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Thankful here it is - Erigavo - Sanaag

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The people of Sanaag voting peacefully in the capital and the district.






Magaalo madaxda gobolka sanaag ee Ceerigaabo oo ay Saaka si habsami ah uga bilaabmay codaynta doorashada + SAWIRO



codbixiyeyaasha oo safan


Ceerigaabo (CRBO) waxaa saaka guud ahaan si habsami ah uga bilaabmay codaynta doorashada madaxtooyada gobolka sanaag guud ahaan waxaana ay dadku ku jiraan safaf dhaadheer oo ay dadku rabaan inay ka dhiibtaan codadkooda doorashadan ayaa ahayd mid ay mudo badan shacabka reer somaliland sugayeen waxaana maanta oo ay ku beegantahay 50 guuradii xornimada ee ay ka qaadatay dalka ingiriiska.mar aan booqday goobaha laga codaynayo qaar ka mida ayaa waxaa ay indhahaygu qabanayeen iyadoo ay dadku caawimayeen dadka taagta daran iyo waayeelka kuwaasoo ay u tix gelinayeen inay hore u codeeyaan

waxaa iyana wax aad loola yaabo ah iyadoo dadkii codaynaayay uu qof waliba danaynaayay inuu illaaliyo amniga isla markaana aanayba askarta goobaha intooda badani haysan wax saxmada



Isugayn: Gobolka sanaag waxaa ka codaynaya

146369 (boqol iyo lix iyo afartan kun, saddex boqol iyo

sagaal iyo lixdan).

Ceerigaabo oo keliya waxa codkooda ka dhiibanaya

74462 (afar iyo toddobaatan kun, afar boqol iyo laba iyo lixdan)


wixii warara ee ka soo kordha waan idin la soo socodsiin doonaa


Weriye farxaan Maxamuud Xidig.

Shebekeda Wararka ee

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this is all lies, LIES , LIES....


infact i didnt see a picture on the screen...


show me a picture that this picture even exists....


this was organised by the secret service

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I went online looking for it, I want to find out. I am not there so I can not say with certainty, I just find it strange that there are pics and video's of huge lines in the triangle but then other places they seem fishy.





The triangle has crystal clear video and pics of huge line-ups, the rest, blurry. Qudac said that THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS voted, I am yet to see this outside of the triangle.

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What's the population of erigavo? 100,000 to 180,000?? Plus you need to factor in the surrounding rural area's where people will most likely come to the city to vote. Of those how many of them are of voting age? Tens of Thousands atleast????


Yet, these are the pics you send me from Erigavo? I am expecting for a city of that size, multiple polling stations with huge line-ups. I am expecting the same coverage as you have in the triangle! The video's coming out of Saaxil and Hargeysa.


Well I spoke enough on it, I was hoping to open a thread that finally had pictures similar to the triangle, yet they are obviously not coming.


The lack of coverage has led me to believe that maybe turnout was so poor because people there have no one representing them in the elections.


I also think these area's will suspiciously vote in high numbers in favor of Riyaale and get him re-elected!

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JB show me where I said that! You remember when you quoted me as saying that I would give Riyaale credit if he went to Lascaanood to campaign! Which he didnt


Libaahe, anyways I've said it before that Ilko-Jiir can't go there, the places that election boxes go to are not under Puntland control, including Erigavo.


I wont write about this anymore, until I see convincing pics like the huge numbers of people from the triangle.

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Oodweyne, it was interesting. Because there are extensive video's and pics or huge rallies when he was in the triangle, with him standing at the mirco-phone speaking to the crowd and rallying his supporters. Yet, suprisingly there was none of this in Lasaanood.


That's has always been my point, why so much coverage from the triangle? During campaigning and election day?


But I will give you guys full credit if Riyaale doesn't win, and you exchange power peacefully! There is no doubt in my mind he will win, but lets just saying he might lose, I doubt he will leave quietly.

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The Zack   

Thankful, so u r looking for a proof that Erigavo loves laland as hargeisa does? You will never get that, don't waste ur energy.

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Of course it's just talk. Because I call nonesense when you insist on just showing tons and tons of clear pics from the triangle and video's. But you want us to take the word of the 800 local election officals you have. If you are going to just cover the tribal triangle with so many pics and video's, then cover the rest of the places!

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Notice how they said Eastern Sanaag, but not eastern Sool.....this is precisely what I was talking about and why I believe their is a lack of pictures and video compared to the triangle.


Relief Web


Observers say breakaway Somali region vote was fair

Source: Reuters - AlertNet


Date: 28 Jun 2010



* Ninety percent of votes counted - electoral body


* International observers say poll met standards


By Hussein Ali Noor


HARGEISA, Somalia, June 28 (Reuters) - The presidential election in Somalia's breakaway republic of Somaliland was free and fair, international observers said on Monday.


More than one million people voted on Saturday in Somalia's separatist northern enclave that is seeking international recognition as a sovereign state.


"Despite some irregularities, the election process was fair, free and expressed the will of the people. We are looking to a speedy and clear result that is accepted by all the parties," Conrad Heine, an observer from Britain, told reporters.


Three candidates stood in the election that opposition leader Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo is expected to win, ousting Dahir Rayale Kahin, who has been in office for nine years.


A former British colony, Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991, but has not been recognised internationally despite its relative stability and the establishment of democratic institutions.


Over the same period, anarchic Somalia has been subject to continuing violence that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands.


International monitors however said they were concerned at complaints by the Somaliland opposition blaming the incumbent president's ruling party for using public funds, state media and vehicles for its campaign.


Some residents in disputed areas along Somaliland's border with Puntland, a semi-autonomous enclave, refused to vote. Militia supporting Puntland raided polling stations, killing four people and seizing ballot boxes.


"The unwillingness of portions of the electorate to participate in the polls in Sool and East Sanag was a matter of concern," Hein said. But he said that the election had met the criteria required.


The International Republican Institute (IRI), a U.S.-based group which monitors elections, said the vote was peaceful, without major incident and generally met international standards.


IRI cautioned the political parties and the public against jumping to conclusions before the final result is announced.


"Election day is only one part of a larger and longer four part process, which includes the pre-election environment, pre-election administration, election day voting, and vote counting and post-election adjudication resulting in acceptance of a legitimate result," it said in a statement.


The National Election Commission chairman, Essa Yusuf Mohammed, told reporters that most of the votes had been counted, except those cast in the capital Hargeisa, but declined to comment on early results.


"Until now, ninety percent of the votes have been counted. We are waiting for Hargeisa to finish soon," he said. (Writing by Abdiaziz Hassan; Editing by Giles Elgood)


For more humanitarian news and analysis, please visit

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Thankful, elections did take place in sool especially western sool - caynabo areas, as for eastern sanaag they mean the far badhan there was some problems there but it has been sorted.

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