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Somali militants kill two Britons, two Kenyans

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MOGADISHU, Somalia, April 14 (Reuters) - Somali Islamist militants killed two Somalis holding British passports and two Kenyans at a school in the central town of Baladwayne overnight, local residents said on Monday.


"Al Shaabab fighters entered the town and suddenly attacked houses of government officials," resident Ahmed Elmi told Reuters. "Then they attacked a school where they killed two Kenyans, a British woman and a Somali man with a British passport."


Al Shabaab is a militant Islamist group that the United States put on its list of foreign terrorist organisations in late February, for what Washington says is links to al Qaeda.


It is leading an insurgency against the Somali interim government and its Ethiopian military allies in the capital Mogadishu, in which at least 6,500 have been killed in the last year.


Another Baladwayne resident, Nur Muse, said that the militants had left the town on Monday.


"Local people are terrified because people who were involved in educating our people were killed last night," he said. The British man, who is ethnically Somali, had come back to his home to build a school, Muse said.

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British Passport holders aren't sadly any different or immune to violence from the thousands who have and still are dying everyday!

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People die everyday in Muqdishu and else where in Somalia ,,,, i can't see why only two persons holding British passports are making the headlines ignoring the rest of the people. Unless they were on a very important mission.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

there are no lines, you just basically brushed aside the murder of these teachers because others are killed, what kind of world do you live in? what kind of logic is that?

What does the word " sadly" mean in the English Language!

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^^ You say brushing aside murders, iya?



Well some people characterized the shelling of thousands of Somalis by Ethiopia forces as " clean ups". You know like you clean up dust from your bedroom?


The rape of women was characterized as "clan courts" propoganda. And I remember a certain individual calling on this forum for the entire " reer Muqdisho" to be moved and "rehabilitated" in the "countryside". Anyone guesses as to who typed those ugly words?


It was just the other day Mr Zenawi labelled the killing of thousands of in the Ocaden as " collateral damage". So talk about having the high moral ground, eh? Let us see your replies to any thread which showed the indiscriminate killing of civilians by the Ethiopians and T.F.G? I bet you will say it's only the Mullahs and Seccionists that kill civilians, ya?



As for this incident, I am saddened by it, as I'm saddened by all other killings of civilians and non combatants in Somalia. The fact that the blood of peoples with whiter skin and European passports is more valued in the media is not brushing aside their deaths, even though the deceased individuals appear to be Ethnic Somalis( in thisd case) . The BBC presenter who was kidnapped in Gaza was saddened at the fact that his kidnap could receive so much coverage, yet no one spoke of the thousands of civilians whom have been taken as Hostages.

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The Courts and Al-Shababs wanted initially to Arabicise us. They are angered by their downfall and the rise of Somali people against their underhanded techniques..

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Abu-Geeljire, your secessionist agenda makes you sympathise with those whose aim is to cut off the government's lifeline by severely disrupting the security.


The government and Ethiopian troops won't kill unless they are aggressed or attacked. What happens when you fire a police unit investigating a crime scene. You can't escape from the truth.


The Alshababs kill and murder civilians to sustain their war with the TFG. This is part of their war style and strategy to survive and overtake the Somali government in the future.


It is a dangerous trend when the likes of you laud and knight the Al-Shababs despite their murderous and plundering activities.

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