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Parliament speaker Sh. Adan Madobe blasts Sheikh hotel's bid to sell the Somali sea

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Originally posted by General Duke:

RR: Brother one ascertain a few things first of all how much sovereignty does one secede and also did Somalia’s government have to put this request in when it was not prepared at this time, this is not conspiracy adeer, a weak government that controls a small area should not sign agreements with Neighbors who’s last agreement we signed with gave away the NFD. Thus all the info you have provided makes it look like a dream come true but one is not buying this and also we should reject it until things are made clearer.


Kenya & Norway seemed to have a deep vested interest in getting this signed, maybe if we ignored it we would have been in a better position in two decades to exploit that area.

Bro, no-one is asking you buy anything nor is anyone waiting for your approval. This opportunity comes once every 20 years and this government would be wrong to let a golden opportunity like this pass without doing anything about it. The area in question is believed to be home to oil, gas and other natural resources. To expect this government to not claim it, is simply put, ignorant.


Somalia will gain additional maritime territory as much as 350 nautical miles and this should be what matters. Countries sign agreements based on mutual interest.

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Adeer as Somali it does bother me when dodgy deals are made behind closed doors, as a student of History one understands that the Arusha agreement was not a mutually beneficial deal between two nations. We always lose out because of idiotic leaders.


Also don’t contradict yourself, you ay you are not an expert yet you are confident and know that Somalia will gain additional terrirory and I quote " least territory as much as 350 nautical miles “ , either you are in the know or you are bullshiting just to sound good and make these clowns who could not defend a mere city seem enlightened. I believe you dont have a clue what’s going on adeer.


So far this deal has been scrutinized and many Somali’s including the few true experts in the Diaspora agrees it was unnecessary and detrimental to Somalia’s sovereignty. However be clear that I would rather everyone is wrong here than lose an inch of land for our children’s future like we lost the NFD to Kenya, and that agreement is not being renewed like this one if it goes through.

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Originally posted by General Duke:


Adeer as Somali it does bother me when dodgy deals are made behind closed doors, as a student of History one understands that the Arusha agreement was not a mutually beneficial deal between two nations. We always lose out because of idiotic leaders.


Also don’t contradict yourself, you ay you are not an
yet you are confident and know that Somalia will gain additional terrirory and I quote
" least territory as much as 350 nautical miles “
, either you are in the know or you are bullshiting just to sound good and make these clowns who could not defend a mere city seem enlightened. I believe you dont have a clue what’s going on adeer.


So far this deal has been scrutinized and many Somali’s including the few true experts in the Diaspora agrees it was unnecessary and detrimental to Somalia’s sovereignty. However be clear that I would rather everyone is wrong here than lose an inch of land for our children’s future like we lost the NFD to Kenya, and that agreement is not being renewed like this one if it goes through.

There is no contradiction here. I provided you with the necessary documents to support my arguments. I would hope you tell us on what grounds you cry foul.




Since we now agree that the land in contention is what lies BEYOND Somalia's EEZ, would you be kind enough to change your thread title :D

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Adeer you don’t make sense at all, you are not an expert but you know that Somalia will gain 350 nautical miles, for all I know Somalia has lost much sea area in the south. Thus this deal smells like the Arusha one which we gained nothing and lost all of NFD.

The title stays and until proven innocent one can not trust the likes of Sharif Sakin and the clowns holed up in the Villa.


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Sheegashada Kenya Qayb kamid ah Badda Soomaaliya


Sida Kenya shaacisay xogteeda rasmiga ah ee Qalfoofka Qaaradda Baddeeda (Continental Shelf) waxaa kucad cabirkan aan soo aragnay in Kenya ay badda Soomaaliya ka goosatay (116,000km2) - waa cabbir aad u wayn oo aad loola yaabo, qofkastana uu is leeyahay macquul ma'ahan. Arintaasi waxay ku cadahay xogta rasmiga ah ee Qarammada Midoobay maanta shaacisay. Waxaa laga yaabaa in akhristuhu ku wareero akhbaartaan horay u siidaynay ee sheegaysay in Kenya cabiratay (38,000km2). Xogahaan oo dhan ma'ahan kuwo isdiidan ee waa xog laga soo xigtay dowlada Kenya Qoraalada rasmiga ah ee kasoo baxa (mid hordhac ah, iyo mid rasmi ah). Qoraalkii cilmi baarista waxaa kamid ahaa in Kenya ay gudbisatay March 10, 2009 xog hordhac ah oo Badda Soomaaliya ay gashay (38,000 xogtaasna uu ku saxiixnaa Madaxwaynaha Dalka Kenya ee hada Mwai Kibaki , sidaas waxay ku qornaynd waraaqdii Mwai Kibaki ku saxiixnaa ee aan soo aragnay. Sidoo kale qoraalkaas waxaa lasocday in cilmi baaristu sheegtay qoraalka rasmiga ah ee Dowlada Kenya markay soo gudbisato ayaa la ogaanayaa cabirka kama danbaysta ah ee Kenya ay badda Soomaaliya ka cabbiranayso. Cabirkii Kama danbaynta ah ama qoraalkii rasmiga ahaa wuxuu cadeeyey in Kenya ay badda Soomaaliya ka goosatay dhul-badeed ah (116,000km2) - Arrintaas waxaa lagu soo koobi karaa oraahda ah : 38, waxay ahayd tijaabo hordhac ah, 116, waa rasmiga ay Kenya doonayso in loo sharciyeeyo.


Kenya waxay ku andacootay in baddeedu ay soo dhex gasho badda Soomaaliya. Si ay arrintaas u qurxisna waxay tiri, sidoo kale badda Kenya waxay isdul fuulaan badda Tanzania, laakiin ayey tiri, Kenya iyo Tanzania waxay xadka badda ka heshiisyeen markii ay xog is dhaafsadeen 17 December 1975 iyo 9 July 1976. Sidaas daraadeena Kenya iyo Tanzania waxay heshiis ku ahaayeen xadka baddooda laga soo bilaabo 1976. (Hadalkii ugu horeeyey ee C/shakuur waxaa kamid ahaa Tanzania-na Kenya waa lasoo saxiixanaysaa asbuucan, hadana Kenya waxay leedahay horaan uga heshiinay). Kenya ayaa doodeeda ku dhisaysa in baddeeda iyo badda Soomaaliya isa soo dhexgalaan, taasna waxay ula jeedaa siday horay meelo kale ugu sheegtay in marka laga hadlayo aaga la kordhinayo ee Qalfoofka Qaaradda ay labadda dal cabirkoodu isku meel ku dhacayo, taasna waxaa keenay Kenya oo cabirkeeda usoo qaloocisay dhinaca bari, halkii laga rabay in cabirkeedu maro Koonfur Bari.


Sidoo kale Kenya doodeeda waxay ku dhisaysaa in kordhinta aaga ganacsiga ee cusub uu marayo xuduud aan laga heshiin, aag lagu muran sanyahay. Hadda su'aashu waxay tahay goormaa labada dal u dhexeeyey dhul-badeed lagu muransanyahay ama goormaa Soomaaliya iyo Kenya xuduuda baddeeda isa soo galaysay, maxayse kordhintii hore ee aaga ganacsiga 10kii December 1982 markii laga dhigayey (200nm) Murankan ujiri waayey ama xuduudu isu soo gali waysay? Su'aalahan iyo kuwa kelaba gadaal ayaan ka faah faahin doonaa, ee marka hore aan milicsano heshiiskan yaa Kenya ka caawiyey ama yaa ka qayb qaatay?.


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^Car wax kale hakuula yimaado other than his opinion iyo inuu dadka caayo mooyee, Adeer waqtiga ha isaga dhumin kanoo kale...

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Originally posted by General Duke:



Adeer you don’t make sense at all,
you are not an expert but you know that Somalia will gain 350 nautical miles, for all I know Somalia has lost much sea area in the south. Thus this deal smells like the Arusha one which we gained nothing and lost all of NFD.

The title stays and until proven innocent one can not trust the likes of Sharif Sakin and the clowns holed up in the Villa.


The only one not making sense here is you, I am afraid to say. You are cutely hugging on a claim that is unsubstantiated and has no rational basis to score a political point.


The documents that I have posted make a mincemeat out of your claims. Unless, you can tell me on what grounds you base your arguments, I can't take you serious.


The Arusha deal signed by PM AbdiRashid Sharmarke AUN and I agree it was not a good one. BUT comparing it to a law that governs all the countries in the world with maritime territory, is simply foolish.




You were an ardent supporter of the previous regime that was also holed in Villa Somalia. Won't you be charitable enough to extend your support smile.gif

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^^^He is confused, he is not expert yet can tell the future gains for Somalia. Adeer the man is trying to defend Shiekh Hotel & Co for the biggest blunder in modern Somali history.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Car wax kale hakuula yimaado other than his opinion iyo inuu dadka caayo mooyee, Adeer waqtiga ha isaga dhumin kanoo kale...

Bro, stop your useless back and forth rants without any purpose. Your oneliners are getting boring.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^He is confused, he is not expert yet can tell the future gains for Somalia. Adeer the man is trying to defend Shiekh Hotel & Co for the biggest blunder in modern Somali history.

If there is anyone that is confused in this discussion is you who parrots around one line without taking the time to think of how ridiculous they sound.


It is not clear how much territory Somalia will gain, because that decision belongs to the governing body of the International Laws of the Sea. I am not a prophet that can predict what will happen tomorrow.


Somalia's claim is projected to be additional 350 nautical miles and we have to wait and see if they get that actual territory.

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RR Maybe you are more insightful on this deal in comparison to the sell out Somali ooops Kenyan deputy speaker.




Faarax Macallin, Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Baarlamaanka Kenya, oo Shaaca Ka Qaaday in Heshiiska Dhexmaray Kenya iyo Soomaaliya La Saxiixay Dhawr Toddobaad Ka Hor...

"...haddii aad tagtid Archive-ka ama Libreeriga Congress-ka Maraykanka waad heleysaa EXACTLY BEARING-ka (jihada xadku u socdo) oo ilaa inta uu qalin gaaro ku tusaysa, waa wax record-kii meesha jiro (Diiwaan). Marka wax la isku deyi karo in ducfiga Soomaali lagaga faa'iidaystaa ma aha, ninkii isku dayana khasaaro ayaa ka imanaysa."
Faarax Macallin..




RR: Nothing to do with your seabed and extra land claims. This is about Somalia's sea itself and the boundry we have with Kenya. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by General Duke:



RR Maybe you are more insightful on this deal in comparison to the sell out Somali ooops Kenyan deputy speaker.





Faarax Macallin, Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Baarlamaanka Kenya, oo Shaaca Ka Qaaday in Heshiiska Dhexmaray Kenya iyo Soomaaliya La Saxiixay Dhawr Toddobaad Ka Hor...

"...haddii aad tagtid Archive-ka ama Libreeriga Congress-ka Maraykanka waad heleysaa EXACTLY BEARING-ka (jihada xadku u socdo) oo ilaa inta uu qalin gaaro ku tusaysa, waa wax record-kii meesha jiro (Diiwaan). Marka wax la isku deyi karo in ducfiga Soomaali lagaga faa'iidaystaa ma aha, ninkii isku dayana khasaaro ayaa ka imanaysa."
Faarax Macallin..



RR: Nothing to do with your seabed and extra land claims. This is about Somalia's sea itself and the boundry we have with Kenya. :rolleyes:
Kenya, Somalia sign maritime boundary agreement


The Kenyan and Somali governments on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding on their maritime boundary.


The agreement will facilitate the presentation of Kenya's submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf by May as required under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).


According to the provisions of UNCLOS, coastal states intending to delineate the outer limits of their continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles are required to submit particulars of such limits with supporting scientific and technical data to CLCS.


The preparation of Kenya's claim for submission requires the cooperation of its neighbors Tanzania and Somalia.


This is because, UNCLOS provides that states that have adjacent coastlines to each other need to conclude agreements on the delimitation of their maritime boundaries for their Territorial Sea, Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelves by means of an agreement in order to achieve an equitable solution.


Kenya Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula signed the agreement with Somalia Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Shermake.


Wetangula said the preparation of Kenya's claim for submission requires the cooperation of its neighbors, Tanzania and Somalia.


"This is because, the convention provides that states that have adjacent coastlines to each other need to conclude agreements on the delimitation of their maritime boundaries for their territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelves by means of an agreement in order to achieve an equitable solution", he said.


Wetangula said the government has negotiated the maritime agreement with the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.


The minister said the government is also in the process of concluding a similar agreement with the Tanzanian government. d/Africa/200904/04/t tml

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Originally posted by General Duke:



RR Maybe you are more insightful on this deal in comparison to the sell out Somali ooops Kenyan deputy speaker.





Faarax Macallin, Guddoomiye Kuxigeenka Baarlamaanka Kenya, oo Shaaca Ka Qaaday in Heshiiska Dhexmaray Kenya iyo Soomaaliya La Saxiixay Dhawr Toddobaad Ka Hor...

"...haddii aad tagtid Archive-ka ama Libreeriga Congress-ka Maraykanka waad heleysaa EXACTLY BEARING-ka (jihada xadku u socdo) oo ilaa inta uu qalin gaaro ku tusaysa, waa wax record-kii meesha jiro (Diiwaan). Marka wax la isku deyi karo in ducfiga Soomaali lagaga faa'iidaystaa ma aha, ninkii isku dayana khasaaro ayaa ka imanaysa."
Faarax Macallin..



RR: Nothing to do with your seabed and extra land claims. This is about Somalia's sea itself and the boundry we have with Kenya. :rolleyes:
Would you be kind enough to post the original Memorandum of Understanding, and tell us where it says Somalia will give up its land to Kenya?

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Meelkasta ayey taalaa UN-ka, latitude-kii iyo longitude-kii iyo bearing-kii oo dhan ayaa la hayaa (Dhigo, Lool iyo Xagasha ama jihada uu ku socdo xadku). Waa in sidaas loo xaqiijyo uun weeyaana, taasna waa dawladaha wax markastaba dhaca.
Laakiin hadda wax cusub ma aha. Maadaama Soomaaliya aysan 18-sano dawlad ka jirin waxaa loo baahan yahay in meeshii xuduudku ahaa ee u horeysey hadda in la is tuso ayaa loo baahan yahay.

You are talking about one thing Mr Farax the speaker is talking about another, he is saying we need to make the boundary clear. For some reason people forgot about the border because as he states above Somalia has had no government for 18 years and they needed to clear the boundries.


You adeer are quoting some international agreemnt that seem to have little baring on the issue at hand


VOA interview:



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