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Polygamy - The Ultimate Feminist Lifestyle

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Polygamy - The Ultimate Feminist Lifestyle

By Elizabeth Joseph


I've often said that if polygamy didn't exist, the modern American career woman would have invented it. Because, despite its reputation, polygamy is the one lifestyle that offers an independent woman a real chance to "have it all".


One of my heroes is Dr. Martha Hughes Cannon, a physician and a plural wife who in 1896 became the first woman legislator in any U.S. state or territory. Dr. Cannon once said, "You show me a woman who thinks about something besides cookstoves and washtubs and baby flannels, and I will show you nine times out of ten a successful mother". With all due respect, Gloria Steinem has nothing on Dr. Cannon.


As a journalist, I work many unpredictable hours in a fast-paced environment. The news determines my schedule. But am I calling home, asking my husband to please pick up the kids and pop something in the microwave and get them to bed on time just in case I'm really late? Because of my plural marriage arrangement, I don't have to worry. I know that when I have to work late my daughter will be at home surrounded by loving adults with whom she is comfortable and who know her schedule without my telling them. My eight-year-old has never seen the inside of a day-care center, and my husband has never eaten a TV dinner. And I know that when I get home from work, if I'm dog-tired and stressed-out, I can be alone and guilt-free. It's a rare day when all eight of my husband's wives are tired and stressed at the same time.


It's helpful to think of polygamy in terms of a free-market approach to marriage. Why shouldn't you or your daughters have the opportunity to marry the best man available, regardless of his marital status?


I married the best man I ever met. The fact that he already had five wives did not prevent me from doing that. For twenty-three years I have observed how Alex's marriage to Margaret, Bo, Joanna, Diana, Leslie, Dawn, and Delinda has enhanced his marriage to me. The guy has hundreds of years of marital experience; as a result, he is a very skilled husband.


It's no mystery to me why Alex loves his other wives. I'd worry about him if he didn't. I did worry in the case of Delinda, whom I hired as my secretary when I was practicing law in Salt Lake City. Alex was in and out of my office a lot over the course of several months, and he never said a word about her. Finally, late one night on our way home from work, I said, "Why haven't you said anything about Delinda?"


He said, "Why should I?"


I said, "She's smart, she's beautiful. What, have you gone ****** on me?"


They were married a few months later.


Polygamy is an empowering lifestyle for women. It provides me the environment and opportunity to maximize my female potential without all the tradeoffs and compromises that attend monogamy. The women in my family are friends. You don't share two decades of experience, and a man, without those friendships becoming very special.


I imagine that across America there are groups of young women preparing to launch careers. They sit around tables, talking about the ideal lifestyle to them in their aspirations for work, motherhood, and personal fulfillment. "A man might be nice," they might muse. "A man on our own terms," they might add. What they don't realize is that there is an alternative that would allow their dreams to come true. That alternative is polygamy, the ultimate feminist lifestyle.




From a speech given by Elizabeth Joseph at "Creating a Dialogue: Women Talking to Women", a conference organized by the Utah chapter of the National Organization for Women. Joseph is an attorney, a journalist, and lives in Big Water, Utah.





Doesnt that sound nice? :D

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^^^ lol :D I could just imagine... Arliyo, Ceebla, Ciiltira iyo Xaliimo taking turns on making laxoox and having a good old chat about how much of a skilled husband he is and how they adore Faarax-Fanaxle...Walee waa habeen xalay tagay. :D:D

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Originally posted by 2Nine8Five:

^^^ lol
, I could just imagine... Arliyo, Ceebla, Ciiltira iyo Xaliimo taking turns on making laxoox and having a good old chat about how much of a skilled husband he is and how they adore Faarax-Fanaxle...Walee waa habeen xalay tagay.

lool @ ceebla, ciiltira!

C'mon now 2895...don't let this opp pass u by and don't u let Ceebla and Ciiltira take the hand of the best man there is :D what happened to ur competitive nature...go for it :D


On a serious note though, very interesting article and sarcastic too!

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lol@^^^^^^^^^^Think about it now ;)

Eight other wives to share with? Hell, all your objections to married life and sexism will disappear. One will do the cleaning, one the cooking, on the kids feeding, one will iron the husband’s clothes, one will take the rubbish out and they’ll all still have enough time for rest and relaxation. It’s the poor husband who’ll be overworked and get nagged senseless by all eight (eight woman nagging you? Ouch :eek: ). The only serious problem I can see here is the PHONE! How are they going to agree on that one? :D


Anyway, this woman sounds like a Mormon to me (Utah, right?).

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Originally posted by Devil's Advocate:

Such propoganda....

Yeah, it seems like the perfect ideal lifestyle, with no drawbacks at all.


Don't mormons have limits on the number of wives? Because if the husband carries on this way, he'll have annexed most of her female social circle.

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One will do the cleaning, one the cooking, on the kids feeding, one will iron the husband’s clothes, one will take the rubbish out and they’ll all still have enough time for rest and relaxation.

Do you think the somali women would seriously consider the prospect of sharing a house....okay maybe a husband....but a HOUSE?!!! Now thats going too far :mad: :mad: :mad:


Khayr....#1 of course. There are advantages and priviledges for being the first.

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Shabella sis, it DID happen in somalia, i know this gentleman my self, he was a friend of my dads. Honestly speaking this unique individual had three wifes, who were all living together under the same roof, "HOW" we'll neva know i guess.....


Ngonge, the phone issue is quite simple, MOBILEs as yall call it or wife #1(the supervisor) decides who goes on the phone at what time or whatnot. :D:D:D ladies yall betta hury shabella just aplied for that position :D:D



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I laughed my head off about the article and the guys are all imagining the comfort of having more than one it a comfort btw. I am a one wife now and i don't have a problem with my husband bringing on a second wife...but will he do it i doubt..he thinks i am the very very jelousy type..seriously i think i would have welcomed her, a nice welcome indeed.


walaahi i am just talking a talk..ilaahow ha igu keenin...don't know how i will react


"Did the wives have to share rooms too? Bunk bedded together?" shebella i don't think that is possible..may be different rooms but btw in africa specially nigeria you will find a muslim husband with more than three wives and all are living in one house but different rooms..there was this document i watched once on national geographic where the husband goes every night to a different room to sleep..he will be back and forth.( four rooms, everynight with a new room to sleep with his wife...that is what i call equall sharing) acuudu bilaah

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acuudu bilaah

I will never get it! how someone can hate that which is lawful, that which pleaseS Allah, THAT WHICH ALLAH LOVES, THAT WHICH ALLAH REWARDS YOU FOR! i will never get it, how someone can claim to believe in Allah, HIS SIGNS, HIS MESSAGE, AND THEN seek refuge from it! :confused:


WALLAH i will never get it!

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Okey calm down salafi..hate! did i really mentioned that word..okey okey i see where you got it..when i said acuudu i didn't mean it negetively i only said it cause..the man that I mentioned going from one room to another seemed strange to me. so it was kind of an expression if it could be called that.and i am not against what allah has made lawful infact i think i am for it.

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Waalaal, wallahi is very important as muslim that we wont waterdown the islamic Lexis, they all carry a purpose and weight in the sight of Allah! Once you say "Acuudubillah" it means you find aversion in that act and you seek Allah's proctection from it!


Yesterday I was conversing with someone and Something was said that I didn’t trust, consequently I requested them to say “wallahi†to prove their honestly, they complied!


The other person with me told that they were lying, hearing him, they confessed


Wallahi I was stunned that they would lie In the name of Allah, but to them it was a joke!


So Walaal u’d understand my reactions when a haalal act is staged, then another Muslim says( I seek refuge from it in the name of Allah)


Like its an idiom!

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