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BREAKING NEWS: Cruise Missle Attack Against Awey's House

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War aanu ka helnay magaalada Muqdisho isla caawa ayaa sheegaya in cruise missile lagu weeraray gurigii uu deganaa Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys..


Warkan oo hordhac ah ,laguna soo tebiyey khadka telephoneka magaalada Muqdisho oo weli habeenimo ku jirta ayaan weli la ogey inta uu khasaare geystey madfaca lala beegsaday aqalka Sheikh Dahir Aweys.


Goobtan ayaa wararku sheegayaan inay ku sugnaayeen taageereyaashi Sheikh Aweys ilaa hadana ma cada inta dhimasho soo gaadhey Sheikh Aweys iyo kooxdaas guriga ku sugnayd.


Wixii ka soo kordha weerarkan lala beegsaday Sheikh Aweys kala soco Xargaga Online.


http://www.xargaga.n et/modules.php?op=mo dload&name=News&file =article&sid=3895

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Is it my b-daY ? No, it can't be and neither is this news about the missle attack in aweys compound. Talow yaa sheegay inuu madfac faniiinaayo helay oday gaduude's jaw.......tsk tsk, tsk.

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LSK: Any new sources on this story if its true the fake Mujahids will start running around like headless chickens.



Layzie G: My dear your Sharif Ahmed needs to be held accountable for this massive failure. He can not lead mice let alone men it seems.

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An American assassinatin will destroy any chance for a peace settlement runtii. It will give a new cause to a new generation of Somalis to turn against this administration lead by Shariif. The TFG and Shariif has to be extremely careful here ok. Aweys should not be killed in order to keep Shariif in power because that is really the wrong approach to solving Somalia's problems ee ila tahay ani. Ilaaheey ha qaboojiyo umadaan.

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BREAKING NEWS: Ciidamada mareykanka oo duqee yay guriga Sh. Xasan Dahir Aweis



MAY 12, 2009


Ciidamada mareykanka ayaa madfaca Tom Hug missile la haleelay aqalka uu degan yahay Gudoomiyaha isbahaysiga garabka Asmara Shiikh Xasan Dahir Aweis.


Maraakiibta dagaalka mareykanka oo saldhig ku leh dalka Jabuti ayaa waxaa ka soo dul kacayay diyaaradaha dagaalka ee noocyada dheeraya "miiga " AC 130 iyo nooca qumaatiga u kaca, ayaa labadii maalmood ee ay dagaalada ka soconayeen magaalada muqdisho dul heehaabayay hawada Soomaaliya.


Diyaaradaha dagaalka ayaa abaarihii caawa tobankii fiidnimo ee saacada Muqdisho marfac la haleelay guri uu ku sugnaa Shiikh Dahir Aweis.


Qasaaraha duqaynta ayaan weli laga warbixin inta uu le,egtahay, hase yeeshee waxaa laysla dhex marayaa magaalada Muqdishu in uu Shiikh Xasan Dahir uu ku dhintay duqayntaa diyaaradaha mareykanka ee ay caawa gaysteen.


Wixii warar ku soo kordha duqaynta iyo qasaarahiisa waxaad kala socotaan


RFS _Muqdisho

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War Duke waxbaa jira ileen inkasto ay hadii weerarkaan hadu jiro uusan waxba soo kordhineyn on the ground as all these clan folks running to ally themeselves with alshabaab will be liquidated if shabaab captures the capital, but would mean one less fanatic for somalia

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If true, this news would be a game changer . I doubt it, though. All day & evening there have been reports of unidentified planes flying over Mogadishu. Aweys and Co. are keenly aware of how Cayrow was dispatched to the afterlife and would, probably, take securiy precautions once aircraft have been sighted anywhere in the region. On the other hand, he was careless enough to give a VOA Interview earlier...


I don't think they will be that easy to take out but it will all become apparent in the next 24 hours.

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Neither is it a game changer nor will it dent on Al-Shabaabs ambitions. The clan clowns will understand in due course that both Shabaab and the US isnt interested in them and both couldn't care less if they were dead even though the latter is more attracted to this outcome if true.

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I don't think so ............



US attacking sh. Aweys with missiles would be a hit news but even the BBC did not report it this morning.



Ha la iska hubsado .....

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Salaada subax ka bacdi baan u fariistey tan subaxnimo laakin waxba meysan sheegin laakin severl sites are reporting there were heavy shelling during the night so it might be some missiles.

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