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Intreasting thoughts

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Two spheres of life are placed upon the Earth. They exist on top of one another. Where one lives in one sphere, that person cannot see the other sphere. These spheres are the masculine and feminine spheres.


As men, we have our systems of beliefs, our moralities, and values. All men share similiarities that it is better to be smarter than dumber, stronger than weaker, and wiser than stupider. But 'smart', 'strong', and 'wise' exist only in a certain context: and that is to work. To accomplish.


When men look at women, they wonder how awful their existence must be. For women, in men's eyes, are stupider, weaker, and dumber. Men see women doing menial tasks, and we wonder how they do brain dead jobs.


Men think women are very emotional and can be like a frail flower.


Some men, when they think they 'understand' women, end up projecting their own male contexts into women. For example, a man thinks his context of horniness is shared by a woman's. He says, "She is just as horny as I!" (whereas her horniness has a tactic involved)


Men peering at the feminine sphere is like men on the shore of the world peering into the ocean. They see shadows of movement on the other side and consider that liquid underworld to be mysterious yet pretty shallow. Certainly nothing as complex and wonderous as above!


But let us jump into the waters into the Feminine Sphere. As we jump into the water, we realize there is no liquid underworld. We appear on the surface just as when we left but it is a new different overworld. And, likewise, there are women standing on the shore peering into the depths of the ocean wondering what it is like in the masculine sphere. They see the shadows and it seems interesting, a little mysterious, but they too think it is a shallow existence. And they pity men for their shallow existence.


The feminine sphere is just as wonderous and detailed as the masculine sphere. Both were created by Nature or Nature's God. Each sex pities the other for their 'shallow' existence.


Women do not think men are smart. They may be intelligent, but women will always think they are smarter. The feminine sphere operates in a different morality. For a woman, to be 'smart' is to manipulate others to do work for them. Beautiful women are despised by other women because they have the potential to become very rich.


To women, men are stiff creatures who, if they give intelligent talk, are percieved as talking nonsense. There are more practical concerns to talk about such as shopping and sex.


Both men and women exist for feelings. But men do not recognize video games, football, or the praise they get from jobs or girlfriends to be 'feelings'. Also, women do not recognize that decorations, shopping, food, and sex to be 'feelings'. When a woman insists on remodeling, it is considered very important to her. But if a man were to suggest a new HD TV to replace the old TV, the woman would think it nonsense and to consider the man is interested only in new feelings.


Women see men as weak creatures whose only benefit is that they can work for them. This is why when a woman dumps you, she uses BS language like "Let us just be friends" and all without telling you what is really wrong. She percieves men to be ****** because, let us face it, many men do act ****** around women.


To women, religion is totally different than what it is to men. Everything exists in a different context. When a man is with a woman wearing a hot outfit, don't look at her but at the other women on the street. They will be staring daggers into her.


Women do not care what men think of her. It is nice if a man turns to look at her. But if a woman turns and looks, then her day is made. Instead of saying a man said something about her, say that a woman said something. She will demand to know who the woman is and what was said. But as for the men? Well, who cares about those shallow simple creatures.


"But DALI! History books are filled with great men. And women read those books. So obviously the masculine sphere is superior." Yes, women read those books. But history itself is part of the masculine sphere.


The masculine sphere is full of straight lines, of towers, and pyramids.


The feminine sphere is full of reflections, of webs, and massagers.


Consider the home. Many men design the interior of their home for utilitarian purposes or for cool electronic equipment. Often, it is a black look everywhere (non-reflection). Men do this because it creates a mood within him.


A woman sees it totally different and considers the interior of the home a priority. She puts up drapes, carpet, constantly cleans, gets matching furniture, all because it creates a mood within her.


Men believe women are all about feelings because when they interact with them, that is all he sees. But women believe the same about men. They see your video game systems, speakers, and fast car and think, "Toys".


The problem that has occurred was that somehow along the way, the feminine sphere was proclaimed to be the 'master morality' while the masculine sphere was proclaimed to be the 'slave morality'. Society views a 'man' as only a being that works for a woman. And a 'woman' is a being that holds the leash over a man.


When a man thinks of equality, it is a difficult concept. Sure, he knows he should be fair, but he can barely respect women as equals. This is the same for women. They also barely respect men as equals.


I am tired of men standing on that shore, pointing at the water, and declaring, "What a shallow existence women are living! They are not fit to live!" It is because on the other side is a woman, pointing at the water, doing the exact thing. Women are very smart. They are just smart in ways men do not percieve as smart (so they just label it 'woman's intuition). Women do the exact same for men.


A few are able to travel to the other sphere. But they are always travelers and can only observe. They will never be native to that other sphere. Esther Vilar was one such traveler. Her "Manipulated Men" described women to a T but what she labels as men's hopes and dreams is a little 'fuzzy'. But that is enough. No woman can understand a man well enough as men can (just as men cannot understand woman as women can). But Vilar knew enough of our sphere to communicate.


"Manipulated Man" should reveal that there is a looking glass and, on the other side, there is a feminine world that is invisible to us. Vilar gave us a lens to 'see' it. We should strive to sharpen that lens. The better we understand the feminine sphere, the better we understand women.

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Becoming financially independent is one of the greatest changes you can make to your life. This is done when you don't need a job, when you have assets paying all your expenses. You become in control of your life. There are many books and much information on how to become financially free so I won't talk about that here. But there is something else I have been wondering...


Why did men become, and strive, to become employees forever?


It is a fascinating question. The idea of financial freedom is not new. So what possibly could get 90% of the population into becoming wage slaves?


Ever since we are five years old, we are put in school. We are then told to do stuff. This will not change until the day we retire (for many men, this is sixty years later). The idea of doing nothing is alien to us. If someone does nothing, hostility and mockery is sent at that person. "Lazy!" they say.


The child, since the age of five, then goes through school. He often goes to college where he is told to do more things. After college, he gets a job and keeps doing what someone else wants him to do.


After a while, you would think, "Wouldn't he try to get out of the position of being leveraged?" Yes, you would. I never understood why the masses didn't attempt to escape from being a wage slave. The reason why most men never escape the wage slave mentality is because of their woman.


During college or shortly after, a man meets a woman. The sparks fly. They end up getting married. This means they must move into some apartment and soon to a house. The bills keep getting larger. And then, the wife gets pregnant and the little bundle of joy comes home. Babies are extroadinarily expensive (and taxing on health and sanity as well). The parents, at least the father if the wife wants to stay home, has to work harder to make ends meet. More babies appear. The husband has to keep working and working and working. The husband will become so accustomed to working that he will feel himself a failure if he doesn't work in some way. He will be incapable of doing nothing. If he retires, he usually dies soon afterward (statistics show many men passing away right after retiring. All that work, and you can't enjoy the little freedom at the end.)


I know many men in their 30s with families. I rarely see them because they are always working. They work because their expenses are so high. But they also work because their woman has completely taken over the household. Their household is so dirty, and filled with screaming kids and a fat wife, that they are HAPPY to work overtime. The more they work, the harder it is for them to do nothing.


"But DALI," you ask. "Why should one do nothing? Isn't it better to work?"


No. The founder of MTV gives this advice to those who are financially able to retire: "Wait one year before you do anything else. For one year, do absolutely nothing. It will be the hardest thing you do in your life."


And, sure enough, it is especially if you have been conditioned to 'work' since the age of five. We are all brainwashed in some fashion. I have experience with dealings some professional 'brainwashing' places, these unique 'forums'. The one thing they try to do is to keep you hungry, keep you sleepy, and not allow you to be alone doing nothing. If you are alone doing nothing, you can think. If you think, you suddenly realize what a bogus operation it all is. In many jobs, they will attempt to brainwash you. At one job, after a hard day's work, I want to go home, rest, and do whatever. The job tried to invade that as well, making it almost where I *never* had rest. I said, "To hell with you," to that job. If an employer is trying to brainwash me, I just give them a middle finger and walk out. If you want my work, do it by pay, do it by making the job environment pleasant, do it by some other benefits, but don't do it by 'brainwashing'. It is like they want you to love your 'job' like you would 'love' a woman. Those who have no passion beforehand are vulnerable to this brainwashing.


As these men work and work, they lose their greatest assets: time and health. Soon, it becomes too late for them to become financially free even if they do snap out of it.


Imagine! A childhood in a mass produced schools, mass produced colleges, mass produced 'jobs', to live in mass produced houses and suburbs (little artificial towns with fountains), and when we die we retire on some 'mass produced' package plan and go to the mass produced nursery homes.


That is 95% of the population's life.


This is The Way.


Women do not question it. Already, they plan and see it. They do not imagine financial freedom and rarely see it for what it means. If you tell a woman you want to become financially free, they will run for the hills. It shows that women do not like rich men, they like rich men they can brainwash. Women marry wage slaves. If you do not want to become a wage slave, don't get married. Your wife will support you in getting a bigger paycheck. But she will not support you in getting a bigger soul.


One pattern I noticed is that all the great humanities, the great songs, art, and literature, never came from peasants. It always came from the aristocracy or people funded directly by the aristocracy. To Americans, you know that the 'founding fathers' like Washington were well educated and cultured. But they were that way because they were financially free.


Being financially free is not about greed. It is to allow the First Commandment to become true: to be who you are. If you enjoy writing poetry, becoming financially free will allow you to pursue poetry. If you enjoy racing cars, becoming financially free allows you to do that.


It is hard to be who you are when a ****** job is in the way. The rich believe the word job means Just Over Broke.


People say that wealth changes you. It doesn't. Rather, it changes everyone around you. People who were your friends will grow angry that you 'have money'. They will despise you. It is lonely at the top.


As Esther Vilar from her excellent book, the Manipulated Man, describes:


"If a young man gets married, starts a family, and spends the rest of his life working at a soul-destroying job, he is held up as an example of virtue and responsibility. The other type of man, living only for himself, working only for himself, doing first one thing and then another simply because he enjoys it and because he has to keep only himself, sleeping where and when he wants, and facing woman when he meets her, on equal terms and not as one of a million slaves, is rejected by society. The free, unshackled man has no place in its midst."

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