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Ethiopians Leave Baydhaba

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Baydhabo: Magaalada Baydhabo oo ay baneeyeen ciidamada Itoobiya & Hub ay ku wareejiyeen Siyaasiin udhalatay Baay iyo Bakool.

25. januar 2009


Baydhabo(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa baneeyey Saldhigyo muhiim ah oo ay ku lahaayeen gudaha Magaalada Baydhabo ee koonfurta Soomaaliya, markii ay Xukuumada Addis Ababa amar ku siisay in ay ciidamadeedu ka soo baxaan gudaha Soomaaliya oo ay galeen mudo laga joogo labo sanno iyo dheeraad.


Ciidamada Itoobiya oo ku hubeysan gaadiid dagaal oo ah kuwa Milateriga ayaa maanta lugu arkayay gudaha iyo daafaha Magaalada Baydhabo, markii ay ka soo baxeen Saldhigyadii Milateri waxaana dadka Magaalada Baydhabo amar lugu siiyay saaka in aysan ka soo bixin guryahooda.


Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa wadada ka baxda Baydhabo uga baxay si nabadgalyo ku jirto, mana loo geysan wax weerar ah, inkastoo ay Magaaladaasi uga tageen cabsi lixaad leh oo ay xalay ku seexdeen dadka Magaalada Baydhabo, oo ah in ay Ururka Al- Shabaab la wareegayaan magaaladaasi.


Intii aysan ka bixin Magaalada Baydhabo ciidanka Itoobiya, waxa ay hub aan tiradiisa la aqoon, balse leh noocyada kala duwan ee Hubabka ay ku wareejiyeen qaar ka mid ah Hogaamiyaashii hore ee dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaana Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade oo horay umaamulayay Magaalada Baydhabo, intii aysan dagin magaaladaasi dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Hubkaasi ayaan la aqoonin macnaha wareejintiisa, waxaana Warar wargal ah ay sheegeen in ay dawladda Itoobiya ula jeeday hubkaasi ay siisay Xaabsade in uu ku difaaco Magaalada Baydhabo oo ay agagaarkeeda joogaan Kooxda Al- Shabaab ciidamo ka amar qaata, kuwasoo ay dad badan cabsi ka qabaan in ay qabsadaan Magaalada Baydhabo ee koonfurta Soomaaliya.


Shalay ayay ahayd markii ay Saraakiisha Itoobiya la kulmeen Xildhibaano ka soo jeeda gobalada Baay iyo Bakool, ayna kala hadleen bixitaanka ciidamada Itoobiya & Iskaashi dhexmara Dadka ku dhaqan gobaladaasi iyo dawladda Itoobiya, sida ay ku waramyaan Warar hoose oo ka soo baxaya Magaaladaasi Baydhabo.


Askarta Itoobiya ee maanta ka baxday Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa qaarkood ay ku sugnaayeen Magaaladaasi, tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyey markii ay soo galeen gudaha Soomaaliya, ayagoo goobahaasi aad ukala bartay, waxa ayna dadka qaarkood udhaqaaqeen galabta goobihii ay ka baxeen ciidamada dawladda Itoobiya oo saaka ka dhaqaaqay Magaaladaasi.


Markii ay ciidamada Itoobiya ka soo baxayeen Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasumada Soomaaliya, waxa ay hubkoodii kala wareegeen ciidamo ka tirsanaa dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya iyo Hogaamiyaal caanka ah gudaha Soomaaliya oo uu ka mid yahay Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb iyo rag kale oo ay ciidamadoodu joogaan Magaalada Muqdisho, waxa ayna dad badan ku jaha wareersan yihiin sababaha ciidanka Itoobiya ay hubka ugaga tageen Baay iyo Bakool.


F. C. Geylan


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Ethiopia withdraws last troops from Somalia


By Anita Powell

Associated Press

Jan 25, 2009


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia—Ethiopia has withdrawn all of its troops from Somalia, an Ethiopian official said Sunday, the day before Somali legislators are scheduled to vote for a new president.


Bereket Simon claimed the last Ethiopian troops had been withdrawn after crushing al-Shabab -- a Somali Islamist militia that nevertheless remains the strongest and most aggressive in Somalia.


The Ethiopian withdrawal began earlier this month.


"We have finally come to complete the withdrawal in the last two to three days," he said. "We have been able to crush (Kixkxkxixkxikxix Loooooooooooooool :D:D:D:D:D:D right) the clear and present danger."


The Ethiopians chased an Islamist administration from the Somali capital in 2006 at the request of Somalia's U.N.-backed government. Al-Shabab, which the U.S. state department says has ties to al-Qaida, was part of a broad alliance that made up the Islamic administration.


But the U.N.-backed government was weakened by infighting and corruption and failed to deliver security or basic services, even with Ethiopian military backing. It now only controls a few blocks of the capital and the parliamentary seat of Baidoa.


By contrast, Al-Shabab controls several major cities and on Saturday it launched a suicide attack on an African Union peacekeepers base that killed 14 people. It has threatened to focus its attacks on AU troops now that Ethiopian troops have left Mogadishu. Al-Shabab and other Islamist militias control most of southern and central Somalia.


One Islamist faction, which signed an ineffectual peace deal with the government last year, is expected to help elect a new Somali president Monday at a meeting of legislators in the neighboring country of Djibouti. The previous president resigned last month.


Al-Shabab, which the Ethiopians claim to have crushed, is one of the other factions that has refused to take part in the peace process or elections. They made substantial territory gains in the second half of last year, but have recently begun fighting other Islamist militias that disagree with their hardline interpretations of Islamic law.


The Ethiopians say they will maintain a military presence on their long, porous border with Somalia and reserve the right to re-enter the country if they are threatened.



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Waa good news, now all the fighting has to stop, there is nothing bad than a bullet going into your chest.

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I agree NOW it is time to lay down the arms, and let common sense prevail. My point of contention has always been there is no peace while your enemy is still amongst you, but now Ethiopia is defeated, I hope we don't turn the guns on each other.


There are two important things that needs to happen, inclusion of Al-Shabaab into what ever political process that's undertaken, and exclusion of the discredited warlords from the process.


Once peace is secured in the south, the northern and eastern territories could be enticed to join.

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Kix kix kix kix, jah jah jah jah!


Ma jaboow Che Guaveera

Warkaad keentay jalbeebta


Jiriricuu igu beeray

In Amxaaroo jabtoo


Jahatay bee qirayaa

Jirkaygu wuu gilgilay


Ee jannadii gal firdawsa

Jahannaba Eebbe ku dhaafi

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