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Lieutenant Colonel. David Rose Dies in UK

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^Yes Xaaji, waa duco, may be it slipped out...


We are not allowed to say 'Asalamu Alaikum' or reply 'Wa'alaykum Salaam' to a living non-believer (who may or may not embrace Islam at a later date) let alone wishing peace upon a dead non-believer.


Islamku wax kasta wuu cadeeyay, marka haday kaa fakatahay, waan yara khaldamay inaad tiraahdid dhib ma ahan, otherwise will be arguing for the sake of argument.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

David Rose ayaa dhacay markay taariikhdu ku beegnayd 10 kii August 1940 kii, socdayna muddo shan cisho ah ayaa ahaa mid qadhaadh oo ay iska horyimaadeen ciidamadii Ingiriiska ee ku sugnaa Somaliland iyo ciidamadii Talyaaniga ee ka soo duulay dalka Somalia iyo Itoobiya oo qaybo ka mid ah ay haysteen. Ciidamada duulaanka soo qaaday ee oo ka koobnaa shan bataliyan oo ay ku jiraan qolyahii Baandada loo yaqaanay ama Shaadh Madawdii laga keenay soomaalidii talyaanigu gumaysan jiray oo ay caawinayaan in ka badan 350 dayuuradood ay duulaan ku soo qaadeen ciidamadii Ingiriiska ee Somaliland ku sugnaa ee loo yaqaanay Camel Corps-ka oo tiradoodu dhamayd 1500 oo askari oo ay ku jiraan askar badan oo reer Somaliland ah ay kaga soo duuleen dhinaca Itoobiya. are funny...oo ingiriiska ma dhulkay wax ku lahaayeen?

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Originally posted by Qandali:

JB, did you cry?


Sad news soo ma ahan
:D sign of him. He seems to be still mourning.

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Rot in hell, :mad: He should be brought to Somalia to face justice, for those freedom fighters he used to suppress.

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Jahanama haa ku waaro gaalku, dhib badan ayuu geestay Somalia, dil, dhac, boob, etc ma kuwaa wali u ooyaya Guumeestihii 50 sano ka hor dhulka soomaaliyeed laga xoreeyey, waa layaab



Sabir iyo Iimaan Somalidiidkow :D

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Even this old man's death is a shock to some .... :D



Waxaan ka baqanayaa inay maalinta dambe Ilaahay caayaan oo ay yidhaahdaan muxuu Somaliland u sameeyay ,,, :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Even this old man's death is a shock to some ....



Waxaan ka baqanayaa inay maalinta dambe Ilaahay caayaan oo ay yidhaahdaan muxuu Somaliland u sameeyay ,,,

:D:D Mid baan anigu maalin masaajid ku arkay oo intu iso ag fadhistay bu yidhi Somaliland Ma Go'i karto mid xiiqsan bu aha ,, War salaada ilahay uun hakala Go'eyn :D

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^Masaajidkana fadhi-ku-dirirka qabiilka ma geysay?


JB: How many Somalis died his week in SL that may be deserving of your duco and attention? Wallee gumeystihii haduusan xoog kugu heysan wili maskaxduu kaa heystaa.

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loool@NGONGE's wax fahma!!..his all-the-time sticking-plaster approach of JB's gaffes...

Originally posted by Som@li:

Rot in hell, :mad: He should be brought to Somalia to face justice, for those freedom fighters he used to suppress.


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