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Somaliland Political Parties Sign Agreement on Elections

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Sadexda Xisbi qaran ee Somaliland UDUB,KULMIYE iyo UCID oo ay wehelinayeen komiishanka doorashooyinka qaranka ayaa maanta qalinka ku duugay heshiis ka kooban sideed qodob oo nuxurkiisu yahay hirgelinta doorashada Madaxtooyada oo loo mudeeyey inay qabsoonto 27 Sept. 2009.


Heshiiskan oo nuqul ka mid ahi soo gaadhay Xafiiska Shabakada Hadhwanaagnews ee Magaalada Hargeysa oo ay sumadiisu tahay Ref/GDQ/XK/711/ 09 kuna taariikheysan 27/5/2009 oo ka dhashay wada hadalkii dhawaanahan- ba u socday Axsaabta qaranka iyo komiishanka doorashooyinka ayaa waxay maanta si rasmi ah ugu wada saxeexeen dhinacyada ay khuseysay Huteelka Maansoor ee Magaalada Hargeysa.kadib markii uu ka cudurdartay inuu Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin labada Guddoomiye Xisbi Mucaaridka la saxeexdo heshiiskan taasna ay ka biyo diideen Mucaridku.


Munaasibadii lagu kala saxeexayey heshiiskan wax ka soo qeybgalay masuuliyiin sar sare oo ka socday sadexda Xisbi qaran, komiishanka doorashooyinka, tageerayaasha sadexda Xisbi qaran [KULMIYE, UDUB, iyo UCID], Culima’udiinka, Salaadiin, dhalinyaro, haweenka iyo marti sharaf kale.


Masuuliyiinta dhinacyada heshiiskani khuseeyey qalinka ugu kala duugay waxay kala ahaayeen Xisbiga KULMIYE waxa u saxeexay Xoghaya Guud ee Xisbigaasi Keyse Xasan Cige, Xisbiga UCID-na waxa u saxeexay Guddomiye Kuxigeenka 1aad ee Xisbigaasi Aadan Maxamed Mirre [Waqaf], Xisbiga UDUB-na waxa u saxeexay Xoghayahooda Jaamac Yaasin Faarax, halka Komiishanka doorashooyinkuna uu u saxeexay Gudoomiyaha Guddida doorashooyinka Jaamac Sweden

Waxaanu u dhigna heshiiska iyo qodobada uu ka koobnaa sidan:


“Heshiiska sadexda Xisbi qaran iyo komiishanka doorashooyinka Somaliland. Kadib wadahadaladii u soo taxnaa 16-kii -26-kii bisha May 2009 ee lagaga baaraan dagayey sidii la isula meel dhigi lahaa heshiisna looga gaadhi lahaa hawlaha diyaargarowga doorshada madaxtooyada:


Iyagoo xeerinaya muhiimada ay leedahay in lagaadho heshiis wadareed saldhig adag u noqda geedi socodka doorshada madaxtooyada. Iyaga oo tixgelinaya:


1. In dadka reer Somaliland xaq u leeyihiin in la qabto doorasho xor ah oo xalaal ah oo aan madmadow lahayn

2. Inay lagama maarmaan tahay maada uu wakhtigu isgurayo in la isku tanaasulo si looga midha dhaliyo doorashada madaxtooyda.


Markii la falanqeeyey:


Baaxada ay leedahay u diyargarowga farsamada hawleed ee doorashada madaxtooyada waxay gaadheen heshiiskan:.


1. In doorashada madaxtooyadu qabsoonto wakhtiga loo mudeeyey ee ah 27 Sept. 2009 ee u dhiganta 8 Shuwaal 1430 ee Hijriyada haddii Alle idmo.

2. Heshiiska Server-ka ee sadexda Xisbi qaran:

Sadexda xisbi qaran waxay isku raaceen baahida loo qabo in la soo saaro liiska codbixiyayaasha rasmiga ah ee u fasaxaya inuu muwaadinku ka codeyn karo goobta cod-bixineed ee magaciisu ka soo baxay.


Xisbiyadu waxay taageereen liiska codbixiyayaasha ee kama danbeysta ah haddii ay shuruudaha soo socdaa ay fulaan:


2.1 In liiska codbixiyayaashu uu soo baxo ka hor 27 Julay 2009 oo ah taariikhdii ay u qabatay guddidi dhexdhexaadinta khilafaadka Siyaasadeed, Madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo Guddoomiyayaasha labada Xisbi Mucaaridna la aqbaleen.

2.2 In Guddida farsamada diwaangelintu ay si buuxda u gudato shaqadooda la xidhiidha habeynta liisaska codbixiyayaasha sida uu qeexayo xeer No. 37/2007 qodobkiisa 36.2 ee diwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha

2.3 In qaabka [parameters] sharaxaya ama macnaynaya diwaangelinta ansaxday la isla eego si wada tashi ahna [Consensus] ugu heshiiyaan guddida farsamo ee diwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha oo dhami sida uu farayo xeerka diwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha qodobkiisa 36.2 iyo kaabista qodobka 11aad ee isla sharcigaa iyo xeer dhaqameedka axsaabta siyaasada ee diwaangelinta codbixiyayaasha ee Ref/KDQ/XK/650/ 09 ee 10/2/2009 si wadajir ahna guddida farsamo u soo saxeexdo.

2.4 In natiijadu tahay mid lagu qanci karo, in codbixiyayaasha si aaan kala sooc lahayn u siinaysa xuquuqdooda codbixineed sida uu jideynayo qodobka 6.4 ee xeerka doorshada Golayaasha Deegaanka iyo Madaxtooyada ee xeer No. 20/2001.

2.5 Marka uu soo saaro server-ku liiska codbixiyayaasha ee ku meelgaadhka sadexda xisbi qaran waxay heli doonaan wakhti aan ka badnayn todoba maalmood oo ay kaga bogtaan liiska codbixiyayaasha, waxaanay hubinayaan in qaabkii hore la isugu raacay in la fuliyey, Xisbi kasta waxa uu ku soo gudbin doona qoraal inuu aqbalay liiska codbixiyayaasha ee kama danbeysta ah, iyada oo go’aanka ansixinta rasmiga ahna uu soo saari doono GDQ


3. In guddida doorashooyinku muddo toban maalmood gudahood ah ku soo diyaariyaan qorshaha hawsha doorashada madaxtooyada oo mudeysan [ presidential election time line] si loola socdo kolba hawsha shaqo ee doorshadu halka ay mareyso.

4. Iyada oo la qadarinayo bisha barakaysan ee Ramadaan waa in ololaha doorashada madaxtooyadu ee 2009 bilaabmaa lixdan maalmood ka hor maalinta codbixinta, dhamaadaana 48-sacadood ka hor maalinta codbixinta, arrinta waa in la waafajiyaa xeer.

5. Waa in sadexda xisbi iyo guddida doorashooyinku waa inay soo diyaariyaan heshiiska habdhaqanka anshaxa doorashada madaxtooyada

 waa in lagu dhameystira afar todobaad gudahood marka heshiiskan la saxeexo.

6. meelaha ay ku jiraan galdaloolooyinka sharci ee xeer 20/2001 qeybtiisa doorashada madaxtooyada iyo xeerka diwaangelinta 37/2007 waa in la iswaafajiyo lifaaq xeer lana mariyo hay’ada sharci-dejineed.

7. In Sadexda xisbi qaran ee ka qeybgalaya doorashada Madaxtooyada laga siiyo warbaahinta qaranka xili isku mida [Air Time] iyo wakhti ku filan markasta sida Radio Hargeysa iyo TV-ga qaranka iyo Wargeysyada.

8. Guddida kormeerka iyo dabagalka doorashada madaxtooyada waa in la xoojiyaa awoodooda shaqo, gaar ahaan si ay u sugaan in dhamaan lagu dhaqmo shuruucda dalka u yaala iyo ku dhaqanka xeerka hab-dhaqanka anshaxa doorashooyinka [Election Code of Conduct].”

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The only thing that is missin in hadii ay doorashadu qabsoomii weyso guurtiida anay mar danbe kordhiin karreyn.



The most important qoddob of the deal ururkii gudiga dhexdhexaadku soo gudbiyeen kii na wa ka maqanyahay. The rest is all the same I am just missing that qoddob Jacaylbaro.

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Wow, that's amazing how you can just push election back so many times and just keep adding months and months. I think this is a new form of democracy! Anywhere, else they would start some sort of power-sharing agreement after a presidents terms expired, then again I guess this is what happens when your not a real country.

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Sadly,We Would Never Elect A Man Of Such Integrity And Straight Forward.!!

May 24th, 2009

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Leave a comment Many of the leaders in our society are guided by unhealthy intentions. Instead of seeking to serve the people and heal our nation’s ills, their actions and decisions are primarily motivated by their desire for power.

Many of the people running our country are run by their addictions to approval, power and control. Unfortunately, few truly healthy individuals want to submit themselves to the necessary abuses inherent to our political races - the verbal abuse both given and received, the huge amounts of money spent, the integrity sacrificed through the concessions, lies and manipulations offered in order to win.


Our system of electing our officials is so corrupt that there is little possibility of attracting a person with a strong, personally responsible, loving inner adult self. This is not to say that none of our elected representatives are honest and caring. Except Ucid party.Some are certainly motivated by positive intentions but, unfortunately, they constitute a minority.


There is no training required in personal responsibility to run for office. Our leaders are not required to heal their dysfunctional aspects in order to become honest and trustworthy people. The prerequisites for political positions mostly include having enough money, enough powerful people behind the scenes, being male, and being white.


Our political arena is designed to attract wounded people who need approval and power in order to feel worthy and validated. Obviously, such a person, with little or no internally derived sense of self-worth and integrity, is very susceptible to corruption. “Power corrupts and absolute.” Power corrupts when a person is motivated by his or her desire for power over others, and few people have accomplished enough inner healing to transcend the desire for control over others.


A healthy person in office who is more concerned with serving the people than with getting re-elected could accomplish a great deal. however, is a man of heart, and rather than allowing himself to be controlled he sets about making necessary changes . We need sameone even takes responsibility for the corruption.of course. Sadly,we would never elect a man of such integrity a straight forward,honest, caring, and financially middle-class man.Our election processbad habit does not allow for this.


Revamping our election process would give people like middle-class an opportunity to run for office. We desperately need people who care more for the common good than for their own popularity. We need brilliant, creative, honest and caring people to lead our country, but this will never happen with our present election system.


We have incredible talent in this great country of ours, talent that could eliminate hunger and homelessness, and heal the internal wounds that create health problems, drug abuse, racism, violence and crime. But this talent is rarely tapped because running our country has been based on the earthly values of greed and power over others rather than the spiritual values of honesty, compassion and caring.


Unfortunately, neither our government nor most big businesses are based on the spiritual principles of compassion and caring about the common good. I have no doubt that if our government was based on spiritual principles we would not have the hunger, homelessness, crime, health problems, and drug abuse that are endemic to our modern society.


Somaliland nation, a nation that must learn from what it endured in the past.A nation that must review its bloody racial history and not repeat the same mistakes. A nation that must vet incompetence when electing leaders of high office..


I sincerely hope that Somaliland people will recuperate and survive the immense moral and emotional damage that has been inflicted upon it over the last 40 years.


Amiin Dahir


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I like the patience of the opposition. The adminstration has been careless. And the opposition showed muturity and why they deserve to run Somaliland.

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The somaliland political parties and the Electoral commission signed agreement that will end the long political crisis in Somaliland and is expected to lead an environment where the elections will take place on the designated time. The agreement is the result of series of talks among the parties and the electoral committee from the 16th to 26th of May 2009.


The agreement was signed by the three political parties and the electoral commission in an event attended by government officials, members of the opposition parties, electoral commission and others.


The agreement contained eight points all related to the coming elections in September 2009.


The first point of the agreement is the election date which the all parties agreed to take place on the 27th of September 2009.


The second point is about the server issue. The parties agreed that they will accept the list of the voters that is to be published by the electoral commission if certain conditions are met. Those conditions are about the date where the final list should be finalized before the 27th of July. The technical committee should carry out their job in a very responsible and reasonable way. The parameters of the selection of the voters should be consulted with all the parties and signed by the technical committee as the electoral law explains.


The third point is about the Electoral Commission to prepare the presidential elections timeline in ten days so that the process will be followed by all the parties.


The fourth one is about the elections campaign. In respect to the month of Ramadan, the campaign should start 60 days before the election date and end 48 hours before the election starts.


The fifth point is preparing the code of conduct. It should be prepared within four weeks starting from the day when this agreement is signed. All the parties and the electoral committee should prepare the code of conduct of the elections.


The sixth point is about gaps within the electoral bylaws. Those gaps should be clarified through the legislation buddies.


The seventh point is about the public media. The opposition parties should be given enough and fair time for their campaign activities during the elections. Those public media are the Radio Hargeisa, the national TV and the newspapers.


The last point is about strengthening the electoral monitoring committee. They should be given more authority so that they will make sure the process is inline with the constitution and the code of conduct is implemented.

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Originally posted by somalipride:

Wow, that's amazing how you can just push election back so many times and just keep adding months and months. I think this is a new form of democracy! Anywhere, else they would start some sort of power-sharing agreement after a presidents terms expired, then again I guess this is what happens when your not a real country.

Even if it takes them the next 20 years to hold this damn elections why should you care? Don't worry about the type of democracy they claim to have homie. Don't let that stress you..remember puntland is the future.

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I'm just fascinated by this form of democracy. The man was voted in through the ballot and when his term expired somehow there were problems with the process that got him into the position in the first place, I wish was a leader of a place like that. His not a dictator, or royalty but something new.


Just like all world politics I pay attention to it and have an opinion, whether it be the middle east, south america or anywhere else. Surely I can comment on you guys since your right next to us?

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