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Muslim Somali

BaasaboorKu Sheega Ay Samaysteen Maamulka Hargeysa Oo Laga Diiday Jabuuti

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Sida aanu ku helayno wararka naga soo gaadhaya garoonka diyaaradaha ee Djibouti, waxay sheegayaan inay culays badan saareen sidii ay isu hor taagi lahaayeen dadka dhoofayaasha ah ee iyagu sita Baasaboorka ay samaysteen maamulka Hargeysa, ee aan la aqoonsanayn, waxaanay tallaabadani ka Source cadhaysiisey qaar ka mid ah shacabka Hargeysa, oo loogu sheekeeyey in ay ku geli karaan Djibouti, maadaama ay yihiin deris wadaag soo jireen ah.


Sidoo kale waxaa madaarkaasi ku sugan kooxo bilays ah oo iyagu qaabilsan sidii ay indha badan ugu yeellan lahaayeen dadka dhoofayaasha ah ee lagu soo khalday inay ku socdaalaan Passport kan ay iska samaysteen maamulka Hargeysa oo isagu dhawaana ku hungoobay in uu wadanka maraykanku aqoonsado, hase ahaate tallaabadan sharciga ah ee ay qaaday dawlada Djibouti waxay si cad u qeexaysaa inay sida ay ugu adag tahay in ay indha badan u lahaato shacabka iskala soo dhoofaya Dal-kugal aan dunida laga aqoonsanayn.


Waxa kaloo ay dawladda Djibouti uga dan leedahay inay tusto, sida ay diyaarka ugu tahay inay ilaaliso shuruucda caalamiga ah, isla markaasina aanay u noqonin mid u sahasha in madaaradeeda lagaga dhoofo baasabooro aan la aqoonsanayn, waxaanay hada ka celiyeen shacab sitey basabooradaasi ay ka Hargeysa ka soo qaateen, oo ay una haysteen in ay caalamka isaga dhex gooshi karaan, iyagoo ay maankooda ka maqnayn in aanu caalamka ka shaqaynin sharci iska qarqoosh ah oo ogolanayaana Baasaboorka maamul aan la aqoonsanin.

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Djibouti waxay si cad u qeexaysaa inay sida ay ugu adag tahay in ay indha badan u lahaato shacabka iskala soo
dhoofaya Dal-kugal aan dunida laga aqoonsanayn.

Soon Kool_KatLand will have its own passport too...Wixii faahfaahin ah kala xiriira UMU_ZACK :D:D:D


What a government eh? Incoherency comes to mind...

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Regarding the Somali Passport, the following is the advice I had given PM Geed before he resigned. I want PM Hussein to take note if he ever visits SOL......


At the beginning of the thread I suggested to PM Geed and his cabinet to formulate a system of “Citizenship Oath” in which all Somalis who apply for the new E-Passport pledge that they are not overtly or covertly engaged in unlawful activities in order to perpetuate the mass abduction and imprisonment of the communities in the northwest of the country. In other words, the Somali Federal traveling documents must not be granted to these who are working day and night to dismember the Somali Republic. I think this suggestion is Legitimate. For one thing, the secessionists are so drunk in their dreams that they believe their own passport is acceptable all over the world. But, knowing the fraudulent and deception practices of the SNM gang organization when push comes to shove and they realize their movements are restricted in Hargeisa-Burao-Barbar triangle, those who are not currently holding foreigner passports will secretly apply for the E-Passport.


Mr. Geed and his cabinet can not feed the hands that are trying to destroy the Somali Republic. There are a good number of secessionists who are living in Arab Gulf countries with the old Somali Democratic Republic passports without which their residence permits are invalidated. The extremists of them are living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. While I am not advocating disruption of the livelihood of some Somali families, these extremists must be put to test to live with their principle for the claim of “sovereignty of the northwest Somalia”. They must be either Somali citizens or not Somali citizens.


There is another group who are extremely harmful to the unity of the Somali people. Most of these reside in the western democracies and majority of them have no real profession and live on the doll. They have either European, North American or Australian passports and can freely travel all over the globe without visa requirements. Because majority of them can not find meaningful work in theirs respective host countries, they are engaged day and night in spreading the propaganda for the SNM gang organization. When they collect enough finance from the welfare money and from child assistance programs, they fly to Hargeisa in order to act as “spiritual consultants” and moral supporters for the gang. If you ask me why they do this, on a personal level, each of them sees himself or herself as a potential ambassador or cabinet minister if and when the dream materializes.


These secessionists who are holding foreign passports must be stopped in their tracks before they tear the nation apart. Mr. Geed, if you are listening this is how to deal with the enemy within. Entry and exit visas must be required from any person or persons traveling to and from Somalia (Somali E-Passport holders are exempted, of course). Since the Somali Republic airports are semi dysfunctional, under the U.N.’s international terrorist act, you can place your own Somali immigration officers at the major airport hubs such Abu Dhabi, Djibouti, Nairobi and Addis to verify the validity of the traveling documents of anyone going to or coming from Somalia. Same arrangements must be made at border crossing points, too.


My main concern for suggesting a blanket requirement for visa and placing official at the airports of the neighboring countries, is to restrict the movement of the known secessionists. This must be the last world tour Riyaale undertakes. But, there will be bonus for you, sir and for the U. S. government. The visas will generate hard currency for the federal government. There will be some comfort the American government will receive in knowing who goes to Somalia and who comes from her.


Chech the original thread

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Fight to bring peace to Somalia..Fight to end the occupation in Somalia..Stop wasting your energy on SL...Make SL your long-term goal after the chaos has ended.

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

I don't think mothers should get involved in politics. Sisters, please head back to the General forum.

Women inaa yastid ma wax laguugu koriyaybaa? Why shouldn't women get involved in politics? Ee caruurtana shouldn't get inloved in politics, they go back to the playground!!! Now go fetch...

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

Nayruus you are so funny, you really think these people read SOL eh? lol haha.

Sister, they may or may not. But you are good. You are giving me new ideas...thank you....

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^generaalka, I finally agree with waxa aad maanta soo qorte, one passport for all somalia, but maxaa waaye, sheekada dubai iyo meelaha kale ka jirto?


Passport-keena oo qiimaha badnaa, hada heroin addicts xataa wey heli karaan for as low as $2, that needs to be nipped in the b*tt, soo maaha? adeerkaa warkaas iga gaarsii inta uusan dhiman icon_razz.gif


I don't think mothers should get involved in politics.

africa's-owl, hooyoyinka in politics meel iska dhig, I think dayuusiinta shouldn't even be allowed to co-exist among the civil cyber world.(your likes etc)


I knew wasaqnimo was a trait you had, but didn't know it went as far as aflagaadeenta of hooyooyinka's expense.

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Duke... Do You mean the one that costed 10 000 somalis their hajj?


Basbaboorka Greenka ah ayuu odeyaga ku dhoofa miyaadan ogeyn?


These other two fellas who where appointed to do the job and rep the e-passport were trying to sell with out having a unique selling point. They mentioned the "E" and Somalis weren't impressed at all.

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Waaw @ our growing female participants -in this normally boring politic section- are really bringing in here fresh air and energy. Hats off girls.

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