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Somaliland News (JB is off for the day)

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Madaxweynaha oo xafiiskiisa ku qaabilay Wefdi ka socda Qaramada Midoobay, Daawo Sawirada

Thursday, 03 September 2009



Hargeysa (Somalilandnation)-M adaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, waxa maanta uu kulan kula yeeshay qasriga Madaxtooyada wefdi balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo ku xigeenka Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Arrimaha siyaasadda ee Somaliland iyo Somalia Mr Charles Betrie.

Wefdigaasi oo booqasho gaaban ku yimid Somaliland, waxa ay maanta Madaxweynaha ka wada hadleen arrimo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin Nabad gelyada iyo xasiloonida Somaliland iyo mashaariicda horumarinta ah ee Qaramada Midoobay ay ka fuliyeen Somaliland.


Madaxweynuhu, waxa uu ugu mahad naqay wefdigaasi booqashada ay ku yimaadeen Somaliland, si ay indhahooda ugu arkaan xaaladda ay ku sugan tahay Somaliland, siiba dhinacyada Nabad gelyada iyo Xasiloonida, waxana uu carabka ku dhuftay in isaga iyo xukuumadiisaba ay ka go’an tahay in ay sii wadaan geedi socodka dimuqraadiyada Somaliland ay ku caano maashay.


Mr Charles, oo isaguna halkaasi hadal kooban ka jeediyay waxa uu sheegay in ujeedada socdaalka ay ku yimaadeen Somaliland ay daaran tahay in wax ka bedel lagu sameeyo habkii hore ee ay Qaramada Midoobay ula dhaqmi jirtay Somaliland, iyadoo si toos ah loo siin doono kaalmada iyo mucaawimooyinka Somaliland ay QM ku taakulayso.


Waxa kale oo uu sheegay Mr Charles in ay xafiis cusub ka furan doonaan Qaramada Midoobay caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa, isagoo ka waramaya arrimaha ay QM danaynayso in ay ka caawiso Somaliland waxa ka mid ayuu sheegay Mr Charles dhibaatooyinka Budhcad-badeedka iyo sidii loo sugi lahaa amaanka xeebaha iyo dalka Somalilandba guud ahaan.


Mr Charles iyo wefdigiisu intii aanay Madaxweynaha la kulmin waxa ay kulamo la yeesheen dhawr Wasiir oo ka tirsan xukuumada Somaliland oo ay ka mid yihiin Wasiirka Qorshaynta Mudane Cali Maxamed Ibraahim, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Mudane Cabdillaahi Ismaaciil Cali, Wasiirka Cadaalada Mudane Axmed Cali Casoowe iyo Wasiirul dawlaha Arrimaha Dibada Mudane Siciid Maxamed Nuur, oo si faah faahsan uga xog waramay wefdiga, isla markaana ka warbixiyay baahiyaha deg deg ah ee Somaliland u baahan tahay in wax lagala qabto.


Alla mahad leh


Siciid Cadaani Mooge

Af-hayeenka Madaxtooyada JSL



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ngonge replacing jb - shoe does not fit.


no wonder you where on about the tuulo thing about earlier.


btw - one person is not a delegation - he could have been a new singer (white man singing in somali)for all we know. :D


beside you can't do it like my brothers in the north east - they own propoganda, faanka, and alien names. even Jb trails behind them, so give up before you bite the dust.

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^^ I like the way everyone calls the guy 'Mr Charles' when his FIRST name is Charles. They were even doing it on Universal TV last night. :D



Don't be a xaasid. I am sure the office will cater for neighbouring countries too.

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^You are bad at this job. I only see one 'cut n paste' from you so far. Jb atleast post three or four.


List of Chores


Post few more articles,


comment on few them


Poke fun at Bugland


Take shot at Al-Shabaab



And rare on occasion, post something somewhat unfovorable about Somaliland.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


Mr Charles, oo isaguna halkaasi hadal kooban ka jeediyay waxa uu sheegay in ujeedada socdaalka ay ku yimaadeen Somaliland ay daaran tahay in wax ka bedel lagu sameeyo habkii hore ee ay Qaramada Midoobay ula dhaqmi jirtay Somaliland, iyadoo si toos ah loo siin doono kaalmada iyo mucaawimooyinka Somaliland ay QM ku taakulayso.


Waxa kale oo uu sheegay Mr Charles in ay xafiis cusub ka furan doonaan Qaramada Midoobay caasimada Somaliland ee Hargeysa, isagoo ka waramaya arrimaha ay QM danaynayso in ay ka caawiso Somaliland waxa ka mid ayuu sheegay Mr Charles dhibaatooyinka Budhcad-badeedka iyo sidii loo sugi lahaa amaanka xeebaha iyo dalka Somalilandba guud ahaan.


Don't in turn be as ignorant as JB!


The UN organization doesn't recognize your clan enclave as a tangible real fact, neither do the powers that be. The UN is only trying to avert the looming blood bath that might occur if Riyaale does not step down peacefully.


So cheer-lead all you like for this defunct concept of wey duushay that you peddle in these here threads, but marfashland will always amount to nothing short of morbid embarrassment to real patriotic Somalis everywhere!

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^^ I am not an expert in Somali but I suspect the appropriate and only reply I could use here is a cheery: mac sonkor! :D



I am covering for JB, I am not trying to be him. looooooooooooooooooo ooooool.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ I am not an expert in Somali but I suspect the appropriate and only reply I could use here is a cheery: mac sonkor!

Ngone, how many threads are currently in the midst of conversations relating to your child mongering depravities? Kulahaa, "mac sonkor!"


And why, at age 50, haven't you yet learnt how to speak, read and write af Somaali???

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Qarax, adeer, qarax. Ma alshabab ba ka nasab fiican? Qarax ban ku edhi.

Looooooooooooooooooo oooooool..!!!!


Balayo ku qarxisey

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