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O.N.L.F Statement On African Union Summit

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O.N.L.F Statement On African Union Summit


As the heads of State of the African Union (AU) convene, the O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) wishes to note the continuing suffering of the people of O'gaden at the hands of the host nation of the ongoing AU summit.


The Ethiopian regime has a well documented and systematic campaign of persecution against the people of O'gaden. This campaign mainly targeting our civilian population is deliberately concealed from the outside world as a result of the regimes policy of denying entry to all independent media and human rights investigators.


As human rights watch in it's recent report "Collective Punishment. War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in the O'gaden..." the "Ethiopian armed forces have committed numerous violations of human rights, violations of the laws of war that amount to war crimes, and crimes against humanity against the civilian population.


These have included widespread forced relocations of civilians, destruction of their villages, willful killings, and summary executions, and torture, rape, and other forms of sexual violence."


Despite widespread reporting on these war crimes only a few hundred kilometers from the seat of the AU, the body has been unwilling and unable to even send a fact finding mission under the auspices of its Peace and Security Council (PSC) to independently investigate gross violations of human rights and war crimes. Such a fact finding mission was recommended by the United Nations humanitarian fact finding mission to O'gaden in September 2007 which specifically noted the need for an "independent investigation" into the human rights situation in O'gaden. Over two years after the call for a second fact finding team focused on human rights, the people of O'gaden continue to suffer at the hands of this regime with no international action. The regime continues extrajudicial killings, torture and other war crimes targeting innocent civilians in O'gaden.



In addition, the regime continues to utilize food aid provided by the international community as a political weapon denying aid to civilians in large areas of O'gaden due to their political views.


The African Union represents a body of hope for the continent. It was founded on principles upholding the rights of all peoples to determine their political future and to live free of repression. It is therefore Ironic that the seat of the African Union is allowed to continue to pursue a policy of systematic persecution with impunity.


The ONLF calls on the heads of State attending the AU summit to recognize and address the continuing war crimes perpetrated by it's member State, Ethiopia in O'gaden. The ONLF further calls upon the African Union Peace and Security Council to immediately send a fact finding team to O'gaden in line with the recommendations of the United Nations in 2007.


The ONLF further calls on the African Union to realize an international humanitarian corridor into O'gaden to ensure that humanitarian assistance reaches the our people in a free and unfettered manner.


The AU bears a responsibility to respond to the suffering of the people of O'gaden and recognize the O'gaden conflict of one of Africa's long lasting conflicts requiring immediate international and regional intervention




O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

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ONLF oo Bayaan ka soo Saartay Shirkii Madaxda Midowga Afrika.


Waxay Jabhadda Wadaniga Xoreynta Ogadeenya ka rajaynaysaa madaxda dalalka Midowga Afrika ee shirka isugu yimid inay daneeyaan dhibka joogtada ah ee dawladda martigalisay shirkan ay ku hayso shacabka Ogadeenya. Nidaamka Itobiya ayaa olole badheedh ah oo lagu gumaadayo shacabka Ogadeenya ku qaaday, wuxuuna ka fuliyay dambiya dagaal oo diwaangashan. Ololahan ayay xukuumadda Itobiya si ula kac ah ula beegsatay dadka shacabka ah iyadoo ka qarisay indhaha caalamka oo u diiday saxaafadda caalamka iyo haya’adaha daneeya xuquuqda aadanaha inay tagaan dalka Ogadeenya.


Warbixintii ugu dambaysay ee Human Rights Watch ka soo qortay Ogadeenya ee cinwaankiisu ahaa “ Ciqaab Wadareed iyo Gaboodfal Dagaal oo ka dhan ah xuuqul insaanka ayaa ka socda Ogadeenya - War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in the O'gaden...” ayay haya’daasi ku sheegtay in ciidanka Itobiya kula kaceen shacabka Ogadeenya xadgudubya farabadan oo ka dhan ah xuquuqul insaanka kuwaasoo ku ah dambi Sharciyada Dawliga ah ee Dagaalada.


Waxaa ka mid ah xadgudubyadaa barakicin baahsan oo dadaka shacabka ah loo gaysanayo, baabi’in tuulooyinka ay dagan yihiin, dil aabayeel la’aan ah, kufsi iyo xadgudubya kale oo haweenka lagu samaynayo iyo jidh-dil.


Iyadoo ay dhowr boqol oo kilomitir u jirto fadhiga Midowga Afrika goobaha ay ka dhacayaan xadgudubyadaa, ayuuna diyaar u ahayn sida muuqata golahan inuu u diro guddi ka tirsan Golaha Nabadda iyo Xasiloonida Afrika (Peace and Security Council PSC) oo si madaxbaani ah baaritaan ugu soo sameeya xadgudubyadan loo gaysanayo shacabka.


Guddigii Xaqiiqa raadin ahaa oy Qaramada Midoobay horey ugu dirtay Ogadeenya bishii September 2007dii ayaa soo jeediyay in loo diro guddi madaxbanaan oo si dhab ah u soo baara xadgudubka baahsan ee ka socda Ogadeenya. Laba sano ka dib go’aankii guddiga xuquuql insaanka uu ka soo saaray Ogadeenya, waxaa weli halkii ka sii socda xadgudubyada baahsan ee xukuumadda Itobiya ay ku hayso shacabka Ogadeenya.


Xukuumadda Itobiya ayaa kula kacda shacabka dil badheedh ah, jidh-dil iyo xadgudubya kale oo xuquuqda insaanka ka soo horjeedaiyagoon wax dambi ah galabsan.


Waxaa intaa u sii dheer iyadoo ay xukuumada Itobiya raashinkii caalamka ugu deeqay shacabka taabaylan u adeegsanaysa hub ahaan iyadoo u diiday raashinkaa in la geeyo dhul balaadhan oo ka mdi ah Ogadeenya sabab siyaasadeed darteed.


Midowga Afrika waa Rajadii Qaarada. Waxaana lagu dhisay mabda'a in shacabka Afrika ay u madaxbanaa-naadaan aayahooda siyaasiga ah oy xoriyad cadaadis la’aan ah ku noolaadaan.


Waxaa hadaba arin lala yaaba ah in Midowga Afrika ogolaado inay ka sii socoto Ogadeenya siyaasada Itobiya ee ku dhisan dilka aabayeel la’aanta ah.


Waxay JWXO ugu baaqaysaa madaxda fadhida shirka MA inay wax ka qabtaan dambiyada dagaal ee dawlad ka mid ah Midowga Afrika ay ka wado Ogadeenya. Waxay sidoo kale JWXO ugu baaqaysaa Golaha Nabadda iyo Xasiloonida Afrika (African Union Peace and Security Council) inuu si dhaqsa leh ugu diro guddi xaqiiqa raadin ah Ogadeenya oo la mid ah midkii ay dirtay Qaramada Midoobay 2007dii.


Waxay JWXO ka codsanaysaa Midowga Afrika in waddo caalami ah oo ka madaxbanaan faragalin iyo carqaladayn loo furo Ogadeenya si loo gaarsiiyo taageerada uu caalamka u fidinayo shacabka Ogadeenya.


Waa in Midowga Afrika gartaa masuulaiyadda ka saaran shacabka Ogadeenya uu aqoonsadaa in dagaalada ka socda Ogadeenya yahay dagaalkii ugu waqtiga dheeraa Afrika oy tahay in la soo faragaliyo si loogu helo xal caalami ah iyo mid goboleedba.


Jabhadda Wadaniga Xoreynta Ogadeenya.

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