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ONLF Splits ---- Members Released from Ethiopian Jails

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War kan wareersan muxuu leeyahay.Horta waxaadan aqoon u lahayn maxaa kugu dhibaya.


Soyaan is a member of the Central committee of ONLF.He was handed over from Puntland to Ethiopia.He made similar statements from prison before, all this is been done under torture.He has allegedly been released in Jigjiga but he is still in the hands of the Tigre Gov.This is nothing more than propoganda where there using a prisoner as a weapon.This defies all human rights.


How does this consitute as a split?

A prisoner of War forced under duress to make a few anti-ONLF remarks.


ONLF is as stable as ever.From top leadership to its district commanders.

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Can you disaprove of this? As you have no credible knowledge of the nature of this conflict.Your basing your entire arguments on recycled propoganda coming out of the Tigray Mafia in there news bulletens..please.


There's no Split in ONLF and that is confirmed.If purported and shady individuals paid by Addis ababa claim to be members of ONLF, that again does not consititute as a split of any kind.

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Ka daroo dibi dhal ........ Horta ma is maqlaysaa ?? ... :D



Soyaan is a member of the Central committee of ONLF.He was handed over from Puntland to Ethiopia.

If purported and shady individuals paid by Addis ababa claim to be members of ONLF, that again does not consititute as a split of any kind

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See when I say your clueless this is what I mean.I have clarified Sooyans situation for you above, he is a prisoner more importantly he is an individual who is apart of ONLF.If he is captured or if he leaves, he does not take the organisation with him.If Ethiopia is using prisoners as tools to attack ONLF it just depicts the dire situation of the Tigray Mafia.


Those paid Individuals are if you are paying attention to the politics of the region individuals/groups who are been paid to take up the name of ONLF and sign fake peace deals.


Again dont mix the two points I have made.Soyan and these members are apart of this new strategy from Addis ababa which began with the surrender of the UWSLF.


Again I would like to see this split you are mentioning among genuine ONLF ranks.ONLF has a 52 Central Committee chamber, 1 or 2 POWS who are been held against there will does not create a split.

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^ ^ waar hada suuqii aad ogayd baa ii dhow ,, :D



This guy above you is not even sure if those are paid or they're playing cards for onlf .... wuu dawakhayba .. :D

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kkk war kani wuuba iga yaabiyay ninku wuu so qotomaa suquu sheegayo waxbaa ka jira oo caawa mirqaankii Silaanyo su oogu fadhiistay cawana onlf buu u dhigtay inuu ku been sheegto.


War Jacaylbro dib u akhri waxan ku qoray meesha there is a clear distinction.Si kastaba ONLF way mideysan tahay.Ee adigu waxa ku dhibay ood u noqotay afhayeenka Meles ee SOL baaban garan la'ahay maanta.walee adaa si fiican u dawakhay.

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Ma Afjini baa wax laguugu qoraa, war beenta aad sheegi waa runtaadan rabin ee sxb aayar ka talaabso arimahaadan aqoon u laheyn.

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Don't confuse O division with ONLF division.

None of the serving ONLF CC or Executive Committe members disgreed with the chairman.


None of the military commanders on the ground defected or refused to take orders.


If there is a division inside, i will be the first one to admit by saying it is natural. But it hasn't happened.

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