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Clanism and Tribalism in the notion of Somaliland and Puntland!

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Stoic, unless you suffering clan syndrome and hate, Faisal’s comments should be intolerable, Faisal is a sick guy who believes clan supremacy.



Stoic, don’t make lies about me, Faisal’s comments are well documented, I am happy for all progress that Northwest region (=Somaliland), and I don’t see any reason I should fear the progress of any Somali region like Somaliland and Puntland, Unless Northwest (=Somaliland) commit hostilities against SSC regions.



Saaxib, you are very narrow minded because of clan syndrome , for you saying anything about clannish hater Faisal or any other war criminal, it is saying something about your Somaliland. I think you need to over clan syndrome, because I didn’t say anything about your Somaliland.



Mr Faisal is infamous for his rubbish comments that only spread hate


“We failed to secure recognition for Somaliland. Therefore, we must seek revenge[against SSC people]†these were the words of Faisal Ali Warabe


“a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.â€

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Atheer, it is Somaliland's problem if one or more regions within it (or it claims) are not interested in staying in that union

If northwest (=Somaliland) makes aggression and hostilities against neighboring regions like SSC(sool sanaag and cayn), it is not anymore Somaliland problem, the problem is Somaliland-SSC crisis, and there was never in the history a time northwest and SSC made union but there was a former British Somali colony – a product of Berlin conference 1884.

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Heh.Saaxiib, I was only trying to advice you on how to break the ice when you are engaging yourself in a civilized forum.Take one self-evident truth that all sensible people in here would agree with me that every Somali region is clan based;this is not important factor in determining who is racist/tribalistic.We are trying to ignore all the instigating factors that has to do anything with tribe.The discourse at hand here is one about excellence in people's welfare;for you to pull the clan card in a spurious way is to start a clannish animus.I must close now but before i close am impelled to mention one other point in your statement that troubled me profoundly.Saaxiib, just because i support Somaliland i am not entitled to a "Qabiilist" brand name.I am past that primitive stage of group think.

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First you need to be yourself enlightened from clan syndrome , before you post something in “civilized forumâ€. There are no justification Somaliland-SSC crisis, Somaliland should stop the aggression against Sool Sanaag and Cayn regions, you are blind when you clan-state Somaliland makes hostilities against SCC people.


You are big hypo critic, because you saying, anyone who says something legitimate about your clan-faction Somaliland or clannish lords like faisal is "Qabiilist†or pulling clan card, that shows how very narrow minded you are because of your clan syndrome.


Take one self-evident truth that all sensible people in here would agree with me that every Somali region is clan based

Interesting, accordingly you agree with Faisal comments; that he admitted the indisputable fact that Somaliland is one-clan entity, then how come north-westerners (=Somalilanders) and their leaders like Faisal want to force people from SSC like me, to accept Somaliland-one clan-entity?



Since I know that you don't have answer other than gardaro iyo dulmi. we somali before we talk about progress we need to stop hostilities and aggression against fellow brotherly somali people. We need to close the meaningless talk because it is no good.

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Okay i have detoxified myself off the clanish syndrome aat igushegeyso :D ; now would you be kind enough to stop these fragmented neurotic comments you are making?.Feisal comments are one man point of view.Unless you want to tell me that you have unfolded the conscious and unconscious thoughts of all Somalilander's; i will find your comment about Somalilander's an inconsistent morally repugnant behaviour.I do accept that SOOL and Saanag people are people governed by free will that is not only free from external coercion, but also from the internal tyranny of any sort.Now you might not get this kind of comment from other Somalilander's;i am speaking for my thoughts.

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Alla-Ubaahne, ragga qaarkii waad ka ARAGTI fiican tahay saxib. Qof qabiil mar marsiinyo u raadiyay waa qof jiran.


Inshallah dadka koonfurta hoose deggan islaamkaa u dambeyn doono maadaama qabiil isticmaalkiisa iyo daba orodkiisa waxba u keeni waayay aan ka ahayn dhibaato.


Hala arko dadkan leh qabiilbaa isticmaalkiisa dad wax taray meesha ay ku dambeeyaan.


If I can't live in Bosaso as confident as I would in muqdisho, muxuu aniga i taray qabiilkooda iyo wax ku dhiskiisa? Maamul qabiileed caddaalad ma keeno, nidaamka qabaliga ahna wuxuu u daneeyaa oo keliya cidda ka dhalatay degaanka. Dad baa mar walba dulman oo dulmi ku hoos noolaanaayo. Meel walboo qabiil awood ku leeyahay dulmigaasaa ka jiro. Muqdisho waa lagu kala cararay markey noqotey magaalo qabiileed. Meelo badanaan soo maray markii lasoo qaxay waxaanan soo arkay in haddii meel aadan ka dhalanin, ku noolaashaheeda sharaftaada iyo dad nimadaada wax u dhimeyso. Arrinta waxaa waaye, haddii la rabo soomaalida iney isla noolaato, is dhex gasho oo hal ummad iyadoo ah meel ku wada noolaato, qabiil halaga talo baxo. Haddii la diido, amaan hala ka helo. Ha anfaco qabiil dadka jecel innagana ilaahaan uga dacwooneynaa dhibaatada qabiilka.

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Faisal’s comments are not personal views, Faisal is leader of one of the leading Somaliland’s supposed political parties (actually sub-clan party): UCID party that now heading Somaliland parliament, I did not unfold nothing, but its interesting that leader of Somaliland admitted the well-known and the indisputable fact, that Somaliland is a one clan-entity.



I commend Somaliland and Puntland achievement of momentous progress in many fronts, and hope many more successes for them and other Somali regions. Somaliland and Puntland should be a good example for other Somali regions in terms of peace building. I just concerned the threat of clan-politics in these two peaceful regions.

I don’t have anything against Somaliland, and giving the credit they deserve for the progress they made. Good for Somaliland if they made progress, I only have problem with Somaliland when it comes Somaliland-SSC crisis, Somaliland can’t hide their hostilities and aggression against sool Sanaag and cayn, because there is no excuse for aggression.



I do accept that SOOL and Saanag people are people governed by free will that is not only free from external coercion, but also from the internal tyranny of any sort.Now you might not get this kind of comment from other Somalilander's;i am speaking for my thoughts.

Saaxib, the people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn are proud, brave and people and well known for their fearless freedom fighters, who cherish freedom, and fought against European colonials for more than 80 years, and will not accept a new African colonialism.


Thank you for your so-called kind words and of course you speaking for your personal thoughts. But we are not expecting anyone kind words, we suggest other north-westerners (=Somalilanders), excellent brotherly bilateral and neighborly relations between northwest (=Somaliland) and north central (=Sool Sanaag and Cayn), if not we expecting them to mind their business. BUT what’s unacceptable is for northwest (=Somaliland) to interfere the affairs of north central (SSC), by engaging hostilities and aggression against the people of SSC.

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Well said bro xoogsade


“Maamul qabiileed caddaalad ma keeno, nidaamka qabaliga ahna wuxuu u daneeyaa oo keliya cidda ka dhalatay degaanka.†Now Somaliland notion is the interest of one tribe, and the other tribes of the former British Somali colony are against the Somaliland faction because its based on xaqdaro favours one clan over others.


“Dad baa mar walba dulman oo dulmi ku hoos noolaanaayo†reer sool sanaag iyo cayn ma doonayaan inay ku hoos noolaadeen dulmi iyo xaqdaro.


“Meel walboo qabiil awood ku leeyahay dulmigaasaa ka jiroâ€

run baa sheegtay wax kasta oo ah qabiil based dulmi kama maqna,


“Muqdisho waa lagu kala cararay markey noqotey magaalo qabiileedâ€

waa xaqiiq mogadisho mar bey aheed caasimad weyn oo dhamaan umada soomaaliyeed jeclaayeeen, qof kasta oo soomaaliyeed ku riyoon jirey inoo mar ku noolaadu mogadisho gurina ka dhistu, maantana caqliga qof soomaaliyeed oo miyir qaba muqadisho kama fakaro.



“haddii la rabo soomaalida iney isla noolaato, is dhex gasho oo hal ummad iyadoo ah meel ku wada noolaato, qabiil halaga talo baxo.â€

Saasey danta dhamaan umada soomaaliyeed ku jirtaa, in qabiil llaga saaro public life ugu yaraan, oo ey somaalidy kuwada nooladaan meter square kasta oo ka mid ah Somalia .


“Haddii la diido, amaan hala ka helo. Ha anfaco qabiil dadka jecel innagana ilaahaan uga dacwooneynaa dhibaatada qabiilka.â€



Waa run, xal fiican, hadii la diido Somalia iyo in dhamaan dadka soomaaliyeed wax wada qabsadaan, amaan ha la kala helo oo cid kasta haa madax banaanatu. Saasey qabaan reer sool sanaag iyo cayn


Lakiin, yaa wax u sheegaya reer woqooyigalbeed waayo midow wey rabaan mana rabaan, waxey rabaan midow ku dhisan guumeysi gaalo iyo qabiil, mana rabaan mid ku dhisan walaaltinimo iyo wadananimo soomaaliyeed,waxey rabaan in dadkii ingriisku wada guumeestay midoobaan, waana kasoo horjeedaan in dhamaan walaalaha soomaaliyeed midoobaan, waxaasi wax shaqeenaya ma aha

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Alle-ubaahane, Soomaal, iyo Xoogsade, with all due respect, waxaan macno laheyn baad ku nuux-nuuxsanaysaan.


Su'aashu maaha qabiil iyo dhibkiis. Mas'aladu meesha taala waa maamulada ka dhisan PL & SL ma kuwo dareenka shacabka ku yimid oo xalaal ku dhisanbaa mise waa kuwo shisheeye iyo qabiil is biirsaday ku yimid oo dhib mooyee aan dheef soo wadin.


Haddii aad wax qoraysaan howsha idiin taala waa inaad arrintaas meel ka istaagtaan ee maahaa inaad ka muxaadaraysaan dhibka qabiilku leeyahay!


Waa idin sugaayaa :D , maantaa waa maalmihii layga faa'idi jirey :D !

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It is funny how some people want to blanket everything under clanism.


These same people do not recognise and will always turn a blind eye to the good intentions that Somaliland is doing in its hard efforts as to moving away from clan system and into a more democratic system.


In their demented way of thinking, these people equate the fact that the majority of Somaliland's population belong to one clan then it must be like Puntland which is officialy a one clan system and hence why Puntland claims the portions that clan resides in SOOL and SANAAG as part of their clan enclave. On the contrary, Somaliland recognises that its a a multi-clan society and thus its future lies not on clan based system, rather on multi party democratic system where clanism has no place and each person is treated indivitually under the rule of law.


However, like the legendary Bull from Doolo (Dibiga Doolood) which is said to hear nothing but bad news, and sees nothing but evil, the Nay sayers will continue to turn a blind eye to the genuine effort that Somaliland is taking. Will that matter to Somaliland? You bet not.

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it's really depressing to read this crap. the more I read about Somalia, somaliland, or anything related to Somali people, the more bewildered and disenchanted i get.


the one thing that really gets me is this:

all the Somali people from what I've read don't number more then about 9 million or less. and the size of the area where they live all together is about 637,657 km² (this info is from wikipedia, i don't know if it's right or wrong, but for the sake of argument, let's just say that relatively speaking, Somali's aren't many people, and they don't live in a big area).

now, with this in mind, how is it that these people can't come to a politically stable situation? I mean, come on! there are states that rule over hundreds of millions of people, that are made of different races, nations, counties, tribes, religions... people that have absolutely nothing in common, yet they are all ruled by a single state! there are even states that rule over more then a billion! The state in the US where I live is almost 8 million people. A single state! California is 38 million!


the political players amoung the Somali people are so incapable that they can't even come to a stable political situation after more then 10 years of conflict? I mean come on! ten years of fighting and still no winner? Where did these guys learn to fight! They they need to get new generals and commands for there armies and malitias, because whoever is been running the war for them all these years obviously knows nothing about winning a war.

My God! States loss millions of people in wars lasting less then half the time Somali's have been at it now.


why the hell can't someone just take over, and establish a damn government and get this sh!t over with. these guys in somaliland and puntland and wherever, with there nice suits and talk of democracy, instead of trying to just setup a small little government or city state, why don't they do us a favor by just take over all of Somali?


Can someone just win this war and get it over with so we can move on with our lives! anyone, any tribe or warlord, just end this sh!t and lets move on.

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My friend Suldaanka, if we are tuning into the same frequency of discussion, as self-evident nobody needs to be intellectual to figure out the basis of your argument, your three party in which each one of them represents one of your Habar-Xs has nothing to do with what you are claiming as multiclan society. In case I am sitting beside myself on this, other SOL nomads are very welcome to enlighten me!


I would be very much delighted, content and comfortable, had we at least have a collective agreement about the thesis of our debate. You and I have merely very thin influence the political discourse of the northern Somalia therefore, it would be nice if we are little bit honest to ourselves and embrace the reality.


I am no way of denial that Puntland is a clan administration.

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i see the usual daalims have come for their daily hate rituall :D


if somaliland is qabiil entity then somalia is qabiil entity, we can go all day my friends in merry go around :D


but whats important is what the facts are on the ground and that is..


somalia/puntland etc etc are lawless entities ruled by unelected zealots egomaniac warlords, where the tribe rules supercedes everything else where the large tribes kill and plunger the small tribes where the strong rule with barrel of gun, where bililiqo, abuse, piracy and mooryanism is the order of the day.



somaliland is multi party state governed by democraticly elected government with elected law makers and elected local governers :D


if our version is tribal version then we like our tribal version and am sure you guys are all contemp with your methods so let each man to his own :D:D:D

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I am sensing here the urgency of rehab for those who iska hantaataca marka runtu lama huraan noqoto WAR QUDHAC MA SAASAY ARRINI KAA NOQOTAY>

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Somaliland, Puntland, hiiraan, jowhar, baydhabo, mogadisho factions all are tribal based.


waxeena ka danbeeya cadow shisheeye Ethoipia iyo jabhadu qabiil oo madaxyihiin warcriminals is biirsaday oo dhib mooyee aan dheef soo wadin



Maamulada Qabiil ee magaca badalayna waxba kama duwana idaacadaha, Somaliland (ex SNM), and Puntland (ex SSDF+USP)

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