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Galkacyo: Turkish Doctors start work in Puntland: PICS + Audio

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Dhakhaatiirta Turkiga ee Gaalkacyo ku sugan:- “Waxaan aragney xaalada caafimaad xumo oo laga naxo” Warbixin iyo Sawiro badan

Posted by admin on October 25th, 2010

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Excellent News!


These doctors can't stay here for too long so hopefully they will pass on their knowledge and supplies to local doctors.


This is an amazing development and Turkey's help is much appreciated!

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^^^They are also carrying out a needs assessment of the healthcare service in Puntland State, which they will take back to Turkey..


MSF is coming back and many other nations, and NGO's are on route.


The Minister has done a remarkable thing and he needs our support.

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Dhakhaatiirtu waxay kaloo sheegeen in dareenkoodu uu aad u wanaagsan yahay maadaama ay ku jiraan hawlo bini’aadantinimo oo ay u fulinayan walaalahood Islaam ah (Soomaali), waxayna saxaafada u sheegeen inay mahad balaaran u jeedinayaan shacabka Gaalkacyo oo soo dhaweyn iyo marti soor wacan kusoo dhaweeyey isla markaasna si toos ah ula shaqeynaya.


Dhakhaatiirta Wadaniga ah ee Gaalkacyo, Shaqaalaha isbitaalka guud ee Gaalkacyo iyo Madaxda wasaaradda caafimaadka Puntland oo uu ugu horeeyo wasiirka Caafimaadku ayaa iyaguna heeganka iyo shaqada adag ee dadka loogu adeegyo ku jira isla markaasna ku caawinaya dhakhaatiirta kale waxyaabaha ay u baahan yihiin iyadoo wasaaraddu ay kormeerka iyo isku dubaridka ay siweyn ugu jirto oo ay agaasimayso hawlaha soconaya oo dhan.


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