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Somaliland: The New Cabinet (Announced)

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am tunning man but nothing on.. man


waar mowjadeed ka socotaa...


becarefull climbing the madaxtooyo wall, with those dacas. :D

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The Names i'm getting now by phone include:



- Dr. Gaboose - Minister of Interior

- Ahmed H Ali Adami - Minister of Defense

- Samsam Abdi Adam - Minister of Education

- Eng. Mohamed Hashi - Minister of Finance

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Here is the complete list:



Hargeysa(Waaheen)Madaxweynaha Cusub ee Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamud Siilaanyo oo shir jaraa’id goor dhaweyd ku qabtay Qasriga Madaxtooyada ayaa ku dhawaaqay Golihiisa Wasiiradda oo ka kooban 26 Wasiir, oo isugu jira Wasiiro iyo Wasiir ku xigeeno, sidoo kale waxa uu ka jeediyay Khudbadiisii ugu horeysay ee uu Qaranka u jeediyo oo uu kaga hadlay dhinacyo badan


Hadaba liiska Golihiisa Wasiiraddu waxay yihiin kuwan:-


1. Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibada iyo xidhiidhka caalamiga ah Dr: Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar


2. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha: Dr Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose


3. Wasaaradda Maaliyada Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi


4. wasaarada hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka xuseen axmed caydiid


5. wasaarada waxbarashada iyo tacliinta sare Samsam cabdi aadan


6. wasaarada qorsheynta qaranka iyo horumarinta Dr. sacad cali shire


7. wasaarada caafimaadka Dr.Xuseen muxumed maxamed


8. wasaarada gaashaanka dhiga Axmed xaaji cali cadami


9. wasaarada ganacsiga, warshadaha iyo dalxiiska Cabdirisaaq Khaliif Axmed


10. wasaarada xanaanada xoolaha, deegaanka iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Dr. Axmed xaashi odey


11. wasaarada boosaha iyo isgaadhsiinta Cabdirisaaq ibraahim maxamed


12. wasaarada cadaalada iyo garsoorka Prof. Ismaciil muumin aar


13. wasaarada diinta iyo awqaafta Sheekh Khaliil c/laahi axmed


14. wasaarada shaqada iyo arimaha bulshada Ilhaan maxamed jaamac


15. wasaarada kaluumeysiga , khayraadka bada iyo maamulka dekadaha Dr. Maxamed yaasiin xasan


16. wasaarada macdanta, biyaha iyo tamarta Dr. xuseen cabdi ducaale


17. wasaarada ciyaaraha, dhaliyarada iyo dhaqanka Maxamed xaashi madar


18. wasaarada beeraha Prof. Faarax cilmi mahamoud


19. Wasaarada warfaafinta C/laahi jaamac cismaan geel jire


20. wasaarada duulista iyo hawada Maxamuud xaashi cabdi


21. wasiir ku xigeenka waxbarashada iyo tacliinta sare Cali Xaamud Jibriil


22. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada arimaha dibada Maxamed yoonis cawaale


23. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada arimaha gudaha cismaan garaad soofe


24. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaarada hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka cali cabdi saa’iq


25. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada maaliyada warsame siciid cabdi


26. wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarad caafimaadka nimco xuseen qawdhan

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This is a joke. There already 26 Ministries and now instead of really reducing Ministries and Ministers to 15, he made the same as UDUB. And besides I thaught he was serieuz about including Sool and Sanaag people in to new administration, but this is a triangle party. Same old story, Nothing new.

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Originally posted by Chief_Aaqil:

This is a joke. There already 26 Ministries and now instead of really reducing Ministries and Ministers to 15, he made the same as UDUB. And besides I thaught he was serieuz about including Sool and Sanaag people in to new administration, but this is a triangle party. Same old story, Nothing new.

Hmmmm ,,, Again you're doing the same mistake adeer ,,

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A list full of old bitter Hargeysa tribalist. Where are the so called young and educated people on the list. Hashi(finance) and Gaboose(interior) where already Ministers, they wont add anything new. Besides Gaboose is not even a Somalilander, he is born and raised somewhere in Mudug, he doesnt even speak prober af reer waqooyi. They should have given him an aslyum status and not a Ministerial post.


Besides this is list is not balanced, its full of Hargeysa people. Where are the people from the other regions.


Silaanyo has lost my credit. You wait and see.

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Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibada iyo xidhiidhka caalamiga ah Dr: Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar



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Can u guys provide a website to show how it has been divided by clan-wise. I know u cant post it on SOL but I just want to see the clan composition of the cabinet

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Adeer go back to your original nickname and stop playing around. You're loosing it today.

Keep your sense of humor. As the Germans say, "The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."



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Originally posted by Cowke:

Can u guys provide a website to show how it has been divided by clan-wise. I know u cant post it on SOL but I just want to see the clan composition of the cabinet

We are not in Somalia adeer ........ but good you used your other name now ,,, :D

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At least 6 out of 20 Ministers are from the same clan. Even when this list is not based on experience. That is a disgrace. it doesnt show any diversity or regard for the diversity on the ground.


Silaanyo has lost the trust of many people today.

Operation DISSAPOINTMENT has started.


Its Day 1 of Operation DISS(apointment). I will keep watching and keep counting the nr of dissapointments in the first 100 days of the operation.

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