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Assalamu calaykum,


Too often we are given distorted pictures of what is happening in somalia. It is common that villages become cities, warlords become saints,and before you know it, somalia becomes a breadbasket that contains everything that is promised in heaven.


I must say that I rarely follow the news as regards to what is happening in somalia. My last visit a few years back was filled with anger- the somalia that many tribesmen, clan leaders, pseudointellectuals driven by tribalism subjected our eyes to (on websites, fadhi ku dirir areas and various modes of communication) was not the one that I saw.


From Beledxaawo, Mogadishu, Berbera, Laasanod, Baydhabo and galkacyo, I found then that development is in the eyes of the beholder. Those tribally minded somalis were quick to point out that there was progress. My own impartial observation was that things have never been this bad.


This evening after afur , I watched this video. It is the first (impartial- if there is anything called impartiality) report from Somalia the last few days. I had earlier watched David Chater's bulletin from Mogadishu- where he acquired somali citizenship- the shanty towns in mogadishu, the degree of law and order -etc


A statement that caught my ear was when the narrator says "SOMALIS are masters of their own destruction".


The picture that emerges is that somalia is again on the brink of another uncivil war. May Allah help our nation.


Watch the video and make your mind.

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