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20 killed by the Ethiopian forces in Somali Galbeed region

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It's sad that anyone have to die. Crimes against humanity is something that we should never accept, Weather it is carried out against muslims or non-muslims.


Somaligalbeed is 100% somali, It has no ethnic, religous nor does it have historical relationship with ethiopia. It's sad that they are being denied freedom. But One reason fro sure that the somalis are unable to break awau from ethiopia is the ONLF. The onlf is suposed to be an pan-somali front But It failed to mobilise the somalis. Some somalis in who are not from ****** NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT view the front as an clanist organisation. It's sad.



My advice to the somalis in soomaligalbeed is stop being clanist, And have Faith in god.

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Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH:


50 000 sheep did you say? Are you positive you ain't a

In this particular case, the word "wan" doesn't allude to sheep, but caano, which the natives of that region call caano as wan. So, if put in the other lahjad, it is Caanoweyn camal.

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^ :D


You forgot to explain it to the young nomad that the language is Af-Maay. We gotta get educated somewhere, right? :D

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^^ Nice to see you're smilin again :D


Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

In this particular case, the word "wan" doesn't allude to sheep, but caano, which the natives of that region call caano as wan. So, if put in the other lahjad, it is Caanoweyn camal.

Bro i've read that interpretation when you gave it to Lander the other day, but i'm not talking about natives of particular town but a general term which is ment to describe people who make big deal

out of something that's not that significant, i,e sheep. :D


PS Why don't you start lessons for some of us who are eager to learn May in here.

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Horn is right, I forgot to mention afkaas inuu ahaa af Maay. Perhaps Horn wuxuu kasoo bartay awoowgiis Baardheere ku dhashay iyo ayeeydiis Luuq ku dhalatay, sax ma'ahoo, Horn? 058.gif Maxaa ku qoslee, if C/raxmaan Jaamac Barre can claim to be born in Luuq, yaa dhiman? 045.gif


Ayuub, many Soomaalis when they heard that phrase "Wanlaweyn," they wrongly assume the first word in that phrase wanka in laga wado sheep. That place was called Wanlaweyn because their camels (and the caano they produce) were judged and desired to be the best in that area in the old days.


Anyway, I heard the original coining of that phrase happened during an election in 1960s. That degmo (also known as Daafeed) had a lot of votes, more than that could possibly be. Some MPs from other regions, especially Waqooyi, were pissed off at their perceived apparent corruption happening before their own eyes, thinking the region they hailed from had more inhabitants, hence deserved more votes and seats in the parliament. So they started to call wixii-xunba-xaawaa-leh analogy that wixii siyaasad eh dhacaba oo xun "waa hawshii Wanlaweyn" ee bilaabeen.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:



Horn is right, I forgot to mention afkaas inuu ahaa af Maay. Perhaps Horn wuxuu kasoo bartay awoowgiis Baardheere ku dhashay iyo ayeeydiis Luuq ku dhalatay, sax ma'ahoo, Horn?
Maxaa ku qoslee, if C/raxmaan Jaamac Barre can claim to be born in Luuq, yaa dhiman?


Waxaa dhiman odaygii wadanka ka taliye laakiinse aad ilawdi sabab u ah Garbaharey buu sheegtay. icon_razz.gif We all come from somewhere sxb. :D Bariyo, Sanaagyo, maxay Gedo kaga duwanyahiin? Kuli dhul Soomaaliyeed soo maaha? Maxaad qaar nooga xigsan? 045.gif

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Widaay, heesta Beled Xaawo ma maqashay oo qaadeyso Binti Cumar Gacal. Yaraanteey aad iyo aad ayaa u jeclaa heestaan:


Barbaarta yarkaan ka eegtey

Yarkii isha iiga baaqey

Yarkii caashaqa aan beeraney

Anigu baar baan ku raacay


Anigoo Beled Xaawo jooga

Muxuu Bari iiga yeerey

Kolkaan Boosaaso gaarey

Muxuu Burco iiga heesey

Anoo beer sii maraaya

Haduu bada doon ka raacey

Inuu been ila jilaayey

Adaa boqoroow ogaaye


Yarkii boga ii fariistey

Yarkii beerkayga saaqey

Yarkii boga ii salaaxay [ :D ]

Inaanan baraarugeynin

Kolkuu ka bogtuu ogaadey

Haduu badal iigu jiidey

Inuu been ila jilaayey

Adaa boqoroow ogaaye


Hadaan bogsadaan ka reysto

Sidaan uga boodey caashaqa

Jacaylba hadaan u booyo

Hadaan nin danbeba u baroorto

Hadaan baxsanow iraahdo

Aniga balaayaba hayga raacdo



But Buulo Xaawo inee dhahdo ee ahayd. ;)

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Ahmed-Fiqi, your accusation of ONLF to be impediment to the Struggle is preposterous to say the least. Your accusation is all too familiar, clanist man’s argument. If you honestly believe that ONLF is a clan based org., why cannot you established your own Ahmed_Fiqi front and then we can come under one umbrella? Oh no, you’re a minority and even then, will be marginalized by the “Oâ€!



ONLF is the only hope for that part of the Horn and for you to ask to dismantle it while you are NOT doing anything to further the cause is unfair and insulting. Maybe the reasons why ONLF failed to mobilize (if it did) the Somalis is because of you seeing everything in clan eye lens and view things in qabiil perspective. Maybe its because of you having a Somali blood, but wayone’s ideology. Maybe the guy I see in Tigrey’s malatia’s uniforms, maiming Somali children, mothers, fathers, and sisters is you or maybe you’re not actually in wayone’s uniforms but just helping them and that’s why I called you “Daba-Qoodhiâ€. Hada ka hor ayaan ninbaa wuxuu yiri, guduney, badhkey ayaa kugu jire e, maadan igoyseen.



You alluded that ONLF consist only members from the “O†tribe, and we both know that’s rubbish. I will give you names (ONLF members; non-“Oâ€, of course in private) once you clarify this qabiil name you using as a SOL screen name(Ahmed_Fiqi), they might be your own tribe and I hope that will make you eat your own words.



Dadka waxaa uguxun nin aan walaalkii wax uquudhin isaguna aan meel iska soosaarin!!

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Originally posted by koolkooliye Aw-Jaamac Janogale:



Ahmed-Fiqi, your accusation of ONLF to be impediment to the Struggle is preposterous to say the least. Your accusation is all too familiar, clanist man’s argument. If you honestly believe that ONLF is a clan based org., why cannot you established your own Ahmed_Fiqi front and then we can come under one umbrella? Oh no, you’re a minority and even then, will be marginalized by the “Oâ€!



ONLF is the only hope for that part of the Horn and for you to ask to dismantle it while you are NOT doing anything to further the cause is unfair and insulting. Maybe the reasons why ONLF failed to mobilize (if it did) the Somalis is because of you seeing everything in clan eye lens and view things in qabiil perspective. Maybe its because of you having a Somali blood, but wayone’s ideology. Maybe the guy I see in Tigrey’s malatia’s uniforms, maiming Somali children, mothers, fathers, and sisters is you or maybe you’re not actually in wayone’s uniforms but just helping them and that’s why I called you “Daba-Qoodhiâ€. Hada ka hor ayaan ninbaa wuxuu yiri, guduney, badhkey ayaa kugu jire e, maadan igoyseen.



You alluded that ONLF consist only members from the “O†tribe, and we both know that’s rubbish. I will give you names (ONLF members; non-“Oâ€, of course in private) once you clarify this qabiil name you using as a SOL screen name(Ahmed_Fiqi), they might be your own tribe and I hope that will make you eat your own words.



Dadka waxaa uguxun nin aan walaalkii wax uquudhin isaguna aan meel iska soosaarin!!

As I see it the "****** National Liberation Front" have failed to rally the somali masses behind it's cause. The ONLF was created 20 years ago, Yes you heart it right, It was created in 1984 by Somali rebels. It's been fighting the Ethiopian government for 20 years, Yet it has Failed. There are many reasons for it's failure, But one main point is that the ONLF is today regarded as another clanist organisation that fights for it's clans total domination of soomaligalbeed.



You know, When I think about it, The white man that fought his way to somalil inhabited were cruel evil people, You might be suprised that I understood it to day, When the Eurpean colonialists arrived in soomaligalbeed they made local meetings with somali tribes men, The O-clan. (I doubt know if it is forbidden to say teh names of the clans) They renamed the entire somaligalbeed the disputed name of "******". Though many somali diffirent clans that do not identify themlseves as "******is" live in soomaligalbeed. Acording to staticts 50% are non-******i somalis. By pursuing "******ism" the ONLF has realy failed to get the support of the somalis. I have been to jigjiga, Dire dawa, And Harar, I thought there would be massive suppotrt to the ONLF. In dire dawa, I was at a local hottel, I have to say that dire dawa is and harar are one of teh beutifull somali towns I have set my foot in. At the hotell I went to the local "fadhi-ku-dirir cafe". Somali politics was usally the subject everyone spoke about. The people there rejected the ONLF openly, There were some who supported it, But they were few, In harar, The case was same, In Jigjiga, They were themselves divided. The ONLF understood that this would be a severe problem so they appointed non-******is to posts within the ONLF. Despite the new efforts by the ONLF to project itself as a clanfree organisation it's still an old clanbased organisation that is doomed to fail.



Personally, I seek the freedom and indpendence of Soomalugalbeed. But I doubt that the somalis will unite when the whole political organisation is named after a clan.



Even the somali jabhads were clever then the ONLF. The USC, Was clanbased, But celervly hid it by taking pan somali name "united somali congress". Same with SNM, SSDF, SPM, and many more.



An example that that ONLF is clan based, If you live abroad, Please go to the local ONLF meeting, All of them will be from the same clan.


To end with, I honestly pray for the freedom for all somalis living under colonisation.



Ps: Axmed fiqi was a leganderay somali-mullah poet that fought with the derviches against the british. It's defintly not qabil related bro.

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ONLF is no different than USC and the other numerous Somali factions, all claiming to be fighting for Pan-Somalism-But one basic truth remains, they are all Qabiil based and only serve the interests of Qabiil Hebel.

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Since we're in the singing mood, here's one of my favorite Bob Marley songs:


Until the philosophy which hold one race superior

And another


Is finally

And permanently


And abandoned -

Everywhere is war -

Me say war.


That until there no longer

First class and second class citizens of any nation

Until the colour of a man's skin

Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -

Me say war.


That until the basic human rights

Are equally guaranteed to all,

Without regard to race -

Dis a war.


That until that day

The dream of lasting peace,

World citizenship

Rule of international morality

Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,

But never attained -

Now everywhere is war - war.


And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes

that hold our brothers in Angola,

In Mozambique,

South Africa

Sub-human bondage

Have been toppled,

Utterly destroyed -

Well, everywhere is war -

Me say war.


War in the east,

War in the west,

War up north,

War down south -

War - war -

Rumours of war.

And until that day,

The African continent

Will not know peace,

We Africans will fight - we find it necessary -

And we know we shall win

As we are confident

In the victory


Of good over evil -

Good over evil, yeah!

Good over evil -

Good over evil, yeah!

Good over evil -

Good over evil, yeah!

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Originally posted by axmed_fiqi:

My advice to the somalis in soomaligalbeed is stop being clanist, And have Faith in god.

That's funny. Asking a Somali to give up clannism is like asking a fat person to give up eating. Atheer, get real. It'll never happen.

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