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Pure blood

Battle in MOG

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I don't understand why these 'brave' men who are so willing and eager to pick up a gun in the first few seconds of a confrontation, must fight in the middle of women and children




22 qof ayaa ku dhimatay in ka badan 40 kale oo ay ka mid tahay gabar yar oo 3 bilood jir dhaawac ayaa ka soo gaaray dagaalkii maanta ka dhacay duleedka Bari ee magaalada Muqdisho.


March 22, 2006. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


Dagaalkii cuslaa ee saakay ka bilowday degaanka Galgalto ee duleedka Bari ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa iminka iskiis u istaagay iyadoona uu isa soo tarayo qasaaraha dagaalkaasi uu geystay.


22 qof ayaa ku dhimatay inta la ogsoonyahay kuwaasoo 14 ka mid ah ay dhinteen saakay waabarigii kolkii dagaalka uu bilowday.


Dhaawaca la geeyay cisbitaalada Keydsneey iyo Madiina ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa gaaraya 45 oo isugu jira rayid iyo maleeshiyadii dagaalka inkastoo ay u badan yihiin kooxihii maleeshiyada ee dagaalamayay.


Aamina Sahro Macalin C/qaadir oo ah gabar 3 bilood ah jir ayaa ka mid ah dadka dagaalkaasi waxyeeladu ay kasoo gaartay waxaana gabadhaasi yar oo xabadu ay kaga dhacdey caloosha iyo gacanta midig la geeyay cisbitaalka Madiina ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Dhinacyada dagaalamaya Bashiir Raage iyo Abuukar Cumar Cadaani ayaa mid kasta goonidiisa u sheegtay in ay qabsadeen gaadiidka dagaalka ee tiknikada loo yaqaan.


Dagaalkan oo markii hore ka bilowday degaanka Galgalto ayaa ku fiday degaano kale oo ay mid tahay Bakhale iyo ceelka Cali Geedi halkaasoo kuleelka dagaalka uu ka dhacay maanta.


Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in dagaalka ay ku lug yeesheen gurmad labada dhinac ee ishaya Bashiir iyo Abuukar ay ka heleen dhinacyada lagu tiriyo in ragaasi xiriirka la leeyihiin.


Inkastoo dagaalku uu ka yara durugsanaa magaalada ayaa hadana madaafiicda iyo rasaasta kale ee faniinka ah waxaa ay soo gaareysay xaafadaha ku yaala duleedka Bari ee magaalada Muqdisho taasoo sababtay in dad badan guryahooda ay ka qaxaan.


Dhibaatada ugu badan ee dagaalkan maanta ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxeey ku dhacdey dadka rayidka ah iyadoo maanta ay xirnaayeen qeybo badan oo ka mid ah dugsiyada waxbarashada ee ku yaala xaafadaha xiga aaga dagaalku uu ka socodey.


Waxaana sidoo kale arrintaani ay sii kordhisay xirnaashihii wadooyinka qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo hore u jireen wadooyin ku xirmay dagaalkii 18-kii Febraayo ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ee dhex maray Maxkamadaha Islaamiga iyo ururka la baxay la dagaalanka argagixisada.


Ma jirto saan saan muuqaneysa oo lagu joojinayo colaada soo cusboonaatay ee ka dhaceysa duleedka Bari ee magaalada Muqdisho.

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Mr Oodweyne.


Again you mis read this whole situation. Te al-itixad movement has been around for some time long beofre people heard of the Taliban they were making operations in Somalia. Today's battles in Mogadishu has several faces, one is a power struggle between individual businesmen, such as Raage and Cadani, Mohamed Dheere Vs Shiekh Sharif and their respective groupings i.e. warlords and Courts. The warlords have wrongly sought to instigate conflict which they calculated would be short and sharp simmilar to the US operation in Iraq. However they have come against a disgruntled population and a commited enemy proped up by the remains of the strong Al-Itixad movement.


The courts were happy to bide their time, but the warlords were not as they felt isolated in their areas of control and sought to gain some international support as fighting "terror" is a lucrative business in the 21 century.


Bashir Raage's claims to be an agent of Interpol has been derided by that same organisation. His true motive was to finish of the Banadir company hence the latest battles.


The difference between this conflict or power struggle is that it is very localised, it is in Banadir and its envirions and the players in the southern areas have not been involved nor does it seem likely that they will be.


So your whole analysis of the situation is fluad, because one there is no national Islmaist movement that is trying to remove the warlords. On the contrary what we have is a group of small but battle hardened millitia on the defensive.


But who knows what tommorrow may bring..

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As usual you seem to writte long threads which could be explained in two or three lines.


Your comparison to the present tsituation to Afghanistan was wrong and your argument now that this is an ideological driven battle is also wrong.


Bashir and Abukar Cadani are Kinsmen who have had a good relation in the past. It is quite amusing that these two supported each other against their battles with Musa Sudi a number of years ago.


It is not idelogical but personel, who is the top do of the area Cadani or Raaage. So Raage uses the "Terror" card while Cadani calls Raage a stooge of the Ethiopians.


Mohamed Dheere is close to Raage who has played a part in his capture of Jowhar at the expense of the other clans of the area. His actions are to be expected. However it was the foolish moves on the part of Qaynyare, Sudi that brought the courts ito thsi conflict as well as Raage fear that Caadani might not be an easy push over.


What we have is a titanic struggle that will bring more tragedy to Mogadishu..

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^^^ Your comments long boring and absurd as usual. I am giving the facts on the ground, when does an idelogical difference emerege?


Bashir and Abukar as i stated earlier were allias against Musa Yesteday.

Mohamed Dheree and Qaynyare hated each other only two months ago today they are battling in the same alliance, so Oodweyne does that Abukar Cadani has become radicalised this year after going to the hajj and Raage has become a CIA agent the same period of time?


The courts and the warlords have lived side by side for a while, so why these battles now?


Could all this be explained by the Somali's ability to seize on opportunities and threats without differientiating them?


For Qaynyare thought the battling "terror" would bring him some advantage which on the contrary made him lose his cash cow. Musa and Raage might want to rest control of Ceel Macane so they can become the new Banadir company.


This is a battle for control and not ideology, it is more about Ceel Macane, and Dayniile air strip then "Wahabisam" and secular tendencies. It is not even about clan but the knee jerk reaction of some self made men who think they can gain an advantage.


Now Oodweyne your lack of knowledge on the ground is shown from your lengthy waffle, meaningless name dropping, and misplaced comparions to the situation to Afghanistan, hey but I Have noticed you know very little about anything..

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I am flattered that a third of your two page post was about my person. Now lets return to the topic at hand.


"....The sight of my Two Enemy fighting each to the finish, must be the answer of all those prayers that I and my blind supporters have offered to heavens for the last several years...."


Over looking your attempt at humour, one has learned from the past 15 years that these types of battles will not result in any clear winners or losers and it is the people who will pay a lasting price and the city that will have new scars.


The lasting effect of these battles on the progress of the TFG is not clear. Even though the publics appetite for war will not be increased through such actions. Nor will the WARLORDS arguments against peace keepers or reconstituting the national armed forces be enhanced.



that every warlord in Mugadisho, could easily see, that they were gradually loosing ground to this Islamic Court, including Mr. Qanyare and Mr. Suudi Yalahow; consequently, they decided to add together their collective interests and military muscle, in-order of winning against the Islamic Courts to that of Mr. Bashiir Raage, who is also loosing ground to the Mr. Cadaani(in northern Mugadisho); as well as given the fact that Mr. Cadaani is one of the most prominant Al-Itaxaad Members in that constituency - i.e., North Mugadisho's Sub-Clans



You seem to be at a loss again deciding if this is an ideological war as you claimed earlier or one based on personality. Is it a war about safeguarding personal institutions such as the air strips and natural ports. Or is it as you claimed a Taliban style whole sale takeover of by the courts? Qaynyare, Raage, and others belived they were speaking from a position of strength when they declared their own version of the war on terror. Qaynyare confidently spoke out on the media as a man who had an ace up his sleeve.


Consider also that the courts were the first to sign up to a ceasefire brokered by the cities elders. This highlights that it was not in the interest of the courts and their supporters for a full scale battle, maybe they knew the damage and that they were not capable of winning easily.



Consequently, what we have is the convergence of collective interests, namely, on one hand we have all the warlords(i.e., From Mr. Suudi Yalhow, to Mr. Qanyare, to Mr. Mahamed Dheere) all frighten of the shrinking size of their fiefdom as well as the gradual increase of the influence of the Islamic Court in Mugadisho.

No what we have is another monumental miscalculation by the warlords of their own positions and power, their arrogant belief that they could ignore the public or mislead them once again as they did with their fake roadblocks removal project and their cries of “Ethiopia is comingâ€. They wrongly assumed that they could carry their respective support bases with another cry of wolf, this time not a clan or a neighbouring state but “Terrorists in our midstâ€.


The warlords power in my opinion has never been that great however the courts will not be able to overcome them quite so easily as this would again turn into a question of clans.


In the short term the warlords will survive however the power of the Islamic movements will become stronger as time grows and will outlast the current TFG, that’s where we differ, you are looking at a very narrow time line of two or three years or within the life time of this TFG. Look beyond that and one can see these Islamic groups becoming ever more powerful in the Somali politics as the day goes and not only in Mogadishu but the whole of the republic including Hargaysa-Burco-Berbera triangle. Because what they are presenting is an alternative to the failed secular formula.


Now Mr Oodweyne lets reason together shall we. Suppose the courts do come out on top. Suppose they unite Mogadishu transform their operations and represent Islam, open the sea and airport and bring an end to the TFG. Let’s suppose then that they become the next power in the country and through their message unite the whole republic, as I know there is no room for division in their ideology. Could you live with that eventuality, because I can guarantee you I can.


Salaam to you brother..

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^^^ Mr Oodweyn, a reasonable man when he wants to be.. I still differ on a number of small point wiht you.The Courts have yet to come out of the shadows, ditch the bogymen in their midst. The Inda Cade's Co who are no more then journey men have reduced the Courts support bases in many quarters of the city.


However the courts and the new armed groups in terms of comand are led by individuals outside Mogadishu, battle hardened men who fought in Bari, Gedo and who found sactuary in the city. They have played a low key role andtried not to antagonise the warlords, until recently they chose to look away. The question is can they now find quite in Mogadishu?


Also I never for once belived the warmongers and clan supermen had the destiny of Mogadishu in their hands. For one they were very weak militarily as well as politically they never trained nor equiped their men for war but for gang land activities. They Qaynyare, Musa, and Co have never had military training and despised the old officers. Now the Courts have amongst them highly experinced and well trained individuals. So when it came gangs were no match for veterans.


Now we are in a unique situation, we have some of the most famous warlords on the back foot, the only card left to them is to declare a clan war which they probably will...

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