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MP Abdirashid Irro with Chinese and Djiboutian businessmen assessing Pland

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I feel this is not a coïncidence. Chinese businessmen are assessing in order to build highways, city roads, airports etc in Pland? Djibouti Airlines is to engage regular flights to Pland cities of Bosaso and Galkayo as well as Garowe? Wich means Pland will be easier to reach wich will boost the state's trade and economy. But why now? Has it got to do with the erection of the new Somali government? To be honest I haven't expected that Pland would see the benefits of the new Somali government so quickly. I expected it would be more concrete for the southern Somalis, especially at this stage.

Normally I would be scolding Pland's businessworld after reading Djibouti and China's infiltration into Pland. But Pland has no companies with the capital and experience to build mega construction projects or regulated weekly flights. [unlike the Ciyal Suq Gallad and Damal Airlines whom overcrowd the airplanes and are able to delay for weeks.


Gaalkacyo: Xildhibaan Cirro oo ay weheliyaan, ganacsato Shiinays iyo Jibouti-yaan ah oo socod ku maraya Puntland

- Monday, November 29, 2004 at 13:23


Xildhibaan C/rashiid Maxamed (Cirro) oo kamid ah baarlamaanka DKFS iyo laba xubnood oo ganacsata oo ka kala socday shirkado Jabouti iyo Shiinays ah ayaa waxay maanta ka ambobexeen magaalada Gaalkacyo ayagoo usii jeeda magaalda Boosaaso.




Xubnahan ganacsatada ah ayaa ka kala socday shirkad xagga dhismaha ka shaqaysa oo laga leeyahay dalka Shiinaha iyo shirkadda diyaaradeed oo dalkaasi Jabouti (Jibouti Airline). Xubnahani, waxay dawlad goboleedka Puntland u yimaadeen inay kaqayb qaataan mashaariicda horumarineed ee Puntland u baahantahay oo ay kamid yihiin dhismaha jidadka, garoonada diyaaradaha iyo adeegga laxiriira dhismaha.




Xildhibaan C/rashiid Cirro oo maanta saxaafadda u waramayay ayaa sheegay in shirkad dhismeed oo dalkaasi Shiinaha laga leeyahay ay maamulka Puntland si rasmi ah uga hawl bilaabi doonto bisha Jannaayo ee sanadka soo socda taasna ay isku afagarteen madaxwaynaha Puntland iyo kuxigeenkiisa.




Xildhibaanku wuxuu sheegay in magaalada Garoowe ee xarunta ah ay kusii hakan doonaan inta aysan gaarin magaalada Boosaaso halkaasi oo ay kulan kula yeelanayaan madaxda sare ee Puntland, wuxuu kaloo xildhibaanku sheegay in magaalada Boosaaso ay kula kulmi doonaan ganacsatada Puntland maadaama ay tahay magaalada Ganacsiga Puntland.




Wafdigan intii aysan u abma bixin magaalda Boosaaso waxay socod kusoo kala bixiyeen degmada Jariiban ee gobolka Mudug iyo magaalada xeebta saaran ee Garacad ayagoo soo indho indheeyay wadada dheer ee Wadaagsin ee isku xirta Gaalkacyo iyo Garacad.




CCC Farayaamo





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