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Hargeisa tribal faction: Withdraw Your malitia From Sool

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Hargeisa tribal faction: Withdraw Your malitia From Sool


Hargeisa Regime: Withdraw Your Forces From Sool

by Mohamed Ali Dad


The current situation in Yagoori and Ari Addeeye of Sool province is extremely precarious. A confederation of eight northern tribes have banded together against one single tribe. A sizable army drawn from the northern allied tribes has been occupying parts of Sool province for the last three years or so.


The occupation forces behave worse than a colonial power and ride rough-shod over the local people. They have imposed unbearable restrictions on the population. In fact, they have confiscated the freedoms and rights of the inhabitants. The officers and rank and file of the occupation army have a callous attitude toward the natives of the occupied land. They humiliate the wayfarers and travelers by searching them meticulously and unnecessarily delaying them at the check-points. Even local dignitaries who protested against the transgression, humiliation and atrocious acts of the of the occupying forces were jailed. That is the way they treat and deal with the inhabitants of the occupied territory.


The purpose of the occupation forces is to acquire additional land, establish new settlements and place the population of SSC under their control. Likewise, Hargeisa regime intends to coerce and compel the population of SSC to join the rebel regime in its frenzied efforts to secede from the unified nation of Somalia. The confederation of the northern tribes has already annexed large tracts of land of Sool province extending to 150 miles. They got away with it. They seem not contented with what they have already taken and are still craving for extra lands. But no wonder! One will see many strange things in the course of time.


The town-dwellers, villagers and nomadic community all began to lose patience with the army of occupation. The tide of public opinion has turned against the invaders. The forefathers of SSC population had always defended their homeland. Nobody dared to intrude into their land. They were never unprepared but always ready. However, the latter generations seem to be slack and lazybones. They have changed a lot from what their forefathers were once. As the Latin proverb says: “The times are changing and we with them.â€


The people need to free themselves from the scourge of the occupation forces that are causing them suffering. Continue your resistance unanimously and with one voice. Do not let the sham, make-believe and simulated election to take place in your areas. Whip the native stooges who are in the service of Hargeisa regime and to the detriment of their people and homeland. Resist the occupation by all possible means. Your are the rightful owners of the land and they are trespassers on your private property.


Let the occupation forces feel the pinch and become visibly nervous. Either they have to quit on their own or else be expelled. Let them be convinced that occupying other peoples' land will be futile and fruitless.


This is a clarion call for resistance in defense of the motherland



The Salvation and Consultative Committee of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SCC/SSC)

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