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Xaaji Xunjuf

Remembering the late president of Somaliland Marxmuum Maxammad Xaji Iebrahien Cigaal

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Oo soo ma ogid marqaanku chaptarro baddan aan run ahayn inuu dadka jaadka daaqa tuso? It causes people to hallucinate and have an erroneous perception of reality-- thus making them incapable of distinguishing your so-called 'chapters' of reality from 'chapters' of fiction. And, I'm afraid, you and some other Marfishlanders on SOL, have been displaying the telltale signs of these symptoms for many years now. However; I believe once you sober up from this drug induced illusions that you call somaliland and I call Marfishland-- then you will see things like every other Somali person does: That there is no such thing in this world. But until then, continue to delude yourself, that that wondrous figment of your imagination or la-la land in your head, created by your fictitious thoughts is real.

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Alle ha unaxariisto.. He was a great Momali leader ee qabyaalada la idinku imtaaxaamay iska daaya..

The above visit and the pictures you posted, he was THE prime minister of SOMALIA... So maxaad ka hadlaysaa XAAJI.

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Mr Somalia mala cidi wax qabsatta oo hormar gaadha ma marqansanyahay, mala cidi aad isku siyasad noqon weydan mafrish bu fadhiya , Adeer meesha ka fadhiso



A khadar


I am aware that these pictures were taken when Cigal was the prime minister of Somalia, Did u hear me say these pictures were taken During Somaliland era? But This topic Is About Maxammad xaji iebrahien Cigaal aun from the days of snl to the days he was the prime minister of somalia, And Last but not least When he became the president of the republic of somaliland in 1993.

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Originally posted by A_Khadar:

Alle ha unaxariisto.. He was a great Somali leader ee qabyaalada la idinku imtaaxaamay iska daaya..

The above visit and the pictures you posted, he was THE prime minister of SOMALIA... So maxaad ka hadlaysaa XAAJI.

Xaji seems lost in his own lies, the man was the PM of Somalia & he was proud of it, as you can see in the pics, him & his wife Edna were loving it. :D

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I have always wondered why marfishlanders seem to have the need to present outright falsehoods that ANYONE can show to be false in a matter of minutes. Do they *really* believe the rest of the people are as gullible as they are??


And the sad part of it all is that this man isn't around to defend his name from these circus freaks.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

A khadar


I am aware that these pictures were taken when Cigal was the prime minister of Somalia, Did u hear me say these pictures were taken During Somaliland era?



^^Look at the above pictures caption, Xaaji :D ? What does it say? Do you agree it represents secessionist’s desperation in their attempt to deceive the gullible masses?


The correct caption of the pic sould instead be: Republic of Somalia's PM with Egypt's President :D


AUN the marxuum

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^ inaalillaahi.. war kuwaan ahlu secessionists sow ceeb kama xishoodan miyaa? Mise marqaanka wuxuu tuso aya la qori.


Cigaal Allaha u naxariisto tariikh & sumacad ayuu ku leeyahay jahmuuhiryadda oo dhan balse secessionists-ku waxay doonayanaan in ay sharaftiisi ku koobaan hal xaafadoo qura. Allaha indhaha idiin fiiqo waxba uma jeeedane.

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^ yeah sort of... this time waa mobile clinic rabani ah. Anway haddee qofku haddusan xaqiiqda lama-inkiraanka ah usan arki karin sow in dahaar indhaha ka saaran yahay ma cadda markaa? :D

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

A khadar


I am aware that these pictures were taken when Cigal was the prime minister of Somalia, Did u hear me say these pictures were taken During Somaliland era? But This topic Is About Maxammad xaji iebrahien Cigaal aun from the days of snl to the days he was the prime minister of somalia, And Last but not least When he became the president of the republic of somaliland in 1993.

Then your post's title and your presentation are out of sync. Make them sync that is all.

If you want to give the good man a superior remembrance, give him the max that he deserves. He was a a great leader and role model for entire Somali people wherever they are. However you presented his hay times of that all Somalis were looking up to him and yet cornered him in little two tuulos as he was their president.. Ceeb calayka… Choose one or the other…

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

A khadar


I am aware that these pictures were taken when Cigal was the prime minister of Somalia, Did u hear me say these pictures were taken During Somaliland era?



^^Look at the above pictures caption, Xaaji
? What does it say? Do you agree it represents secessionist’s desperation in their attempt to deceive the gullible masses?


The correct caption of the pic sould instead be:
Republic of Somalia's PM with Egypt's President


AUN the marxuum
SNM history teaches them that Somaliland was a recognized country Jamal Abdi Nasir's era and Egal AUN was their president.. :D:D Xaaji beleives that too..

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

The correct caption of the pic sould instead be:
Republic of Somalia's PM with Egypt's President

AUN the marxuum

Ehem, Somali Rebublic :D

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