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Heshiis dhexmaray S/land, Itoobiya iyo Shirkad Maraykan ah

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Adis Ababa (The Sub-Saharan)-Wefti Somaliland ka socda, oo uu hoggaaminayo Wasiirka Maaliyadda Ambaasadoor Xuseen Cali Ducaale (Cawil), ayaa Isniintii soo gaadhay magaalada Addis Ababa, si uu ula soo gunaanado mashaariicda la xidhiidha dib-u-dhiska Marinka Berbera dhiggiisa Itoobiyaanka ah.


Warkan, oo uu faafiyay wargeyska The Informer, waxa uu intaa ku daray in sida uu sheegayo heshiiska labada dhinac wada gaadheen, keenitaanka Kaybulka Isgaadhsiinta Casriga ah, ay kontraaggiisa qaatay Shirkad Maraykan ah oo la yidhaahdo Seacom, taasoo ku xidhiidhinaysa Hanaanka Bariga Afrika ee Kaybulka Submarine-ka (EASSY), iyo mashruuca horumarinta waddada, taasoo ka bilaabmaysa Berbera ilaa Tog-wajaale. “Waxay noo ahayd sharaf balaadhan in aanu nimaadno Itoobiya,” ayuu yidhi Wasiirka Maaliyadda Mr Cawil. “Itoobiya waa dalkayaga labaad, isla markaana si loo hubiyo mashaariicda, waa in aanu hubinaa in Itoobiya iyo Seacom ay isku raacaan furitaanka xafiisyo ay ku yeeshaan xeebta Berbera. Inkasta oo aanay Somaliland weli ku guulaysanin aqoonsi caalami ah, dawladda Itoobiya waa inay la socodsiisaa Shirkadda Seacom in Somaliland tahay mid ka mid ah dalalka Afrika ugu amaanka fiican, kana dalbataa Shirkadda Ameerikaanka ahi inay Somaliland ka furato xafiiskeeda wayn, iyaga oo aan ka werwerin wax ku saabsan amaanka,” ayuu yidhi Wasiirku.


Mr Juneydi Saddo, oo ah Wasiirka Gaadiidka iyo Is-gaadhsiinta Itoobiya, ayaa dhiniciisa ballanqaaday inuu samaynayo wax kasta oo suurtagalinaya hubinta sidii mashruucaasi uu guul ugu dhamaan lahaa. Waxaanu intaa ku daray in Qaarada Afrika ay ka mid tahay qaaradaha caalamka ugu faqiirsan, isla markaana sidii loogala dagaalami lahaa faqiirnimada qaaradda, Wasiirku waxa uu samayn doonaa inuu sii wadayo xidhiidhka wanaagsan ee labada dal u dhexeeya.


Gunaanadkii kulankaas, ayaa saddexda dhinac waxay isku raaceen furitaanka xafiis ay Berbera ku yeelato Shirkadda Seacom, oo la furayo aakhirka bisha September. Qiimaha xafiisyada iyo qalabkooda ayaa la rajaynayaa inay gaadho 12.5 milyan oo USD, kuwaas oo loogu baahnaan doono isku xidhka Kaybulka Isgaadhsiinta Casriga ah (Fiber optic cable system), oo laga soo bilaabayo Dekedda Berbera ilaa Magaalada Togwajaale. Qiimaha mashruucan, marka loo eego sida laysla fahansan yahay waxa uu noqon doonaa mid ay saddexda dhinacba wadaagaan.


Mr Brian Herlihy, oo ah madaxweynaha Shirkadda Seacom, oo joogay madashaas ayaa sheegay in hanaanka isgaadhsiinta casriga ah (Fiber Optic Cable System) uu u yahay fursad uu Somaliland ku baranayo, isla markaana uu ka maqlay arrimo dhiirigelin u ah dhinaca Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Maraykanka ee la xidhiidha sida uu qalabkaasi u yahay ka ugu jaban, uguna wanaagsan dhinaca amaanka.


Mr Cawil Cali Ducaale, Wasiirka Maaliyadda Somaliland waxa booqashadiisa ku wehelinayay Wasiirrada Hawlaha Guud Mr Siciid Sulub Maxamed iyo Boosta iyo Is-gaadhsiinta Mr Liibaan Ducaale Casayr, Mareeyaha Somaliland TV (SLNTV) iyo xubno sharafeed kale.


Hanaanka Bariga Afrika ee Kaybulka Submarine Cable (EASSY), waa hab casri ah oo Bariga Afrika ku xidhaya dunida inteeda kale, iyada oo loo marinayo Hanaanka Fiber Optic Cable System. Waxaana loo tixgelinayaa inuu door cajiib ah ka qaadan doono horumarinta wararka baahiyaadka aasaasiga ah ee gobolka. Qorshan EASSY, waxa lagu wadaa in laga soo qaado magaalada Mtunzini ee Koonfur Afrika, lana soo gaadhsiiyo ilaa Port Suddan, oo dalka Suuddaan ku taala, waxaanu isku xidhi doonaa ugu yaraan lix waddan oo aan ku xidhnaan karin hanaanka qaaliga ah ee satlayd-ka, si uu ugu qaado macluumaadka iyo hawlahooda gaarka ah. Mashruucaas, oo ay maalgelinayaan Baanka Adduunka iyo Baanka Horumarinta Afrikadda Koonfureed, waxa la hindisay bishii January 2003, ka dib markii ay shirkado badani baadhitaano ku sameeyeen wax-qabadkiisa. Inkasta oo Baanka Horumarinta Afrika iyo dawlado kala duwani ay soo jeediyeen taageerooyin dhaqaale oo laga siiyo, haddana weli maalgelintiisu si buuxda umay soo dhamaanin.



Source Ogaal

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Is this project linked to the Berbera Free Trade Zone? and who was benefiting the most from the free trade zone again? yes the Xabash is placing Berbera under direct control. Now tell me Jacaylbaro when will you report to us that Ethiopian soldiers and secessionist militia are patrolling the high way that links Berbera and the illegal border "together" and that the Ethiopian army will be in control of the "security" of Berbera port.


Ethiopian delegation wraps up visit to Somaliland


By Moha Dahir Farah Jire


HARGEISA, Somaliland- The Ethiopian delegation led by Juneydi Sado, minister for transport and communication ended its week long mission that including evaluating the 12 months the Berbera Corridor Project.

Mr. Juneydi Sado in an exclusive interview with SSI before leaving somaliland at Mansour Hotel mentioned that the aim of the delegation’s trip to Somaliland was to evaluate and monitor the progress made on the Berbera corridor project.


“First of all Somaliland and Ethiopia have very good relations and have many things to work on together not only this project Berbera corridor, and I myself like the kindness and warm welcomes I received from the people of Somaliland. Secondly there was a plan in which the Ethiopian government was working of how the link the road from Harar to Jijiga up to Tog-Wajale at the border of Somaliland and Ethiopia can rebuild and join them smoothly.

Things are going smoothly we will finish in about a year”, said the minister.

The minister also stated that talks are taking place with the Eu in the road construction project from Tog-wajale to Berbera and is currently awaiting feed back from the EU. Upon completion of these projects Ethiopia would be able to use Berbera to import and export 20 % of goods going in and out of the country. Ethiopia started using the Berbera port in 2005 to act as an optional port to Djibouti.


Mr. Juneydi Sado added Ethiopia considers somaliland ‘s port in Berbera because it is secure and cheaper than other ports in Africa and its proximity to the various regional states in Ethiopia.

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No sxb, stop this defensive attitude, lets discuss matters for what they are instead of feeling attacked by everything I say.


Lets talk business sense, political sense because do you want an independant secessionist entity or do you want a secessionist entity thats ethiopia's b*tch? what use is it if the secessionist entity becomes independant from Somalia to be annexed by or become a satellite of Ethiopia?

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^^ "an independant secessionist entity" ? All that instead of Somaliland? smile.gif You remind me of MMA using a long phrase just to avoid saying Jumatatu.


I personally don't like Meles & Co (note I did not say Ethipians or Xabash). I think the people in charge like Cawil see doing business with them as necessary evil. It's easy for us who are in the "West" to criticise, isn't it?

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1) How can you not see whats happening in Waqooyi Galbeed today and how the xabash is preparing the people of the North West for servitude.


2) How can you not see that the secessionist leadership takes it's orders from Adis Abeba just like the TFG takes its orders from Adis Abeba.


3) How can you not see that the Xabash is isolating the secessionist entity so that it has no other option but to go along with whatever he suggests.


4) How can you say to me on one hand that you 'regret' what the Xabashis doing in Koonfurta Soomaaliya (let alone Somalia Galbeed) and on the other hand that your willing to work with the Xabash and offer him a port that will handle as the Xabash himself claimed 20% of its import and exports (for free in the Berbera free trade zone).


5) How can you not see that the leadership of the secessionist entity has betrayed you. That they have used you to get rich and now have handed you over to the xabash.


How can you be so blind, miyaad is indhatiraysaa sxb?


You dreamt of independence from Somalia and you got subjugation by the xabash.


He sang you a lullaby, He filled your heart with hate, he showed you enemies in your brothers, now you are all alone, isolated, weak and desperate for friendship, now the xabash takes advantage of you.


La tasho walaalahaa Soomaaliyeed, Ku kalsoonoow walaalahaa Soomaaliyeed. Kusoo dhawoow walaaltinimada Soomaaliyeed.

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True say Ayoub,


To ''ME'',


I dont see anything wrong with doing business with ethiopians if you are gaining something from it. This is especially the case with Somaliland whose muslim brothers, the arabs, have turned their backs on them. Now i am not saying i like the ethiopians, matter of fact i despice those xabashi pigs, but right as of now they one of a only a few, that are willing to do business with Somaliland as a seperate entity.


I think its important to understand that Somaliland is doing what its citizens need- creating viable commerce- and that is their priority and they are not in any position to deny anybody's offer of business. Once they are, you can dispute who they wish to do commerce with

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^Let alone the morality of the deal,lets discuss the business side of it and the political implications of this deal.


Berbera Free Trade Zone will be created and the highway linking Berbera ilaa Jigjiga Harer is is being modernized. The goods will come in at Berbera and will be transferred to to trucks that will not stop till Jigjiga, how will the secessionist entity benefit from this? how will the people of the North West benefit from this deal?


a) will the truckers transporting the goods be locals? and whats the case now, who does most of the transporting from Berbera to Jigjiga?


b) How about goods imported by Somali businessmen from Berbera to Ethiopia do they have to pay import taxes? So if we have to pay import taxes when we are importing goods to them, why don't they have to pay taxes to us?


c) Has anyone done any calculations, projections of how much the region or the people of waqooyi galbeed will benefit from this deal?


d) Don't you think that Ethiopia will be defending this new lifeline with its teeth once its fully operational and that it will take full control.


What I see here is the beginning of a new nightmare for the people of North West Somalia.


What I see here is an unfair trade deal.


What I see here is that the secessionists are reaping the fruits of their anti-Somalinimo.


Somalinimo is not an ideal, its a necessity.


We all need Somalinimo, Somalinimo doesn't need us.

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I dont see what Somalimo has to do with this or how this deal has anything to with anyone reaping the fruits of anti-somalinimo. I dont know you but you sound like a very confused individual.


To the argument at hand, This is a deal that will benefit the somali business man in the region as most of the business that is conducted between berbera and Jigjiga is conducted between the somali's who inhabit both region. there are businessman and normal civilians who travel on the highway in question who will benefit from the highway being modernized whatever the tax situation may be.


One thing i can quarantee is that there is no chance in hell you are going to see the ethiopian army ''protecting'' Berbera. that is just a fantasy of yours that will not materialize.

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Somalinimo has alot to do with it sxb, the situation at hand is as you have already pointed out that no-one wants to do business with the secessionist entity, since its not a recognized entity.


The secessionist entity has alienated almost all Somali neighbours. From Sanaag, Sool, Somaila Galbeed,even Jabuuti wasn't spared. Now the secessionists have no other option but to do business with Ethiopia on Ethiopia's terms. With Somalinimo a.k.a. Somali walaaltinimo, the secessionists would be able to do business with their Somali brothers and they would have a better leverage in negotiating with the Xabash.


So that the secessionists have no choice but Ethiopia is the result of their anti-Somalinimo policies.


On Ethiopian army patrolling the highways and occupying Berbera port. Isn't it logical that the xabash will protect its lifeline? 20 % of Ethiopia's imports and exports is not nothing, if Berbera port gets closed down the Ethiopian economy will feel that, so the xabash will do anything it can to protect that lifeline.


And that the Somalis on both sides of the illegal border will benefit from this deal is a joke sxb, have you not read the news of the starvation tactics the Xabash is using on Somalis in Somali Galbeed?

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Well mr 'ME'',


Somalinimo is a concept that had its last breath beaten out of it by the Etho's in Mogadishu and south somalia in general so i dont understand why you are crying on about it in this issue.



Whatever your misguided logic may allude you to say, there is no chance of Ethiopian army patrolling berbera. The Somaliland security forces are very capable of securing Berbera's commerce and stability. Anyway the etho's are far too busy pillaging the south to mess with Somaliland.


Maybe your attention is better paid on the much dire situation there.

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I am a muslim brother so i dont bet but i am sure that the etho's will not be patrolling Berbera.

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