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Religious warlords extort companies to finance their war

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Xisbul Islam oo xiray Xawaaladaha Afgooye kadib baad ay diideen oo 7kun dollar ah.


Shirkadaha Xawaalaha ee Degmada Afgooye ayaa maanta Albaabada la isugu dhuftay waxaana shirkadahaasi lagu amray in illaa amar dambe aysan furi Karin xarumaha Shirkadahooda.


Shirkadaha la xiray ayaa gaaraya 10-shirkadood oo xawaalad waxaana saameyn ay kuyeelatay arrintani dadka deegaankaasi maadaama Bisha lagu jiro qeybihiisa hore dadkana lacago looga soo xawilayo dibadaha taasi oo dad badan ay kunool yihiin maadaama dalka aanu shaqo kajirin ciddii shaqeysatana la ogyahay in madaxa laga fujinayo.


Mas’uul kamid ah laamahaasi shirkadaha Xawaaladaha ayaa u sheegay Shabakadda Mareeg in Xisbul Islam ay ku amreen in ay laan waliba bixiso lacag dhan 7-kun oo dollar halka laamahaasina ay sheegteen in ay bixin karaan 2200 oo dollar lakin lagu diiday.


Maanta oo loo ballansanaa lacagta in ay ku wareejiyaan Xisbul Islam ayaa waxa ay geeyeen 2200 dollar waxaase lagu soo celiyay lacagtaasi iyagoona amar lagu siiyay in dib dambe aysan u furi Karin Laamahooda inta lacagaha ay ka keenayaan.

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Ururka Xisbul Islaam oo ka mid ah Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa manta albaabada u laabay shirkadihii Xawaalada ee ka howl galayay Degmada Afgooye kadib markii ay diideen lacago baad ay ku soo rogeen.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Saraakiisha Xisbul Islaam ay ku wargeliyeen in ilaa amar dambe aan la furi Karin Xawaaladahaas ka howl gala, kadib markii ay ka hor yimaadeen amaro la faray oo ah inay bixiyaan lacago lagu sheegay in ammaanka wax looga qabanayo, hase ahaatee ay u muuqdaan mid Baad ah.


Mid ka mid ah Shaqaalaha Xarumaha Shirkadaha xawaaladaha ee ka howl galay Degmada Afgooye oo codsaday inaan magaciis la sheegay ayaa sheegay in lacago lagu soo rogay inay bixiyaan, taasoo cadadkeeda ku tilmaamay mid dhan 7-Kun oo doolarka Mareykanka oo uu sheegay in Xawaalad kasta lagu soo rogay.


Amarka lagu xiray shirkadaha xawaalada ayaa saameyn weyn ku yeeshay adeegyadii kala duwanaa ee shirkadaha Xawaaladuhu u hayeen shacabka, iyadoona manta dad badan oo ku sugnaa Magaaladaas ay ku hungoobeen in ay helaan lacago dibeda loogu soo diray.


Shirkadaha Xawaaladaha ayaa ah isku xiraha qoysaska ku sugan gudaha Soomaaliya ee dan yarta ah, kuwaasoo lacago guno ah ka hela qoysaska iyo qaraabada ugu maqan Dibeda, iyadoona lacagaha ay soo xawilaan loo soo marsiiyo shirkadaha xawaaladaha ee ka howl gala gobolada dalka Soomaaliya.


Ma ahan markii u horeysay ee albaabada loo laabo shirkado xawaaladeed oo ka howl gala gudaha dalka, waxaa horay u jirtay in Maamulka Islaamiga uu xayiraad ku soo rogay Shirkadaha Xawaaladaha, kadib markii ay diideen lacago uu dul dhigay in wax looga qabto dhismaha wadooyinka, taasoo ay ka biya diideen Mas'uuliyiinta shirkadaha Xawaaladaha.



Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m

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^^ Abti, ma ciil baxthay ? Do you think all this propoganda will return Stadium Muqdisho(Isbartiimo) to moooriyaanata Shariif ?


Adkeyso, abti, Adkeyso.

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Extortion of halal businessmen = haram. Maybe the Islamic factions should apply Islamic Law to themselves for once.


PS: Stadium Mogadishu was on the wrong side of the city, its fall was inevitable. Northern Mogadishu, Dayniile and Medina/Barmuuda are still free.

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^^ Ok, I get it. You're cheering for North Mogadisho. You could've just said that outright from the beginning instead of masquerading behind humanitarian concern and fake nationalism.


We're in 2009 but in your warped mindset, Mogadisho is still divided into North and South by the Green line. Just to show you how utterly ignorant you sound, a Mujaahid from North Muqdisho is leading the assault on Villa Somalia.


Somalia has moved on, but ur still stuck in the early '90s, friend. All of Muqdisho will fall to the Mujahideen and then I wait for you to call for Israeli air support to defeat the 'foriegn invaders', my clannist friend.

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You should really take it easy and start to read before addressing my points in rage.


You boosted about Mogadishu Stadium and other key locations been taken over in Wardhiigley/Hodan, I pointed out that Mogadishu is bigger then those districts and that Northern Mogadishu, Medina, Dayniile and other districts in the city were still free from the extremists religious warlords and their Afgani/Paki/Arab foreign mercenaries.


And I am cheering for the collapse of the Islamist Revolution of 2006 and so far the Islamist factions have shown their utter incompetence and disrecard for the plight of the Somali people.

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^^ You shouldn't really wiggle when your feet are in the fire:


Stadium Mogadishu was on the
wrong side of the city
, its fall was

What the heck is that supposed to mean ? Give it up, man.

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On the wrong side: the side where the most supporters of Xisbi Islam live, the side were the clansmen of Xasan Dahir Aweys live.




The wrong side.



PS: How come ex-control Afgoye was retaken by ''Somali police'' (read: Abdiqeybdiid's people).

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