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Uganada troops are ready..

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Uganda oo diyaarisay ciidamadii ay u soo diri laheyd Somalia.


Mogadishu 07, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) –Wasiirka G/dhigga ee dalka Uganda ayaa maanta sheegtay in Uganda ay diyaar u tahay in ay ilaa hal battalion oo ciidamo ah u dirto Somalia, taasoo ka dambeysay qoraalkii golaha amaanka uu ansixiyay iyo iyadoo la sugayo uun ansixin laga helo baarlamanka wadankaasi.


Ruth Nankabirwa oo ah haweeneyda xagga daafaca ugu qaabilsan Uganda ayaa iyadoo u warameysay wakaaladda wararka ee Reuters waxa ay tiri “: ciidamadeyna waa diyaar, heegan ayayna ku jiraan iyagoo tababaran oo qalabeysan, waxa ayna diyaar u yihiin in ay u dhaqaaqaan Somalia mar alaale iyo marka baarlamanka uu ansixiyo go’aanka horyaala ilaa inta taasi laga helayo ma jirto ciidan baxaya”.


Haweeneydaan ayaa sidoo kale beenisay in Uganda ay u janjeerto dhinaca dowladda KMG ah, iyadoo sheegtay in ciidamadooda la weydiistay in ay ku biiraan ciidamada gobolka ee dhowaan tagaya Somalia.


Waxa ay sheegtay in joogista ciidamada Uganda ee dalka Somalia ay noqon doonto mid dadka Soomaaliyeed ay aqbali doonaan waayoo bay tiri “ ciidamadeyna waa nabad ilaaliyeyaal ee ma ahan dagaal doon.


Waxa ay gaashaanka u daruurtay cabsida laga qabi karo in Uganda ay lugaha la gasho dhiiqo ka dhalata colaadda Somalia, waxa ayna ku dooday in ciidamadeeda ay ku socdaan nidaam iyo codsi horey u soo gaaray, oo ah in ay ka qeyb qaataan howlaha nabad ilaalinta Somalia.


Diblumaadsiyiinta waxa ay sheegayaan in ciidamada Uganda loo diyaariyay mar horeba howl-galka nabad ilaalineed ee laga fulinayo magaalada Baydhabo iyo nawaaxigeeda, laakiin Mss. Nankabirwa waa ay diiday in ay faahfaahin ka bixiso diyaargarowga ciidamadeeda.


Hadalka dowladdfa Uganda ee ku saabsan in ay ciidamo u direyso Somalia ayaa yimid, wax yar ka dib markii golaha amaanka ee Q.M uu isku raacay ansixinta qaraar laga soo shaqeeyay oo mareykanka uu soo gudbiyay, kaasoo amraya in ciidamo ka socda gobolka la geeyo Somalia, si ay u ilaaliyaan dowladda KMG ah ee fadhida Baydhabo, isla markaana ay u tababaraan ciidamadeeda.


Uganda iyo Sudan ayaa ah labada dal ee aan xadka la laheyn Somalia isla markaana aan dalkaasi ka laheyn dano staraatiijiyadeed oo cad.


Dhinaca kale diblumaadsiyiin reer galbeed ah oo ku sugan caasimadda Kampala ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in mareykanka uu doonayo xulufo uu u helo Somalia, waxa ayna leeyihiin ma ahan wax qarsoon in mareykanka uu tababarayay ciidamada qaaska ah ee Uganda oo uu siinayay qalab Militari.






Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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Ugandha"Waxaanu Diyaar u nahay inaan Somalia Galno waqtiga ugu dhakhsaha badan...



Kampala:-Wasaarada difaaca ee dalka Ugandha ayaa shaaca ka qadaay inay diyaar u tahay inay Ciidamo nabad ilaalineed u dirto Somalia,wax yar uun ka dib go'aankii QM ee ku baaqayey in Ciidamo loo diro Somalia,waxayna taas ku xireen oo kaliya in Barlamaanka la hor geeyo si uu u aqbalo waa sida hadalka loo dhigaye.


Wasiirada Difaaca ee Ugandha haweeyada lagu magacaabo Mrs Ruth Nankabirwa oo Reuters u warrantay ayaa tiri"Waxaanu haysanaa Ciidamo kayd ah oo taba baran diyaarna u ah inay meel walba tagaan,kaliya waxaan sugaynaa in Barlamaanku ogolaado.


Warkaan ka soo yeeray Wasiirada Ugandha ayaa yimi mudo ka yar 24saac gudahood xilligii uu golaha amaanku ogolaaday in Somalia la geeyo Ciidamo ka socda urur Goboleedka IGAD oo aysan ku jirin kuwa dariska la ah Somalia si ay u taageeraan xukuumada Federalka ah ee Baydhabo dagan.


Dowladaha Ugandha iyo Sudaan ayaa iyagu ah labada dowladood ee aan Somalia xasaasiyadi ka dhexayn,dano garaa uu muuqadana aan ka lahayn,xuduudna aan la lahayn,walow laga yaabo inay jiraan dano hoose oo u qarsoon sida ay qabaan Diblomaasiyiin reer galbeed ahi.


Ugandha oo saaxiib la ah dalka Maraykanka ayaa la sheegayaa inay iyadu doonayso inay dowlada Maraykanka waji kaga diyaarsato,si ay u hesho gar gaar iyo tababarada Ciidamadeeda oo loo xoojiyo.


Dhanka kale Diblomaasiyiin ku sugan Washington ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Maraykanku uu doonayo inuu helo dowlad Somaliyeed oo isaga danihiisa u fulisa dowladaha dariskana la shaqaysa,taas oo ku kaliftay inuu ansixiyo go'aankaan buuqa badani ka taagan yahay.


Maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa iyaguna dhankooda wacad ku maray la dagaalamayaan askari kasta oo ciida Somaliyeed cag soo dhiga ciduu doonaba ha u dhashee.


Wali lama oga xilliga ay imanayaan Ciidamadaan lagu baaqay in la geeyo Somaliya laakiin waxaa la saadaalinayaa in deg deg loo keeni doono,ciddii doodana aan dhag loo jalaq siin doonin.


Axmed Xayrdaac

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Well Uganda was already ready and they already have what, close to a thousand troops already around Baidoa? They were just waiting for the international legitimacy.

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Ready to do what? Defend or attack?

How long before the Courts start claiming there are Ethiopians in the Ugandan ranks?

At any rate, now the government of Mr Yusuf have the advantage and it all depends on what they do next. Will they sit and attempt to have a civil discussion with the Courts or will they childishly start making threatening announcements (just like the Courts were making a week ago)? I sadly believe it to be the latter but seriously hope it’s not.

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Sudan will not be far behind. Sudan has two reasons for doing so:


1. It is fighting UN telling them that Africans can keep peace in Darfur, so Sudan wants to prevent out of Africa forces for Somalia. Not even Yemen is acceptable to Sudan.


2. They consider somlaia will be an important country very fast. Sudan has the referendum of the south in 2011. The last thing they want is a country in the neighborhood that will not stand with them.

Somalia very soon will be participating in peace missions in Africa. Even before complete set up of the federal system everywhere. Even one state like puntland can afford to send a brigade thats funded and well paid by UN or EU contries.


Sudan wants to have a reliable friend in IGAD and ICU even if they over run the country cannot provide this.


Its also the best way to keep Ethiopia (critical for south sudan case) on side.

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The, AU/IGAD troops will help with the training and also safe gaurd the Capital and areas under the control of TFG.


The TFG troops will expand taking incremental steps, throught the country without worriying about the security of their HQ areas they have secured.


Consider the TFG has around 10-15,000. troops already ready and willing to fight.


They should negotaite with some parts of the courts and empower the locals to set up real admins for their regions as happened in Bay & Bakool.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Ready to do what? Defend or attack?

How long before the Courts start claiming there are Ethiopians in the Ugandan ranks?


Before Shiek Ahmed's trip to Khartoum, when Sudan announced it will send troops to Somalia, the ICU lie and rumour mill was at full throtle.

They were saying that Sudan is only providing uniforms and flag to Tigray.


Then of course the famous one was by IndaCadde who declared that the Kenya army was Ethiopians in Kenya uniform.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Ready to do what? Defend or attack?

How long before the Courts start claiming there are Ethiopians in the Ugandan ranks?

At any rate, now the government of Mr Yusuf have the advantage and it all depends on what they do next. Will they sit and attempt to have a civil discussion with the Courts or will they childishly start making threatening announcements (just like the Courts were making a week ago)? I sadly believe it to be the latter but seriously hope it’s not.

Your answer.


Another one.

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What is there moral? how many of them wold stay when the bullets start flying? 80% is faith and the rest is the fire power, so how much use will this poor africans have? C/yusuf have already 3 times more government troops than the courts and add to that atlest 8000 ethiopian solders and still he needs more help? why?

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^^^ What a bunch of idiotic know-nothings! Do these simpletons never tire of war and sabre rattling? I do hope that this is nothing but political manoeuvrings and that these incompetents do not go ahead with fighting the other long bearded incompetents in the capital. This whole thing is quite disheartening and makes me wonder if there are any wise heads in Somalia at all.

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Johnny B   

Originally posted by NGONGE:

I do hope that this is nothing but political manoeuvrings and that these incompetents do not go ahead with fighting the other long bearded incompetents in the capital. This whole thing is quite disheartening and makes me wonder if there are any wise heads in Somalia at all.


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