad sami iyo kalgaceyl ku dheehan yahay.


Intii aad socdaalka ku guda jirtay ma dareentay wax cabsi ah ayay ahayd su'aal aan Abwaanka hordhigay, wuxuuna ku jawaabceliyay "haddii ay cabsi jiri lahayd koleyba wey I saameyn lahayd, laakin wax cabsi iyo cabsi gelin ah midna ma dareemin bal waxaa la qaadayay isbaarooyinka laga maagay ee waddooyinka yaala markii aan ku nimaado, iyadoo xitaa maleeshiyooyinku ay na ixtiraamayeen".


Siduu ahaa, maxaadse ka wada hadasheen madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Md. Aadan Cabdulle Cusmaan (Aadan Cadde) oo aad hoygiisa Janaale ku booqateen ayaan mar kale weydiiyay Abwaanka, wuxuuna mar kale yiri "marka qof madaxweyne noqdo oo uu hadana da' noqdo hadalka tirada badan wuu iska yareeyaa, sidaas darteed hadal badan oo aan is-weydaarsanay ma jirin, kaliya waan wada duceysanay si alle Ummadda Soomaaliyeed dhibaatada uga qaado, waxaase nasiib wanaagsan noo ahayd in uu noo ogolaaday in aan la kulanno".


Abwaan Hadraawi waxaa uu ka dhawaajiyay in uu aad ugu faraxsan yahay socdaalkii uu dhawaan ku tegay qaar ka mid ah gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo Shabeelaha hoose, isaga oo tilmaamay in dadkii ay la kulmayeen ay si xamaasad leh waddooyinka ugu soo dhaweynayeen isla markaana uga hor imaanayeen meelaha qaarkood, "waxaanu ahayn dowlad rasmi ah oo dalka iyo dadka dhexmareysay, laakin nasiib darro kama jawaabi karin baahida tirada badan ee ay dadkaasi u qabaan in ay helaan dugsiyo ay wax ku bartaan, goobo caafimaad, biyo, koronto, isgaarsiin iyo adeegyada kale ee lagama maarmaanka u ah nolosha aadamiga" ayuu yiri Abwaan Hadraawi oo ay socdaalkaasi ku wehliyeen ka sokow mas'uuliyiinta Hay'adda INXA abwaano caan ah sida abwaaniinta kala ah Mustafa Shiikh Cilmi, Cabdi Dhuux Yuusuf Xasan, Cabdi Muxumed Amiin, Axmadey Cabdi Gaashaan, Sahal Macallin Ciise, Maki Xaaji Banaadir iyo kuwo kale .


"dadka aanu la kulmeynay waxay u badnaayeen dad beeraley ah oo nabad la'aantu ay aad u saameysay waayo dadka beeraleyda ah wey ka nabad jecel yihiin dadka xoolaha dhaqda, tusaale ahaan dadka xoolaha dhaqda haddii nabad la'aani dhacdo xoolahooda ayay ul ku dhufanayaan meeshii nabad ka jirto ayayna ku maalayaan, laakin dadka beeraleyda ah meel ay beerahooda ka aadaan ma garanayaan" ayuu yiri Abwaan Hadraawi oo sheegay in xiligan dhulkii ay mareen uu ahaa mid barwaaqo ah oo doog leh.


Abwaan Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame Hadraawi waxaa la weydiiyay cabsida uu ka qabo in xabsiga loo taxaabo marka uu Somaliland ku laabto bacdamaa uu booqanayo K/Soomaaliya, isla markaana olole nabadeed ka wado, wuxuuna ku jawaabay "guul darro weyn weeye, micnana ma sameyneyso in Xamar tegisteeda ay dambi noqoneyso, Mareykanka, Ingiriiska iyo Israa'iil oo aan tagana lagu farxayo".


Abwaanka waxaa la sii weydiiyay markii aad soo aadeysay K/Soomaaliya fasax maka soo qaadatay maamulka ka jira Somaliland, wuxuuna yiri "fasax kama soo qaadan waayo umaba soo socdaalin meel fiiso loo soo qaato waayo dadkeyga iyo dalkeyga ayaan dhex joogaa.


Abwaanka waxaa uu sheegay in uu jecel yahay midnimada Soomaaliweyn laakin ay howl badan u baahan tahay sidii Soomaalida la isugu keeni lahaa, isagoo intii waxgarad ah ee ka damqaneysa dhibaatada Soomaalida heysatada maanta ugu baaqay in ay u sara istaagaan samata-bixinta ummadda Soomaaliyeed.


Abwaan Hadraawi waxaa la weydiiyay sababta uu u booqan waayay xabsigii lagu xiray ee ku yaala Qansax dheexe bacdamaa uu horay BBC-da laanteeda afka soomaaliga uga sheegay, wuxuuna sheegay abwaanku duruufo jiro aawgood in uusan xiligan booqan karin, "waan jeclaan lahaa in aan tago xabsigii aan ku xirnaa ee Qansax dheere oo aan ku jiray muddo shan sano ah sanadka markii uu ahaa 1978-kii, waxaana socdaalkaa iga baajiyay nabadgelyo la'aan, waxayna markii aan dadka wareystay ii sheegeen in aanan garan doonin haddii aan tago Qansax dheere is-bedelka ku dhacay aawgiis" ayuu yiri Abwaanka oo ku cel celiyay in uu goor ay ahaataba uu booqan doono deegaankaas.


"Waan aaminsanaa in sidaas iyo ka sii fiican la iigu soo dhaweynayo deeganadii aan booqday waayo dadka Muqdisho ayaaba horay iigu muujiyay kalgaceylka" ayuu ku gaabsaday Abwaan Hadraawi oo ka jawaabcelinayay weydiin ahayd ma fileysay in aad dadkii aad booqatay aad kala kulmeyso soo dhaweynta ay kuu sameeyeen.


Abwaanka waxaa la weydiiyay in socdaalkiisa uu intaan ku kooban yahay iyo in kale wuxuuna yiri "socdaalkeyga dhinaca dhulka wuu sii soconayaa, waxayse ku xiran tahay Hay'adda INXA ee aan martida u ahay".


Wejiga labaad ee socdaalka nabadda Abwaan Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame Hadraawi waxaa la filayaa in uu ku wajahnaan doono qaar ka mid ah gobollada dhexe ilaa uu ka gaaro gobollada Waqooyi, iyadoo ay socdaalkiisan dhinaca dhulka kharashka ku baxaya ay bixineyso hay'adda isku xirka nabadda iyo xuquuqda aadanaha ee INXA.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Sxb thank you very much, I personally appreciate you taking the time to update us this

Nobel man's Travel.

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