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ONLF Splits ---- Members Released from Ethiopian Jails

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Ilo wareedyo ka og dhaw dawlada Ethiopia oo lagu kalsoonaan karo ayaa xaqiijiyay in goor dhawayd laga sii daayay jeelka magaalada Jigjiga ee dawlada Ismamulka Soomaalida ee Ethiopia laba xubnood oo ka tirsanaa golaha dhexe ee jabhadda ONLF.


Labada nin oo kamagacyadooda lagu kala sheegay Dhiire Caafi iyo Abdinuur Sooyaan ayaa la sheegay in laba sano ka hor ay maamulka Puntland ee Somaliya ay u gacan galiyeen dawladda Ethiopia.


Warku waxa kale oo uu sheegay in nin kale oo magaciisa la yidhaahdo Xasan Macllin Cali iyo Bishaara Wacdi ayaa iyagana la sii daayay.


Cabdinuur Sooyaan oo u waramay BBC-da warramay waxaa uu sheegay in uu halganka halkiisii ka sii wadi doono, laakiin uu ahaanayo halgan nabad ah.


Sida taasi u dhici doonto wuxuu ku tilmaamay, in ay tahay in uu heshiisku marka uu hirgalo uu ku dhaqaaqi doono sidii ciidammada ONLF ay degaankooda ugu soo laaban lahaayeen dagaal la´aan ugana talin lahaayeen.


Wuxuu yidhi Sooyaan, "maaddaama aan anigu baabuur cad ku dhex wato Jig Jiga oo la i dili waayay, ma dhaceyso in Ethiopia ay disho qof shacab ah oo baaddiye jooga".


Waxaa hadda mgaalada Jig Jiga jooga xubno kale o ka tirsan golaha dhexe ee ONLF iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada jabhadda ONLF oo heshiis nabadeed dhawaan la galay dawladda Ethiopia, iyada oo bihan la qaban doono xaflad lagu saxiixayo heshiiska garabka ONLF ee uu hogaamiyo Salaaxadiin Xaaji.

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Saraakil ka tirsan Jabhadda ONLF ee ka dagaalanta dhulka ismaamulka Soomaalida ee Itoobiya ayaa lagu soo waramaaya in laga sii daayay xabsi ku yaalla magaalada Jigjiga ee Itoobiya.


Wararka ayaa sheegaaya in labo sarkaal oo ka tirsan golaha dhexe ee ONLF oo lagu kala magacaabo Cabdinuur Sooyaan iyo Dhiire Kaafi laga sii daayay xabsiga magaaladda Jig jiga oo ay mudo badan ku xirnaayeen.


Labada nin oo kala ah Dhiire Caafi iyo Abdinuur Sooyaan waxa laba sano ka hor uu soo xidhay maamulka Puntland ee Somalia oo u gacan galiyey dawladda Ethiopia.


Xasan Macallin Cali iyo Bishaara Wacdi ayaa iyagana la sii daayay.

Cabdinuur Sooyaan oo BBC u warramay waxaa uu sheegay in uu halganka halkiisii ka sii wadi doono, laakiin uu ahaanayo halgan nabad ah.

Sida taasi u dhici doonto wuxuu ku tilmaamay, in ay tahay in uu heshiisku marka uu hirgalo uu ku dhaqaaqi doono sidii ciidammada ONLF ay degaankooda ugu soo laaban lahaayeen dagaal la’aan ugana talin lahaayeen.


Wuxuu yidhi Sooyaan, “Maaddaama aan anigu baabuur cad ku dhex wato Jig Jiga oo la i dili waayay, ma dhaceyso in Ethiopia ay disho qof shacab ah oo baaddiye jooga”.


Waxaa hadda mgaalada Jig Jiga jooga xubno kale o ka tirsan golaha dhexe ee ONLF iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada jabhadda ONLF oo heshiis nabadeed dhawaan la galay dawladda Ethiopia, iyada oo bihan la qaban doono xaflad lagu saxiixayo heshiiska garabka ONLF ee uu hogaamiyo Salaaxadiin Xaaji.

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Ethiopia oo sii deysay madax ONLF


Sida ay xaqiijinayaan warar BBC ka heshay xukuumadda dhulka somalida Ethiopia, waxaa goor dhaweyd xabsiga weyn ee Jig jiga laga sii daayey laba xubnood oo ka tirsanaa golaha dhexe ee jabhadda ONLF.


Labada nin oo kala ah Dhiire Caafi iyo Abdinuur Sooyaan waxa laba sano ka hor soo xiray maamulka Puntland ee Somalia oo u gacan galiyey dawladda Ethiopia.


Xasan Macllin Cali iyo Bishaara Wacdi ayaa iyagana la sii daayay.


Cabdinuur Sooyaan oo BBC u warramay waxaa uu sheegay in uu halganka halkiisii ka sii wadi doono, laakiin uu ahaanayo halgan nabad ah.


Sida taasi u dhici doonto wuxuu ku tilmaamay, in ay tahay in uu heshiisku marka uu hirgalo uu ku dhaqaaqi doono sidii ciidammada ONLF ay degaankooda ugu soo laaban lahaayeen dagaal la'aan ugana talin lahaayeen.


Wuxuu yiri Sooyaan, "maaddaama aan anigu baabuur cad ku dhex wato Jig Jiga oo la i dili waayay, ma dhaceyso in Ethiopia ay disho qof shacab ah oo baaddiye jooga".


Waxaa hadda mgaalada Jig Jiga jooga xubno kale o ka tirsan golaha dhexe ee ONLF iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada jabhadda ONLF oo heshiis nabadeed dhawaan la galay dawladda Ethiopia, iyada oo bihan la qaban doono xaflad lagu saxiixayo heshiiska garabka ONLF ee uu hogaamiyo Salaaxadiin Xaaji.

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Waxaa hadda mgaalada Jig Jiga jooga xubno kale o ka tirsan golaha dhexe ee ONLF iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada jabhadda ONLF oo heshiis nabadeed dhawaan la galay dawladda Ethiopia, iyada oo bihan la qaban doono xaflad lagu saxiixayo heshiiska garabka ONLF ee uu hogaamiyo Salaaxadiin Xaaji.

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The Ethiopian government has officially released four war prisoners captured from the country’s most active rebel group, the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) on Wednesday in the city of Jigjiga.


Reports in Jigjiga said three men – Abdulnur Soyan, Dhire Kafi and Hassan Ma’alim Ali were released from a central prison in the town.


Mr Soyan and Kafi are said to be members of the movement’s central committee and have been behind bars for the past two years. The two men were detained in the Somali semi-autonomous region of Puntland by security forces and were handed over to Ethiopian authorities.


In June, the Puntland state of Somalia signed a key Memorandum of Understanding with Ethiopia’s Somali National Regional State in the fields of security and trade. The two states agreed to fight against the ONLF, Al-Shabab and other groups whom they accused of trying to destabilize the region.


While speaking to the BBC-Somali services, the two men said they will denounce violence and lay down their arms. They instead promised to work with the Ethiopian administration.


“The fact that I can drive a white car in the middle of Jigjiga peacefully means Ethiopia will not harm any civilian in the country-side,” Mr Soyan told BBC-Somali.


The Ethiopian government signed a breakthrough ceasefire with the rebel in Frankfurt, Germany, on the 15th of June – which includes a three-months ceasefire (see ****** breakthrough: rebel group signs ceasefire). Since early June, a large faction of the movement led by Salahdin Abdulrahman Maow and 20 other senior members have been disarming voluntarily. The government in Addis Ababa claims the 20 members hold about 60 per cent of the movement’s support base.


Mr Abay Tsehaye, Ethiopia’s security and intelligence advisor, told AFP on Saturday the group was in it’s last leg and has lost all support of the locals. He said it was nearing collapse.


The Meles Zenawi administration who now control the entire country including the Parliament – only two oppositions sit in Parliament, said it will grant the movement more autonomy-style of rule. The government plans to incorporate a significant rebel forces into the Somali National Regional State army and police once they are disarmed and rehabilitated. Addis Ababa has given the group until end of August to finalize the agreement with the government.


The reports also added a middle-aged woman – said to be Bishaaro Wa’adi Shaqlane was also among those released today in Jigjiga. The ONLF has in the past accused the Somaliland administration of handing Bishaaro over to Jigjiga. The movement claims Mrs Shaqanle, who is a senior member of the ****** Womens Democratic Alliance (OWDA) was arrested in Hargeisa on February 10th of this year.


Somaliland maintains close relations with the Addis Ababa administration and has in the past accused the ONLF of targeting Somaliland clans that also inhabit parts of the Somali state of Ethiopia.

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War Xasan macallin cali ma aha, waa XABSA macallin cali (sister of former regional president Khadar Macalin Cali, and wife of my good friend Abdullahi).


Midda kale, Bishaaro wacdi waa gabadhi Hargeisa laga soo qabtay some months back.


Ina iley has vowed to release all ONLF members oy soo dhiibaan Puntland and Somaliland and he is milking the accolades in Jigjiga.


Dad buu ku yidhi, "reerkayaga aniga unbaa xidhxidhi kara ee low-kuus iyo re-aqoonsi-doon uma ogoli inay bahd dilaan."


Some O' folks are buying that cheap populist rethoric. He can not do that unless the Tigre's have a strategy behind it. We have been there to know how thing work. The intention is to create division between the somali people along clan lines and Iley is doing that very nicely.


But, I don't know how the title goes with the story. JB, you wish!

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Ina Macallin, Bishaaro, Ina Ileys and others imika la socdaa sow wada ONLF maaha ?? ,,, even some of them sow golaha dhexe kuma jiraan ???


isn't that a split ??? ,,

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Agreement with ONLF Will Speed Development - Ethiopian Official



The agreement reached by the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) and the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF) to accept and operate under the national constitution would help speed up the on-going development in Somali State, says Abay Tsehaye, according ENA.


Abay Tsehaye, Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister, said the decision made by the ONLF and UWSLF to renounce forceful means and pursue legal and peaceful path would help speed up development in the region.


He attributed this development to a strong pressure made on them by peace loving people of the region. Abay indicated that an agreement has been reached in Germany in June this year alone on three major issues.


According to Abay, the larger faction of the ONLF has agreed to pursue peaceful path, while a small fragment still remains armed.



Source: ENA

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Ina Macallin, Bishaaro,
Ina Ileys
and others imika la socdaa
sow wada ONLF maaha
?? ,,, even some of them sow golaha dhexe kuma jiraan ???


:D:D There goes your knowledge of the ONLF organization, waxaad isku qaseesaa kuwii Tigreyga u shaqeenayey, iyo kuwii Tigreyga la dagaalamayey, isku wada mid baad ka wada dhigtey walaw ayba ka soo jeedaan laf qudha!

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Agreement with ONLF Will Speed Development - Ethiopian Official



The agreement reached by the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) and the United Western Somali Liberation Front (UWSLF) to accept and operate under the national constitution would help speed up the on-going development in Somali State, says Abay Tsehaye, according ENA.


Abay Tsehaye, Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister, said the decision made by the ONLF and UWSLF to renounce forceful means and pursue legal and peaceful path would help speed up development in the region.


He attributed this development to a strong pressure made on them by peace loving people of the region. Abay indicated that an agreement has been reached in Germany in June this year alone on three major issues.


According to Abay, the larger faction of the ONLF has agreed to pursue peaceful path, while a small fragment still remains armed.



Source: ENA

This is different to what you posted about release of ONLF members and ONLF spilts.


Waa la sii daayey way la socdaan miyaa?

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Originally posted by nuune:

quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Ina Macallin, Bishaaro,
Ina Ileys and others imika la socdaa
sow wada ONLF maaha
?? ,,, even some of them sow golaha dhexe kuma jiraan ???



There goes your knowledge of the ONLF organization, waxaad isku qaseesaa kuwii Tigreyga u shaqeenayey, iyo kuwii Tigreyga la dagaalamayey, isku wada mid baad ka wada dhigtey walaw ayba ka soo jeedaan laf qudha!
"Dhiire Caafi iyo Cabdinuur Sooyaan oo ka tirsan golaha dhexe ee onlf ayaa laga sidayey xabsiga Jigjiga"



Tell me about it ,,,,,,,,,,,, :D

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^^ waxa sii daayey waa isla ONLFta miyaa,,,, :D:D



maskaxdaadu ma joogto maanta waayo nadiifa ayaad xalay la casheesay

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:D ka weyn shake hands waxaaga with Nadiifa, ee runta dillaaci, hadee afkeenu waa isku ammaano, anaana kuu meherin :D

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