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The Government of Puntland and the UAE sign comprehensive bilateral agreement

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^^ Good developments. I hope they put as much emphasis on education as they do on the economy.


God Bless the State of Puntland!

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Hopefully everything falls in place for the state of Puntland and they gain more access to more trade and benefit from the UAE expertise.

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More about the deal inshallah, in short the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah improve and invest in the infrastructure, they will invest and do maintenance on all the airports and ports of Puntland State of Somalia. They will also pay for all the necessary hightech equipment and infrastructure needed.


The agreement says, that the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah shall lift the animal embargo on Puntlandd cattle and also work closely together in order to lift the International livestock export ban on Puntland as well.


According to the agreement the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah will also pay for a large animal center, that can hold 200000 to 300000 cattlei at one time including camels, sheep and cows and which will also be a animal health testing facility.


Also that a center specially for the use of Puntland cattle shall be constructed in that Emirate as well.


On the other hand the Emirate also promised to build cooling and refrigerating facilities in which the fish resources of Puntland could be stored prior to their export.


Last but not least the government of Puntland promised that they will establish consistent bilateral working relations with the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah. Overall a success, I guess.


Read the article below inshallah:


Boosaaso: Maamulka Puntland iyo wafdi kasocda Imaaradka Carabta oo heshiis kala saxiixday.


19. Mar 2007



Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Wafdi kasocda dalka Imaaraadka Carabta gaar ahaan mandaqadda Ra'sulkhayma oo labadii maalmood ee ugu danbeeyay kusugnaa magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta ganacsiga Puntland ayaa heshiis la gaaray maamul goboleedka Puntland.


Kulankii heshiiskan lagu kala saxiixday waxaa goob joog u ahaa madaxwaynaha Puntland iyo madaxda dhowr wasaaradood oo ay kamid tahay wasaaradda kalluumaysiga , xannaanada xoolaha , ganacsiga iyo maaliyadda.


Heshiiskan waxaa dhinaca Puntland u saxiixay madaxwaynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse, dhinaca dalka Imaaraadka Carabtana waxaa u saxiixay madaxa wafdiga Maxamed Cabdalla Mahriisi.


Heshiiskan ayaa waxaa uu dhignaa sidan


1. In dalka Imaaraadku uu dayactir ku sameeyo dekedda iyo garoomada diyaaradaha Puntland ayagoo bixinaya dhammaan qalabka aasaasiga ah ee ay u baahan yihiin.

2.In dawladda Imaaaraadku ay xayiraadda xoolaha kaqaaddo Puntland isla markaana kala shaqasyo Puntland qaabkii xayiraadda caalamiga ah loo qaadi lahaa.

3. In Imaaraadku Puntland ka hir galiyo xarun wayn oo lagu baaro xoolaha nool ee Puntland , taasoo markiiba lagu xerayn karo xoolo gaaraya Laba boqol illaa saddex boqol oo kun oo neef oo isugu jira geel, ari iyo lo'.

4 In Imaaraadka Carabtana xarumo looga sameeyo xoolaha nool gaar ahaan dekedda Ra'sulkhayma.

5. In Imaaraadku uu Puntland ka caawiyo xarumo lagu kaydiyo kallunka iyo tallaagadihii lagu qaboojin lahaa kalluunka.

6. Maamulka Puntland oo ballan qaaday inuu wada shaqayn joogto ah la yeesho Imaaraadka Carabta.


Markii heshiiskan qalinka lagu duugay ayaa madaxwaynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse uu u mahad celiyay madaxda ka socota Mandaqadda Ra'sul Khayma .


Cadde Muuse wuxuu sheegay in xoolaha nool ee Puntland uu dayac xooggan ku haysto dibadda marka ay ka dhaqaaqaan dekedda Puntland ee Boosaaso, wuxuu xusay in arin muhiim ah ay tahay in xooleheenna il gaara lagu hayo , loona sameeyo goobo lagu xannaaneeyo inta ay sugayaan dhoofka dibadda.


Dhinaca kale Maxamed Cabdalla Mahriisi oo wafdigan hor kacaya ayaa xusay in Maamulka Puntland ay ka arkeen wada shaqayn wanaagsan,asagoo xusay in Imaaraadka Carabta u diyaar u yahay sidii Puntland uga caawin lahaa horumarka gobolkooda, wuxuuna sheegay inay ku dadaalayaan in baahidooda ay gaarsiiyaan waddamada ay xiriirka leeyihiin.


CCC Farayaamo


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