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Terrorists Court Case Started in Hargeisa

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Five gunman accused of kidnapping a German aid worker appeared in court on Monday in Hargeisa, Somaliland.


Daniel Bronkal was working for German Agro Action when he was ambushed and briefly taken hostage in Somaliland two months ago. He was freed when local troops fought off his abductors.


The kidnapping of aid workers and foreigners is common in Somalia. Somaliland split from the rest of Somalia in 1991 when warlords toppled military dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, plunging the country into anarchy. It has governed itself since then.



Source Reuters

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Hargeysa(Qaran)- Maxkamada gobolka Hargeysa, ayaa shalay bilowday dhegaysiga dacwad loo haysto koox dablay ah, oo 12-kii bishii febaruary ee la soo dhaafay magaalada Ceerigaabo ka afduubtay Daniel Bronkel, oo u dhashay Jarmalka una shaqaynayay Haa'yada beeraha ee Germany Agro Action [GAA] oo fadhigeedu yahay Gobolka Sanaag.


Maxkamada oo ahayd mid furan oo ay dhegaysanayeen dad tiro badan oo ay ku jireen ehelada qaar ka mid ah kooxdaasi dablayda ahayd ee la maxkamadeynayo oo ka koobnaa lix qof, kuwaasi oo dhamaantood ka soo jeeda gobolka Sanaag, waxa maxkamadu dhegaysatay dhawr markhaati oo goob joog ka ahaa dhacdadan , oo uu maxkamada uu keenay Xeer ilaaliyaha guud ee Somaliland, Md. Xuseen Cabdi Qaalib.


Dablaydan oo loo qabtay qareen sharci oo gaar ah, waxa Maxkamadu ay mar kale u mudaysay 22-ka bishan April inay dhegaysato dacwada uu xeer ilaaliyuhu ku soo oogay oo ah inay si argaxiso ah ay u afduubeen sarkaal ajanabi ah oo dalka ka wada hawlo samo fal.Waxana la dhegaysan doonaa dooda difaaca qareenkooda.


Kooxdan dablayda ahayd ayaa 14-kii bishii febaruary ciidamada amnigu ay ku soo qabteen meel ku dhow magaalada Ceerigaabo ee gobolka Sanaag.

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whay call them terrorists. whay not kidnappers, criminals, bundits something other than terrorist. or is their appeal to calling ordinary abducters and crimianls terrorist.

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you misusing it. terrorism refers to "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. kidnap which is what happened in this case rafers to the act " seizing and detaining unlawfully and usually for ransom".

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If u kidnap a person and hold a knife on his throat and that’s terror real terror terror on people and the people who have done that are being brought to justice

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Originally posted by Gar-haye:

you misusing it. terrorism refers to "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property
with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Isn't that exactly what happened ????


Btw, they didn't ask a ransom sxb ,,,,

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Hargaysa:- Wararka naga soo gaadhaya Magaalada Hargaysa ee Xarunta Maamulka Somaliland ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Maanta ay Maxkamada Hargaysa ka Furan tahay Dhegaysiga Dacwad lagu soo oogay Shan Nin oo ah Budhcad horay Afduub uga gaysatay Gobolka Sanaag,waxana Dacwadaasi joogay Masuuliyiinta Maamulkaasi.


Kooxdan ayaa xeer ilaaliyaha maxkamada Hargeisa uu ku soo oogay fal afduub ah iyo inay iska caabin ku sameeyeen ciidamada ammaanka markii ay isku dayeen inay ka badbaadiyaan qofka ay afduubteen magaalada Ceerigaabo.


Maxkamadda ayaa ahayd mid furan, oo ay dadka ehelka u ah shantaasi eedeeysano ay dhageysanayeen, iyadoo hal qareen uu u doodayay kooxdaasi, Amaanka goobtaasi ay Dacwadu ka socotay ayaa ahaa mid aad loo adkeeyay.


Budhacaasi ayaa waxay ahaayeen kuwa badhtamihii Sanadkii la soo dhaafay Afduubay Nin Ajaanib ahaa ka shaqayn jiray Hay"adda Fadhigeedu yahay Magaalada Ceerigaabo ee Xarunta Gobolka Sanaag, kuwaasi oo markii danbe ay ka soo samata bixiyeen dadaal dheer oo ay galeen Odayaasha Dhaqanka ee Gobolka Sanaag.



LaasqorayNet- Hargaysa

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