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And thus it is finally confirmed! Recognition at last! Bishaaro iyo Guul!

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AwMuuse Ismaciil , If you are lucky enough they will realize how cultural oriented are you and send you to SL where their officials back home will give the training.

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"The lies of Bugland finally revealed"

By Jacaylbaro Jamac


It has recently come to our attention that certain PL officials have been involved in an ugly act of defamation at the proud and sovereign nation of Somaliland. Most avid followers of SL news will no doubt have read and heard about the contemptible tittle-tattle regarding Israeli recognition of SL. Most must have dismissed it as idle chatter and nonsense. However, this online portal has finally came into possession of information that proves beyond doubt that this story was nothing but the mischievous prank of certain PL officials. Attached is a first draft of the doctored letter claiming to be from the Israeli foreign office.


We are also investigating two more falsehoods circulated by these corrupt PL officials, regarding the Somaliland Red Crescent and a story about an elderly Somali lady alleged to have been handed over to the Ethiopian authorities. On the first case, the investigation is still ongoing and we shall update our readers as and when we receive any more information. We had a real breakthrough on the second case however, and have discovered that the alleged lady had actually lived in the PL capital for two months before being deported to Hargeisa and welcomed with open arms by the generous SL people. She spent two happy years in SL and never faced any problems or hardships during her stay. However, on the 14th of February 2010, at approximately eleven o’clock at night, she heard a knock at her front door. Subsequently, an eyewitness that refused to disclose his name told us that they saw the said lady leaving the house with a young Somali man who had a very distinct Garowe accent. This reporter does not know how the young man convinced the lady to leave her house and in what direction he led her.


When we contacted the Ethiopian embassy in SL to inquire about the welfare of the lady and the reasons for her arrest, we were told that no such person has been arrested and that no Ethiopian officials in SL and Ethiopia head heard of her story. Our source in the Ethiopian intelligence service has also told us that the lady may be incarcerated in PL prisons and that her name does not appear in any Ethiopian official wanted lists.


Our investigations will continue until we uncover these cowardly PL officials and their dangerous smear campaigns.





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By Twitter to Sakhar. 'Sakhar you have been tweet by Jacaylbaro'


I, Jacaylbaro of Sol hereby affirm, that Ngonge (the fence-sitter) who claimed that Israel's recognition was a smear compaign, through a letter allegedly written by me is totally false.


The story is true, true and true. I got it from Somalilandpress website which they got it from Haaretz Newspaper. Ngonge has been found out to be in bed with the enemy 'bugland', which he proudly displays. I devoted my last couple of posts to this topic and cannot be seen to be backtracking and I truly believe it to be true. Everything else is hearsay


We condemn Ngonge and the story is true. My 140 words have been used up, and I just wanted to clarify the issue.


Yours sincerely,

Jacaylbaro Hargeisa.

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:D LOl. Nice one. Aw Muuse.


I think the clause which contains JB's name legally puts in a safe bufferzone.


So this shows if PLanders want to fabricate news, they can do it better and with class. :D

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^lool, thanks indr for the legal counsel I was a bit worried there but with JB in it it's safe I think from prosecution by the state of Israel and it's foreign ministry. :D:D

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Lol@Puntland sites fabricated that news...Joke iga dheh... Sites referred from this news was SL sites but I can see if one says the source was Puntlander...

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Originally posted by Jacaylbro:

HARGEISA (Somalilandpress) — The government of Israel is ready to restore the de jure recognition it has offered to Somaliland in 1960 as it eyes the Red Sea and the Horn, an Israeli spokesman says.


According to a local source, Golisnews, Mr. Yigal Palmor, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman is quoted on the Israeli newspaper of Haaretz Daily saying his government was ready to recognize Somaliland again. He cited Israel was the first state to recognize Somaliland in 1960 when it received its independence from Great Britain.


However, Mr. Palmor admitted Somaliland government has not contacted the Israeli government to seek ties.


When asked a question regarding Somalia, Mr. Palmor answered: “Somalia looks like the Afghanistan of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, historically speaking we know the Somali people have different believes and politics. The Somali people have different political values of which they unified in 1960 that led to the whole misunderstanding and ultimately the collapse of Somalia,” he told Haaretz Daily.


While answering to a question regarding Somaliland-Israel ties, he said: “Israel was the first nation to recognize Somaliland and indeed was the first country the State of Israel has recognized, after it received it’s Independence from Great Britain. When it unified with Southern Somalia, again we were the first to recognize it. We always wanted a relationship with a Muslim country in East Africa and which we can share the Red sea with.”


Mr. Palmor said his country was ready to restore Somaliland’s old status however currently the two states have no bilateral ties.


He added Israel has ties with number of East African countries including Tanzania, Uganda and even Djibouti.


Many analysts believe Israel has growing national interest in the Red Sea region, a key shipping route. According to well-informed regional sources Israel believes the region is also a key route for arms from Iran for Hezbollah, Sudanese regime and number of other groups in Palestine. The Red Sea gives Israeli ships access to the Arabia Sea and are within cruise-missile range of Iran. Israel also concern about Arab nations such as Egypt blocking it’s commercial shipping lines.


There are unconfirmed reports also suggesting Israel wants to deploy submarines in the Somaliland port of Berbera and possibly establish a military outpost. Many Arab states have in the past expressed concerns about the proposed Israeli-base in the Horn of Africa seeing it as Israel surrounding them.


The region is well known for it’s strategic importance and it was days ago when an Al Qaeda spokesman, Said al-Shihri, said “taking control of Bab El-Mandeb, will constitute an escalating victory: the Jews will be crushed in a vise, because it is through the Strait that the United States brings its support to Israel.” Bab El-Mandeb, which means “tears of gates” in Arabic is a 20-mile long inlet located in the narrowest point of the Red Sea, between the shores of the Horn of Africa and Yemen.


It is also reported Somaliland has avoided approaching Israel in order not to harm it’s fragile relations with the Arabs and Muslim world, which it heavily relies on for its main foreign trade – livestock.


However many of the youths in Somaliland believe ties with Israel is better for Somaliland’s economic environment because of it’s economical and technological achievements. Many argue livestock is not sustainable economy because of health issues, climate change and urbanisation and prefer developing economy based on service and high-tech sector, similar to that one of Israel and Taiwan.


Somaliland, like Israel, finds itself politically isolated, in the middle of a hostile region and at a thorny crossroads and if anyone is to reach out to the unrecognized republic, it would be Israel. It too knows how it feels to be denied it’s statehood and self-determination. While Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, Somaliland is the only Muslim democracy in the region.


Somaliland has it’s own hybrid system of governance under a constitution was former British protectorate which gained independence 26th June 1960 and was recognized by 34 countries including Israel and the United States. It later joined South Somalia in a union that was never rectified which lasted until 1991.

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