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Abshir Bacadle: Front Line Visit and Moral Support!

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Abshir Bacadle iyo Safarkiisii Jiida hore ee difaaca maxkamadaha!!!


Abwaan Abshir Nuur Faarax Bacadle oo saaka nagu soo booqday xafiiska boggan ee Muqdisho ayaa ka war bixiyay safar uu muddo 2 cisho ah ugu maqnaa jiida hore ee difaacada ciidamada golaha maxkamadaha islaamiga ee dhinaca gobolka Bay wuxuuna isagoo ka sheekeynaya hadalkiisa ku bilaabay sidatan:-


“Waxaan Muqdisho ka ambobaxay subixii khamiista ee ay taarikhdu aheyd 2..11.06 abaara 7:30-kii subaxnimo, anigoo xiran Dareyskii Milateriga oo ka kooban Tuutaha, Kabaha Buudka ah, Qoriga, Booshashka iyo nooc ka mid ah Bambooyinka qarxa, waxaana aheyn koox Mujaahidiin ah anagoo horey u sii raacnay Gaari noociisu yahay (Runnet-ka), dhulka aan sii mareynay indhahayagu waa ku raaxeysanayay, xareeduna waa warneyd, shibiruhuna waa heesayeen, geedahana dabeyl qabow ayaa luleysay, laamigu qeyb jajabana wuu lahaa qeyb wanaagsana wuu lahaa, tuulooyinka caanunuhu iyagoo beecjaban ayay warnaayeen, xooluhu wey dhogor qurxoonaayeen, dhulkuna waa howd geedo badan, markii aan gaarnay Bali-doogle waan ku hakanay, muxaadarooyinbaana ka jeedinay, gaari kale oo waxaan halkaasi ka helnay rag culumo ahi ay wataan waan raacnay galab dheer-baan waxaan tagnay Buurhakaba, buurahaasoo aad u quruxbadan laguna faani karo, dhulkuna waa dalsan, waana kala midab midab, ciida cas iyo dibirka iyo caru madowda iyo caro cadka, waxaan ka gudubnay waxaan sii marnay Buundooyin yara jajaban oo u baahan in waxa laga qabto, dadka deegaanka waa dad aad u quruxbadan wax abaar ah iyo wax weji xumo ah kama arag, waxay nagu soo dhoweynayeen kelmeda (ALLAAHI AKBAR) iyagoo noo garanhaya inaan nahay ciidanka maxkamadaha.


“Dadku waxay noogu bishaareynayeen xogag na farxad geliya oo ay ka hayaan magaalada go'doonka ah ee Baydhabo, ciidamada Mujaahidiinta meel kasta oo aan kula kulano waxay naga codsanayeen fasax Sheekh Shariif laga helo, sheekhadooduna waxay u badneyd magacyadii Asaxaabihii nebi Muxamed (NNKH), sida Tobankii Janada loogu bishaareeyey, iyo Khaalid Ibnu waliid, iyo Abuu-dujaana, iyo Jacfar Bin abiidaalib, iyo magacyadii dagaaladii Diinta ILLAAHEY lagu kor yeelayay ku soo coanbaxay, Soomaalida waxay ka til tilmaamayeen sida Mujaahid Axmed Gureey, Sayid Max'ed C/dulle Xasan, Sheekh Bashiir, iyo weliba Suldaankii Biyamaal ee Marko kula dagaalamay ciidamadii Fashiistaha ee Talyaanigu watay, sidoo kale Sheekh Xasan Barsane, Aas aasayaashii Leegada ( SYL), Sheekh Axmed Gabyow oo loo yaqaanay (Sheekh Axmed Wacdiyow) aadna ugu gabyi jiray mustacmaradii Talyaaniga, waxay aad uga sheekeynayeen dagaalkii 64-tii lala galay ciidamadii xabashida, waxay ammaanayeen C/rashiid Cali Sharmaake oo erey bixin yaable ku hadlay berigaa oo aheyd (Gacana waan ku codeyneynaa, gacana xabishidaan isaga difaaceynaa), waxay ammaanayeen dagaalkii 77-dii, iyo ciidamadii ka qeyb galay, waxayna u soo duceynayeen ciidamada Martiini ku jira ee ku lixaad beelay dagaalkaasi.


“Waxay noo sheegeen dadka deegaanku ciidamada dowladdu inay mar walba Baydhabo gadaal ugu gurtaan, maxkamaduhun habeen walba ay ka daba dhowaadaan, waxay kaloo noo sheegeen dadka deegaanku dadkii reer Baydhabo ay hubkoodii, baabuurtoodii, hantidoodii iyo weliba caruurtoodii ay tuulooyinka ula sii dhowaadeen, iyagoo ka baqaya inuu dagaal ku dhex qabsado magaaladaasi go'doonka ah, ugu dambeyntiina wararka aan dadka deegaanka ka heleyno waxay lahaayeen Baydhaboo Shariif Xasan weyday waa kumeel gaarkoo Tigree waayay.


Raxmadi iyo nabadii Rabiggey nooma kala reebin


Maraakiibta raranoo marsada rogaya saabaanka


Diyaaraadka raxan raxan u degi raacid iyo keenis


Roob nagama koco tuugadii sidaan u raacdeynay


INSHA ALLAAH rajadu waa Tigraha inaan ka reynaaye


Iyo sidoo kale,


Badiiney rabaanoo Tigruhu baaqan mahayaane


Hadaad beder jecleydeen kufrigii Baydhabuu yimide


Buryuhuudka noo soo duboo baraxa soo qaada


Ugu dambeyntiina wuxuu ku soo qatimay Abwaan Abshir Nuur Faarax Bacadle, gabay uu ku soo hal qabsaday Sayid Max'ed C/dulle Xassan.


Sayid Max'ed-baa nooga digay damaca Gaalaade


Wuxuu yiri dalka-yagey rabaan duumo leysaguye


Wuxuu yiri Dekedaheena waa durugsanaayaane


Wuxuu yiri markii loo dabcaba wey ka darayaane


Wuxuu yiri dagaal waxaan aheyn kuma dawoobaane


Dabra weerarkaasaan ku jiri daa'in abidkeeye


Dabka u baxaya anigaa ifiya ina daraawiishe


Muslinka iga dambeeyana kufriga wowga digayaaye


Inta ruuxu iga deynayana diidaybaan orane


Kala xiriir wixii aragti ah Abwaan Bacadle



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^^^Ironic indeed.


Which Ubahane reported it.

The Aydeed soldier

The Abdullahi Cadow supporter

The Clan courts supporter..


Funny how they have all turned Mujahid's, today./

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"Wuxuu yiri dagaal waxaan aheyn kuma dawoobaane"


I think the poet is carried over by high sentiments of Qabiil. Since when Sayid resolved the colonial issue with bullets? It was the peaceful protest and negotiation of the SYL and the end of World War II effect that led to the particular disapperance of colonialism in Somalia.



I still believe that our needs shouldn't be manifested in violence. We are nationalist to the core and have equal distaste for Ethiopia owing to our military encounters. However, let us not blow everything out of proportion. If Ethiopia crossed the border, it is to protect the TFG from the determined threats of the Islamist.


What I don't understand is if courts are so concerned of the virulent nature of an entity that imposes its own self on others, what is holding it from pacifying regions that are under the control of clans from Galgaduud like Shabelada Hoose. Who is worse the shadow enemy or the obvious Guriceel pit for Reer Marka, Baraawe and beyond?

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I heard about that but this particular poem is touching off the wild claims of the courts against the TFG to which he is resting his wisdom in support of the courts. He is also advocating for a violent means of containing the shadow enemy.

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The leaders of the Islamic Courts should really choose their friends and affiliates wisely. It behoves them to maintain a clean image. Rather than having an open-door policy and unquestioningly welcoming every shady character who claims to be on their side, they ought to ask themselves exactly what these hangers-on are bringing to the table and whether theirs is a positive contribution or not. The likes of Abshir Bacadle are a dime a dozen the world over. As people, they lack integrity and have no real moral compass; you can always find them eulogizing and furiously rubbing up against whoever happens to be King of the Hill at any given moment in an effort to sanctify their own existence. As poets, they are the uncultured and socially unconscious bottom-feeders of the Somali literary scene, who often make up for their lack of skill and substance with the sheer bite of their venomous words. Too heedless to care about the power and destructive potential of their words, they are also quick to sew mischief, spark enmity, and beat the drums of war.


People like Abshir Bacadle have always been around, and I suppose they always will, but the red carpet treatment he has gotten as of late is surprisingly distasteful. Last month he was even featured in the ICU's big Eid Day celebration, during which he chanted some things before a crowd of roughly 10,000 -- preceded only by the speeches of Sheikh Aweys and Sheikh Shariif. Instead of distancing themselves from the rhetoric and person of such an individual, the leaders of the Islamic Courts have given Bacadle a platform and made him their unofficial panegyrist. How disappointing.

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Abshir Bacadle told the trueth. Abshir Bacadle is on the side of the Deen and so are many of his clans men and many the Somali people, what side are you on?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^You never heard Bacadle comment on the plight of the people in Lower Shabbele and so on or the crimes that were commited when he used to sing for Aydeed.

I don’t see why you insist on victimizing and belittling the people of lower Shabeelle.


This warlord government hasn’t brought them a glass of water, so what good are they? They have completely ignored the plight of the Somali people at large.

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