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Farole Promise 12th anniversary of Puntland Will be Held In Las Anod

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I would like to propose a conspiracy theory. When president farole said the "12th anniversary of puntland" this year will be held in las anod, is their something we are being told in that?


For example look at the election date for somaliland june 26? puntland anniversary month is a August? its only 1 month after? My theory is that ethiopia told farole hang on untill the election in happens in hargeisa and what a coincidence the election is 1 month before puntland anniversary which farole said in his speech at last years anniversary "sanadguradda puntland ee 12 aad waxay ka dhaceysa las anod"


So does anyone see the conspiracy theory? Or is it a coincidence that somaliland election date falls 1 month before puntland anniversary? To make matters even more weird farole promising to hold puntland anniversary in las anod 2010 august 1 year before.


It might just be a coincidence or it maybe ethiopia already told farole to wait when the elections are over and you can take las anod back.

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Didn't you notice the fanfare about Ethiopia opening an 'Embassy' in Garowe? Nimanku waa cajiib ninyahoow. Sida dumarka ayey Xin u nool yihiin. Might have been better to call themselves XINLAND, rather than Puntland.


I have a proposal. A land swap with the ONLF. If they love Ethiopia so much, let them take Dhagaxbuur, Qoraxeey, Godey, Afdheer and give us the barren fields of Mudug and Nugaal.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Didn't you notice the fanfare about Ethiopia opening an 'Embassy' in Garowe? Nimanku waa cajiib ninyahoow. Sida dumarka ayey Xin u nool yihiin. Might have been better to call themselves XINLAND, rather than Puntland.


I have a proposal. A land swap with the ONLF. If they love Ethiopia so much, let them take Dhagaxbuur, Qoraxeey, Godey, Afdheer and give us the barren fields of Mudug and Nugaal.

Who celebrated the opening of ethiopia consulate? their was only 3 people there and the person who opened is a darwish :D


Besides I didn't celebrate and nor did anyone that I know celebrate. I believe all the consulates should be located in hamar and to be quite honest I dont like Ethiopia involvement in Somalia but sometimes you need to accept the fact "even if puntland leaves ties with ethiopia their will be other clans who still have ties with them" therefore its kind of pointless. Marka waa in laga fa'ideysta for ourselves they are not going anywhere the ethiopians sxb and that is not because of ethiopia but because of the division among somalia.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Didn't you notice the fanfare about Ethiopia opening an 'Embassy' in Garowe? Nimanku waa cajiib ninyahoow. Sida dumarka ayey Xin u nool yihiin. Might have been better to call themselves XINLAND, rather than Puntland.


I have a proposal. A land swap with the ONLF. If they love Ethiopia so much, let them take Dhagaxbuur, Qoraxeey, Godey, Afdheer and give us the barren fields of Mudug and Nugaal.

To A&T:


Quit your laughably obvious "posturing", you hapless caanoboore internet warrior... Your smokescreen proposal for a land swap is about as credible as those scantily clad riffraff ONuff boys on youtube who claim dancing dhaanto will liberate their lands for them. :D


LOL...A&T, maanta waxaad noo xaqiijisay inaadan dhulkaaga xoreynsan karin, markaad ka raja dhigtay inaad dargadihii kuyiil dhagaxbuur iyo meelihii kasii liiteyba oo reer caanoboore deganaayeen, ayaad waxaad keentay inaad tiraahdid dhulka noo badala. :D


Hadii ruux Amxaar jeceyl u dhimanayo, idinkaa u dhimanlahaa...oo idinkaa Baarlamaankooda ku jira; idinkaa mushaar ka qaata; idinkaa tiftif u ah; idinkaa askara u ah, oo dadkiina ku laaya.


Hadaanu taariikhda dib u milicsanno, Ingriisku markuu idin dooransiiyey inuu idin sii xukimo ama idinku wareejiyo Xabashida, idinkaa doortay iney Xabashida idin gumeysato. Marka garaad xumidaada waxay na tuseysaa, markaad tiri dhul xor-ah ha la igu badalo dhulkeygaas isticmaarku heysto oo aan bad iyo birri wax kasoo baxa midna aan lagu ogayn-- waayo reer caanoboore iney caanoboorahooda loo walaaqo mooye wax soo saar kale malaha. Dadkuna haduu wax soo saar lehayn, wax hormar ah ma gaaro. Haduuna hormar laheynah, halgankiisu meel ma gaaro.


Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa,"Ciir taa dhamaa, ceydaa yaqaan". Waayo, markey Xabashidu idin soo qaxisay oo aad Puntland timaadeen, hadaanu si xun idin kula dhaqmi lahayn, afka maanta aad ku hadalshey kumaadan hadasheen oo edeb baad yeelan lahayd. Laakin anagu, sidiina oo kale ma nihin, ee dadka walaalaheen ah waan soo dhaweenaa oo xornimo iyo nabad galyo ayee dhulkeena ku heestaan. Marka A&T, intaad caraatanka iska deysid, dantaada garo!

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:

quote:Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Didn't you notice the fanfare about Ethiopia opening an 'Embassy' in Garowe? Nimanku waa cajiib ninyahoow. Sida dumarka ayey Xin u nool yihiin. Might have been better to call themselves XINLAND, rather than Puntland.


I have a proposal. A land swap with the ONLF. If they love Ethiopia so much, let them take Dhagaxbuur, Qoraxeey, Godey, Afdheer and give us the barren fields of Mudug and Nugaal.

To A&T:


Quit your laughably obvious "posturing", you hapless caanoboore internet warrior... Your smokescreen proposal for a land swap is about as credible as those scantily clad riffraff ON
boys on youtube who claim dancing dhaanto will liberate their lands for them.


, maanta waxaad noo xaqiijisay inaadan dhulkaaga xoreynsan karin, markaad ka raja dhigtay inaad dargadihii kuyiil dhagaxbuur iyo meelihii kasii liiteyba oo reer caanoboore deganaayeen, ayaad waxaad keentay inaad tiraahdid dhulka noo badala.


Hadii ruux Amxaar jeceyl u dhimanayo, idinkaa u dhimanlahaa...oo idinkaa Baarlamaankooda ku jira; idinkaa mushaar ka qaata; idinkaa tiftif u ah; idinkaa askara u ah, oo dadkiina ku laaya.


Hadaanu taariikhda dib u milicsanno, Ingriisku markuu idin dooransiiyey inuu idin sii xukimo ama idinku wareejiyo Xabashida, idinkaa doortay iney Xabashida idin gumeysato. Marka garaad xumidaada waxay na tuseysaa, markaad tiri dhul xor-ah ha la igu badalo dhulkeygaas isticmaarku heysto oo aan bad iyo birri wax kasoo baxa midna aan lagu ogayn-- waayo reer caanoboore iney caanoboorahooda loo walaaqo mooye wax soo saar kale malaha. Dadkuna haduu wax soo saar lehayn, wax hormar ah ma gaaro. Haduuna hormar laheynah, halgankiisu meel ma gaaro.


Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa,
"Ciir taa dhamaa, ceydaa yaqaan"
. Waayo, markey Xabashidu idin soo qaxisay oo aad Puntland timaadeen, hadaanu si xun idin kula dhaqmi lahayn, afka maanta aad ku hadalshey kumaadan hadasheen oo edeb baad yeelan lahayd. Laakin anagu, sidiina oo kale ma nihin, ee dadka walaalaheen ah waan soo dhaweenaa oo xornimo iyo nabad galyo ayee dhulkeena ku heestaan. Marka
, intaad caraatanka iska deysid, dantaada garo!
Darn it! You had to ruin your perfect day didn't you. icon_razz.gif

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Don't worry bwana. I got no beef with my caanoboore brothers from Ugaali-land. :D


I hope I can say the same for you, with regards to your pirate brothers! :D

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Mr. Somalia,


Let us be honest here. From what I read on SOL last week, a group of PL military originally from SSC deserted and went to fight along their kins in Darwiishland saying 'they cannot stay awake keeping the peace of fish-eaters when their own children are massacred by maruading militia from Somaliland.' The link is here in SOL: "caroortayaddii oo la laynayo miyaan ilaalinaa amaanka dadkan kaluunka cuna.". That is what they said.


Why is this important? it is important because political positioning among Somali clans is increasingly taking the shape of FISH-Eaters Vs non-fish eaters. Take Mogadisho. The part of the anarchists who hail from Galguduud and goboladda dhexe are anti-Ethiopia. Contrast this to their brethern anarchists, the likes of Mohammed Dheere, Ali Gheedi and Sheikh Hotel. They are all rooting for Ethiopia.


Take the example of SSC. The part of it which is afflicted with the fish-eating malady is led by Ilkajiir and is firmly pro-Ethiopian. The non-fish eating Daraawish are strongly oppossed to axmaaro.


Could it be that fish, while undoubtedly nutritious, might also had the propensity to make its eaters cold-blooded? I don't know. :D:D


The only excpetion to this rule is Rayaale, who comes from a farming community. But I heared even he has grown around the sea.

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A&T you're a mad man. What did the wife put in the canjeero xabashi this morning? :D


M/S I got no problem with my fellow pirates. (As long as they continue investing in Kenya that is :D )

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Mr. Somalia,


Let us be honest here. From what I read on SOL last week, a group of PL military originally from SSC deserted and went to fight along their kins in Darwiishland saying 'they cannot stay awake keeping the peace of
fish-eaters when their own children are massacred by maruading militia from Somaliland.' The link is here in SOL: "caroortayaddii oo la laynayo miyaan ilaalinaa amaanka dadkan kaluunka cuna.". That is what they said.


Why is this important? it is important because political positioning among Somali clans is increasingly taking the shape of FISH-Eaters Vs non-fish eaters. Take Mogadisho. The part of the anarchists who hail from Galguduud and goboladda dhexe are anti-Ethiopia. Contrast this to their brethern anarchists, the likes of Mohammed Dheere, Ali Gheedi and Sheikh Hotel. They are all rooting for Ethiopia.


Take the example of SSC. The part of it which is afflicted with the fish-eating malady is led by Ilkajiir and is firmly pro-Ethiopian. The non-fish eating Daraawish are strongly oppossed to axmaaro.


Could it be that fish, while undoubtedly nutritious, might also had the propensity to make its eaters cold-blooded? I don't know.


The only excpetion to this rule is Rayaale, who comes from a farming community. But I heared even he has grown around the sea.





What were you saying? I forgot. Something about fish, and fish-eaters, Mohammed Dheere and Ali Gheedi; Riyaale and IlkaJir.


All I could put together from that incoherent tripe of yours, is that you seem like a bottom feeding fish who tries to amuse others with sweet nothings, whenever Mr.Somalia hooks that caanoboore gape of yours with the truths of your predicament. :D


Oh, and you beat yourself senseless while drowning in a tumbler filled with caanoboore, as you witness day in and day out, as Puntlanders enjoy their God given bounties from the sea.


That about right, A&T - Duke of SOL Caanobooreyaal? :D




Waa su'aalee, caanabooraha iyo kaluunka keebaa maskaxda iyo garaadka kordhiya? Adigu waxaad sheegtay in Soomaalida kaluunka cunto ey tahay kuwa raacsan Xabashidu oo marka anaga ma waxaad naga dhaadhicinaysaa, aqoon xumidaada, iney Xabashidu kaluun cunto?


Anagu, Kaluunka waan cunnaa, idinkuna badownimada idinka buuxda darteed, ayaad wixii nafaqada lahaa inta ka cararteen, ayaad caanoboora naf ka deydayn.


Marka kuwa aad ku sheegtay waa Anti-Ethiopian, waa kuwa aan bad iyo biri wax ka baxa midna aan lahayn, oo haduu caanahaas ka guro naftoodu halis ku sugantahay.


As we all know, all over the world, a diet rich in fish is highly sought after and is therefore an expensive diet, dare I say Elite diet. But then again, what would caanobooreyaal living in drought prone occupied deserts of kilil 5naad, know about the diets, grandeurs and luxuries of Puntland's elites? :D




You say:""Eeysaa Jirtii Intaltii,

Yoom Dhuftii? Yoom Dhuftii?""


I say:"Intaloon Indhuftu! Xabashaa Saluu Jirtii" :D

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Elites aa? Naga daa man :D


Did you know, the world's oldest population cluster in Japan claim their old age is due to their eating of fish. Just to let you know ;)

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Haatu, ninyahow waan ogahay inaad ugaalida ka dharagtidee, weli kaluun ma ku cuntay? :D


Hadaad cuntayshe, ninkaan caanobooraha kaliya ku caqdey oo A&T ladhaho maad u sheegtid nafaqadiisa iyo macaankiisa?! :D

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