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SSC delegation goes to Ethiopia, thank you secessionists!

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Everybody should be interested in their own goals.


The question is are Ethiopia's goals compatible with the interests of the Somali people?


If the interests of the Somali people and the Ethiopians are not compatible, then why are Somali leaders so willing to go to Ethiopia?


Horta what is the interest of the Somali people?

Is it in the interest of the Somali people that our country should be divided, fragmented and our people separated?


Suáalo badan ayaa meesha yaala oo u baahan in laga fakaro.


You can run around here day in day out and read from the latest script you got.

Try to fool others, but don't fool yourself.


Suáalo is weydii, fakar.


So once again what’s your political goal and is it in your interest, if so how is it in your personal interest? Stop thinking about state’s, clans, regions and other BS, ka fakar dantaada shaqsi ahaan. maxaa kuu dan ah?



me's message as read by Jbro and Oodweyne.



You suck, you really suck, you suck, bla bla bla You suck, you really sucks, bla bla bla bla bla

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

I don't believe the source but it is true everybody is interested in its own goals.

Why post something you don't believe horta? Or are you saying that your using the source only today because it proves your point, but next time when someone else uses it can't be believed? :D ….loooooooooooooooolz

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^^^ while every one tries to dignify this so called elders by portraying them as individual who went to Ethiopian on there own (or because of pressure from Somaliland) to achieve there own political means you should all be aware that they were unfortunately called to Ethiopia not by an individual with any ministerial status or anything close to there standing but a third rate taqaaqay named Daauud Axmaar, whose only line of work in life is the subjugation and oppression of innocent people. Usually you expect this type of people to want to stay away and not associate with such a criminal.

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Shirka ka socda Qaloocan maxay tahay Ujeedadiisu?


Gobolada bariga ******ia ayaa maalmahanba si aada u gabagabeysnaa iyadoo odayaashiina si qasaba baabuur loogu guray loona qaadey tuulada Qaloocan oo Wardheer ka xigta dhinaca bariga una jirta 70km.


Wiilka baryahan ka soo caan baxay Kililka ee lagu magacabo Daa'uud Amxaar ayaa isagu ah midka qafaalka ku qaadey odayaasha qabqablana ka ah abaabulka shirkaas isagoo si aada ula shaqeynaya saraakiisha Tigreega oo soo dhoobay ciidamo aad u fara badan dhamaanba xadka bariga ******ia uu la leeyahay gobolada Somalia.


Sidoo kale odayaal ayaa laga soo qaadey degaano ay ka mid yihhiin Laascaano,Buuhoodle,Caabudwaaq & dhamaanba Gobolada Puntland oo dhanba ooy weheliyaan maamulada Puntland ee goboladaas.


Sida aan ku hayno warar xogogaala ayaa waxay tahay ujeedada la isagu keenayo odayaashan & maamulka Puntland-ba inay tahay sidii loola dagaalami lahaa loona soo qaqaban lahaa xubnaha Ururka ONLF ee lagu sheego deegaanadaas gacantana loogu soo galin lahaa ciidamada Ethiopia,talaabadan oo ah mid ay Ethiopian-ku horey uga hirgaliyeen gobolada W/galbeed sida Hargeysa & Burco,sida aad wararka ku maqleyseenba maalmahan Cade Muuse waxaa u yeedhay Ethiopian-ka ujeedada ugu weyna waxay ahayd siduu u hirgalin lahaa go'aamada ka soo bixi doona shirkaas Qaloocan ka socda.


Shirkan ayaa magac ahaan waxuu wataa inuu yahay shirka odayaasha ******* ee deegaanadaas waa siday Tigreegu ugu magac dareene,shirkan waxyaabaha ka soo baxa & gabagabadiisaba dib ayaan idinkala socodsiin doonaa.





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Originally posted by me:

quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

I don't believe the source but it is true everybody is interested in its own goals.

Why post something you don't believe horta? Or are you saying that your using the source only today because it proves your point, but next time when someone else uses it can't be believed?
Adeer i never believed this source and i'm not gonna believe them ,,,, i posted it coz you believe it and thought you will be delighted to it but i can see you're confused coz they're reporting against your expectations.



Our goals are as clear as the sky and we know how to achive them ,,,,,



what are your goals ?? ,, war, destruction, chaos, killing, nothing ???

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4. The leadership of the SSC wants to be friends with Ethiopia (this scene is repeated in all regions of Somalia).

You still haven't explained why in you blame SL for the so-called elders' trip.

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