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Garoowe The New Capital City..!

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Ra´´iisal wasare Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo wada in caasimada ku meel gaarka ah ka dhigata dowladiisa magalada Garoowe .

Wararka isasoo taraya oo ka imanaya xafiiska Ra´´siisal wasaraha ayaa sheegaya in uu rabo in uu ka noqda go´´aankii golaha wasiirada ku gareen in ay caasimad KMG ah laga dhiga magalooyinka Jowhar iyo Baydhabo tasoo sabab uga dhiga raba in aan leysku haleyn karin labadsi magaalo ayadoona uu sheegay in dagaalo ay ka jiraan deeganadasi lagana cabsi qabo in ay ka dhacaan kuwa lamid ah kuwa ka dhacay Baydhabo magalada Jowhar .



Marka waxuu leeyahay in aan leysku haleyn karin labada magaalo marka waa in aan bad badinaa dowlada aan casimad KMG ah ka dhignaa magalada Garoowe oo ah meel aad u xasilan oo leysku haleyn karo dhanaca amaanka hadii la leyahay qabiil gaar ah ayaa dagan meel kastaa qabiil gaar ah wuu dagan yahay ayuu u sheegay qolooyin rabay in ay ka siiyaan talooyin si uuna ugu deg degin sidii uu ugu deg degyey Go´´ankii ahaa in ay dowladiisa dagta Jawhar iyo Baydhabo


Qorshaan Geeddi ayaa ah mid cusub oo larabo in laga gado inta badan golaha wasiirada inta uu soo shaac bixin warkan.


Dhanka kale Ra´´siisal wasare Geeddi ayaa sheegay in aan sinaba looga marmin ciidamo ka socda dowlada Itoobiya in ay soo galaan gudaha Soomaliya sababtoo ah waa dal raba ayuu yiri in ay wax noo hagagaan kuwa kasoo horjedana waa kuwii ay hubka soo siin jirtay ayuu yiri, marka hadalka Geeddi ayaan ah mid is burinya sababtoo ah marna waxuu leeyahay dowlada Itoobiya waa kuwa raba in ay wax nooqabtaan marna uu leeyahay waa kuwii hubka soo siin jirey hogaamiyasha hubeysan .


This is great news I believe, isn't it..? :D:D:D

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garawa....where in the good Gods world is that?




dowlada sanadkaan dad ahbal yaal eh baa runti iskuugu soo aruuray. ninkastaba wuxuu rabaa qabiilka oo ka dhashtay dagaankooda in laga dhigo magaalo madaxda. Laakiin waxeysan fahamsaneen taariiqda muhiimadiisa, maxaa yeelay, Xamar waa wadnaha Somalia....hadaan baa'bi inno waxaan baabi'ineenaa Somalia sidey u taalaba. Aqli lix saac yaashaan goormeey wax fahmi doonaan?

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Originally posted by Bishaaro:

Garoow? Is it a Somali city? Never heard of it :confused:

It's Somali alright, but is it a city? A capital city .. :D

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Originally posted by sweeter_than_your_tea:

garawa....where in the good Gods world is that?




dowlada sanadkaan dad ahbal yaal eh baa runti iskuugu soo aruuray. ninkastaba wuxuu rabaa qabiilka oo ka dhashtay dagaankooda in laga dhigo magaalo madaxda. Laakiin waxeysan fahamsaneen taariiqda muhiimadiisa, maxaa yeelay, Xamar waa wadnaha Somalia....hadaan baa'bi inno waxaan baabi'ineenaa Somalia sidey u taalaba. Aqli lix saac yaashaan goormeey wax fahmi doonaan?

Someone else has a different opinion though.



need more, read on

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Propaganda machines at their cheapest. Mogadishu warlords have deviced a simple plan: to counter the TFG's request that there be a temporary change of Capital, they want to create panic and unease in Baydhabo, therefore making it "unsafe" for the TFG to land in. Will it work? RRA-Shatigaduud/Madoowe branch is the strongest in the City. Along with some former members of Gen Morgan's SPM forces, the city will return to normalcy - and Xaabsade will be jailed for national treason. How could a man who'd seen what the USC did to his people between 1995-1999 (earning the Baydhabo the dreaded moniker "City of Death") be so eager to join yet another ill-fated USC attempt to destroy Somalia and any form of gov't?

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garoowee kulaha! plz gimme a city thats listed in the world map! where the heck is this lil bloody piece of hell! i must looked 30 maps..... & it aint listed no freaking place!!


does this place have a stop sign??? just wondering!!!!! :confused:

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Maahmaah soomaali baa tiraahda "Timirtii horeba dab loo waa". Waxaan uga jeedaa Baydhabo iyo Jowhar bayba socon weydey in ummadda Soomaaliyeed badankeed aqbalaan in caasimadda loo xayuubiyo, waaba Garoowe oo sidaan arko dad is weydiinayo meesha ay Soomaaliya kaga taal.


Akhyaareey siyaasaddu waa wax qarriban oo waa taas Baydhabo 48 siddeed saacadood gudaheed xaalkeedii wax ka bedeshey (Xaabsade iyo Saransoor oo la wareegay gebi ahaan gacan ku haynta magaalada), Jowhar oo hadda qarka u saaran in dagaal ka qarxo. Reer Garoowe waxaan kula talin lahaa inay taasi cashar u noqoto oo naf-la-caariyaasha A/Yusuf iyo Geeddi aysan dhibaatada ay la wareegayaan ee amxaaro-jacaylka ah iyagana ku daaran.


RRA-Shatigaduud/Madoowe branch is the strongest in the City. Along with some former members of Gen Morgan's SPM forces, the city will return to normalcy - and Xaabsade will be jailed for national treason

brother wind.talker I wonder where all those forces are now?


It is so sad that there has been a fight at all. I wish that it could end soon but I think this is the legacy of Amxaaro-loving politics in Somalia. I don't mind if Ethiopia wants to use our ports but that should only come when we get a proper adminstration in Somalia. Ethiopia's strategy of deviding Somalis and establishing a puppet government is totally unacceptable.

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Originally posted by wind.talker:

Along with some former members of Gen Morgan's SPM forces, the city will return to normalcy -

Cajiib..! You still have faith in this guy..? :D


As for Bay-dhabo go and read the wires and find out whether 'mudane' Xabsade is in jail or in total control of the city waiting to welcome the government to move there.. :D:D

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One thing for sure, A/Y side-stepping Muqdisho and treating it as a denizen of evil costed him. I wish he knew that his success and support in the town was more than 95%. His opponents capitalized on his mis-steps and it is spiraling out of control if God doesn't save this process. Amxaaro request was wrong, not coming to town was wrong.



I would have suggested to Reer Muqdisho that A/Y made mistakes but minor ones WHICH where corrected by a system. Better support that same system and ensure its success rather than letting it fail only later to deal with the same tribal hobgoblins who buried them people alive. That is more frightening scenario than dealing with an obstinate A/Y who can be corrected by a system. He is a better choice than Aidid Jr, Yalaxoow, Atto or whoever blood-sucker in town masquarading as a responsible man. The dissapointing other fact is A/Y-supporters on the otherside of the spectrum getting emotional about everything A/Y does or say. They are equally wisdomless.

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African Prince

.....are you for real?

(acudu bil'lahi cowrakayahuu)

Next yu;ll be telling us to bow down to his 'royal highness' A/Y, uuf/aghaas!


newhoo here's what i think, Garowe can not, and won't ever be the capital, i can't believe i've jus put the 2words in the same sentence :eek: , lets break it down there are 3important groups in somalia, one has declared itself a 'seperate' state to the somalia and thus is half-way outta the equation, another occupies puntland and the third southern somalia, therefore should it not be logical to either retain muqdishu as the capital or find a 'COMMON MIDDLE GROUND' stragetically located smack bang in the middle of Puntland/Muqdishu.

African Prince i find yu'll think my proposition reasonably agreeable....unless yu in a sickening way crave bloodshed and the death of thousands of yur fellow somalis :(


PS. GAROWE WILL NEVER NOT EVEN IN A MILLION YEARS BE CAPITAL CITY!i know the truth hurts icon_razz.gif and denial is not a river in egypt.

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