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Somalia's political swords are drawn

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By Daud Aweis

BBC News, Nairobi

Friday, October 12, 2007


As if Somalis do not have enough battles to contend with, their two leading politicians, President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Ghedi, have fallen out.


And as parliament marshals to take stock of the achievements of the two men since they took office three years ago, it looks likely that one will get their marching orders.


The formation of the interim government had been a time of hope; President Yusuf declared himself a man of peace.


Yet violence once again reigns in the capital, Mogadishu, following the December ousting of Islamists, who had ruled most of Somalia for six months last year, by Ethiopian-backed government troops.


Insurgent attacks proliferate against Ethiopian and government targets. Even the presence of African Union peacekeepers is failing to reassure the city's residents, who continue to flee in their thousands.


The United Nations says in September alone 24,000 people left. In the same month some 300 people were admitted to hospital with serious gunshot wounds.


Donor fatigue


Neither Mr Yusuf nor Mr Ghedi has been spared the onslaught.


On a number of occasions Villa Somali, the president's residence has come under attack, as has the hotel hosting the prime minister.



Some argue that the current leaders are hardly better than the warlords whose feuds fed the city's violent disorder over the past 16 years.


Although the transitional government has the support of the UN and Western governments like the US, it has failed to win popular support on the ground.


There is also a growing fatigue, some foreign diplomats say, about picking up the tab for Somalia, in terms of government expenses, with no tangible returns.


Hence the clamouring call for a change of guard - and Mr Ghedi looks most likely for the chop.


He is seen as a political novice, installed as prime minister by the president with Ethiopian backing, who is now a stumbling block to progress.


While analysts complain that the cabinet it is made up of sycophants with little commitment to effect real change.


Fall guy


There has also been disappointment on the reconciliation front: the opposition - an alliance now based in Eritrea, which includes moderates of the Union of Islamic Courts - boycotted a much-touted reconciliation conference.


Instead the event turned into a cosy gathering of government supporters.


Without the opposition on board, analysts say there can be little chance for future stability.


Not prepared to be the fall guy, the president has garnered the support of more than 20 ministers and a large number of the 275 MPs who are calling for a parliamentary vote of no confidence in Mr Ghedi's administration.


The prime minister is not taking this lying down and has forged an alliance with the ******, a power clan which has been supporting the insurgency and long controlled Mogadishu where Mr Yusuf has always been unpopular.


The country is braced for a political duel.


But should Mr Ghedi get the boot, it may not be to the president's gain as it will renew his rivalry with the ****** who want him and his Ethiopian allies out of Mogadishu.


Mr Yusuf, under pressure from donors, also needs another favour from parliament: he must convince MPs to change the Somali Transitional Charter to co-opt non-politicians into cabinet.


Given that most Somali technocrats have aligned themselves with the opposition, this means this too could compromise what grip Abdullahi Yusuf still has on the reins of Somali politics.


Source: BBC, Oct 12, 2007

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Originally posted by -:

To replaced by who exactly. And wasn't he Zenawi's main man?

I dont know sxb, but it does not look rosy for the TFG.

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Maanta waa 10ka October waxaana ka soo wareegatay sadax sano oo buuxda markii baarlamaanka Somalia ay madaxweyne u doorteen C/laahi yuusuf Axmad madaxweynaha hadda talada haya. Inkastoo dowladda KMG ah ay soo martay durruufo kala duwan gobolo dhawr ahina ku soo shaqeysay ayaa hadana waxa xilligan la oran karaa waa waqtigii ugu cakirnaanta badnaa siyaasadda intii ay jirtay dowladda KMG ah.

Khilaaf weyn

Waxa jira khilaaf xoogan oo dhinaca maamulka ah oo u dhaxeeya in muddo ah madaxweynaha iyo ra'isul wasaaraha,farqigaasi labada mas'uul ma jirto cid dibada keentay oo warbaahinta u caddeyasay.

Walow ay dhawr jeer labadan mas'uul madaxweynaha iyo ra'isul wasaaraha ay muqdishu ku kulmeen ka dib soo bixidda qilaafkooda oo ay xitaa shalay baa ugu danbeysay ay Baydhaba si gaar ah isugu arkeen ayaa hadana marka aad si hoose u xooraansato in aad ay kala fog yihiin.

Halkan Baydhabo waxa aad ka maqleysaa madaxweynaha baa maanta si gaar aha xildhibaanada beel heblaayo ugu yeertay ama ra'isul wasaaraha ayaa waxa uu kulan kula jiraa xildhibaanada reer hebel taasoo muujinaysa heerka adag ee hadda lakala joogo.

Madaxweynaha ayaa la hadal hayaa inuu ku dhawaaqayo xilli aan fogeyn inuu kala diro xukuumadda isaga oo cuskanaya ama aaminsan qodobo ku qoran axdiga federaalka KMG ah qodobadaas oo ay aad ugu kala fasiraad duwan yihiin dhinaca kale ee ka soo horjeeda ee ra'isul wasaaraha.

Qodobada la isku hayo

Hadii aan isku dayo inaan wax ka iftiimiyo qodobada ay adag tahay in la isku maro, Madaxweynuhu waxa uu qabaa in dastuurka federaalka muddadii labada sano iyo barka aheyd in xukuumadda ay ku dhameyso in aay idlaatay oo ay ku eg tahay bishan Oktoobar 12keeda ,sidaa awgeedna maadaama aaaney xukuumadu meel marin dastuurka federaalka in ay tahay in hadda xukuumadu ay codka kalsoonida soo weydiisato baarlamaanka isaga oo madaxweynaha xlligan ku niyadsan in Cali Geedi aanu heli karin codka looga baahan yahay ee 139 cod.

Ra'iisul wasaaruhu waxa uu qabaa in bilaabashada xilliga dastuurka federaaalka ay tahay markii baarlamaanku ansixiyay oo uu madaxweynuhu saxiixay taasoo aheyd 2006dii markii baarlamaanka ay dib ugu midoobeen mgaalada Baydhaba sidaa darteedna uu waqtigiisu dhiman yahay oo aaney jirin baarlamaan uu codka kalsoonida waydiisanayo.

Doorka maxkamada sare



Yusuf Cali Haaruun gudoomiyihii maxkamada sare

Marka is marin waaga sidan oo kala ah uu yimaado waxa arinta kala goyn lahaa Maxkamadda sare iyol garsoorka laakiin gudoomiyihii maxkamadda sare weli xabsiga ayuu ku jiraa iyada oo xarigiisuna uu qeyb ka yahay muranka siyaasadeed ee jira,mana cadda cidda howsha garsoorka sii wadeysa kol hadaan weli la magacaabin guddoomiye kale hadiiba ay dhacdo in loo baahdo maxkamadda sare.

Marka khilaaf sidan oo kale ah uu jiro waxa gacan ka geysan jiray madax iyo saraakiil Ethiopian ah oo militeri ahaan iyo siyaasad ahaanba taageera dowladda KMG ah laakiin hadda ma jira dadaal muuqda oo ay wadaan.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee magaalada Baydhaba oo hadda ay ku soo urureen xubnaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa la arki doonaa isbedelka siyaasadeed ee ka dhaca maalmaha fooda innagu soo haya.

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i wanna say, replace him with Rudy! yo, i will kick some azz! if u ppl chose me, u aint gonna see no raw meating amxaar there! i will make sure of that..


give me the break. yeey, i will just buy him his caasho waalo every nite.. he aint gonna know the difference. lemme do the work. deal.

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Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:

But will he and his supporters go down without a fight?

That is the big question, and there is only one way to find out - though I doubt whether it is a pill that TFG can swallow.


Rudy with such credentials you will be considered sxb, cause your prime tenet should be accepting the Axmaro as saviours and brethens.

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