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Somalia: Our Puntland brothers must help us end the Nazi Ethiopian Empire

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

quote:Patriotic Somalis from around the world have stood up against Ethiopia but Puntland is blocking our freedom.

These damn house niggas naga taaga...Puntland blocking our freedom kulaha.....was it puntland that for 17 years continued the looting/killing/rapings in the South eh? Was it puntland that after finally obtaining peace and stablity...that made the ICU idio!ts go gun-*** on ppl like crazy addicts, parade the women and children in the streets and declare war on neighboring states eh? going on international airwaves threatening to sack cities eh? was it puntland that made u do that? I don't think so jalleyal what did they expect war daadkaan caqli xuuma........marka hadeey ruunta sheegaysiin keep puntland out yo mouths ya dig and...odeyashaa beesha xamar and the cats in asmara uu sheega negotiate with the establishment and this international backed effort, the same establishments that has peace deals with Puntland and Somaliland, well Hergaysa and Garowe look a lot better then Xamar about right now...get smart and stop playing games with the lives of innocent people...or else continue this sucidal shiz nit...and destroy the city more and leave a population of cripples....yall call not Puntlands ya dig.......march on "freedom fighters" and free somalia, maybe a few more thousand dead and hundred more thousands displaced will help u achieve that the end u still gonna be with left with a divided somalia and were u started.


I sit back and wait for the haterz
to bring it. Hmmm who will be the first one tolow?
.....Will it be USC sympathizers (opps how clumsy of me i meant the ICU freedom fighter supporters)...or the instigators (opps what has gotten into me....i meant the concerned brothers from Somaliland )



Yall aint fooling no one ya little fact dis TFG/ICU all of it is mainly from the host area...marka nice try sxbyalll....the arguments and nac nacs are lame and repetitive........if one supports peace and stablity then that can only happen through diplomacy and not continuing of war.
At least you're no longer pretending, Kudos to you for finally saying what is in your mind.

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^^ Reply to the PM I sent you months ago so that I can reply back and maybe invite you for coffee (don't bring Ayub). :D

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Puntland does not have more dabodhilifs than any other region in Somalia. The stooge administration of Cadde Muse no more speaks for Puntlanders or represents them than that of Abdillahi Yussuf does for Somalis.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Particularly if he were to set his eyes on your
Casiir-inflated girth, which in all seriousness, as I can imagine, is so unbecoming to what manly and bodily muscularity ought to be in the first place...



That was a good one :D:D:D

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Castro, the list of wanted criminals on your signute is growing. Riyaale and Cade muse should also made that list too. they are part of somali problems. They could unite their respactive administrations and life would be much better for somalis in their rigions in particular and entire somalis as a whole.

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^^^^ They could, for sure, change the dynamics of the situation but they won't. They also have a few things in common: they're both imbeciles, they're both thieves and, make no mistake about it, they're both puppets of Zenawi.


They are criminals and they're wanted but I am trying to put the most wanted criminals on this list. Riyaale is closer to making the list before Cadde does for his Laas Caanood fiasco.

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Oodqweyne wrote:

“….Walee Qaan-Xisaabeed Oo Mahadho Ah Iyo Gunnimo Asaliyin Ah Oo Taariikhda Gashey Soomaali Kala Gudoontey Maalinkaa Maanta Ah….Hase Ahaatee Jawaabta Mudan In Ladhowraa Waa Giraanta Wareegta Ee Wakhtileyda Ah Iyo Bar-Barkey Kudambeyn Doonto….”


Very true indeed!


Laakiin Oodweynow adiga iyo kuwa aad siyaasadda wadaagtaan ee safiirka Ethiopia Hargeysa ku qayilsiiyaa, ONLF tana u qab-qabta, Berberana hubka uga daabula xaggee u malaysannaa inay taariikhdaad sheegtay ka galayaan adeer?


Puntland waaba la gartay oo hadde xoog iyo xoolaba la garab istaagtay odey Cabdulle, waxaan rabaa inaad i fahasiiso waxaa kooxdaadu ka dheefayyaan caawinta ay Ethiopia caawiyaan?

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Originally posted by Ducaysane:

Castro, the list of wanted criminals on your signute is growing. Riyaale and Cade muse should also made that list too. they are part of somali problems. They could unite their respactive administrations and life would be much better for somalis in their rigions in particular and entire somalis as a whole.

How did you reach that conclusion? It's not up to either man to 'unite' the two sides. It's too late for that. If they even attempt it they will be both thrown to the dogs. You may think it's sad but it's the truth nonetheless.

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I might have been wrong on my assumptions but again the argument in which you sought refugee to refute Castro’s assertion (namely that the deeds of the political leadership or elites of any Somali region can hardly be a measure of what the populace of that said region stand for) and historical case you presented for it somehow comes across quite inconsistent. For a one hand you are indicting the entire of community of Puntland based on the crimes committed by its corrupt leadership and the militia it has in its command while on the other you are resisting any blame on your neck of the wood and willing to transfer it to the current leadership of Somaliland.


How injudicious are you sir?


If truth were to be boldly told, most Somali people are captives to their respective leaders with the help of Ethiopia!

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^^^^^ Don't drag the "people" into this atheer. Do you dispute that the elites and administrations of Somaliland and Djibout are aiding and abetting Ethiopia in its slaughter of civilians in Muqdisho and in Somali-Galbeed?


It's hardly a secret that the elites of Puntland (for whatever reason, though likely for monetery or clan purposes) have placed all their eggs in the TFG/Ethiopia basket. But that the other two entities I mentioned earlier benefit economically and politically from allowing land-locked Ethiopia access to their ports is seldom mentioned. Ethiopia does not manufacture any weapons nor does it refine any fuel. It stands to reason then that both of these pass through and are allowed by these administrations.


This is hardly unprecedented though. Turkey is the supply route for US troops in Iraq. Qatar and Kuwait provide bases for US troops and so on...


It's easy and very tempting to look down on Puntlanders when others are engaged in the same collaborative enterprise.


Talk about the pot calling the kettle dabodhilif.

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GJ/AfricaOne and Madam Nomadqiue leave the child games at the playground cool? If u been watching me for an entire year then u will be familiar with the fact that I always speak mind and never dance for no crowd in this case an online crowd lol can I get lame? I have said nothing that I haven’t said in the past.


North, built of anger? On what and on whom? Against the views of others? Wa ma reer miya caqli xuun baan noo moodey? Ana reer magal.... this is a discussion board, everyone is entitled to their opinions whatever they maybe, and I’ve always welcomed and respected that.


....But enough about me.............back to the subject and to North, sxbow shouldn’t u be giving the creators, supporters, and maintainers of your heros the SNM a little thanks? I mean without their support what would’ve ur heros have done? Ethiopian made the SNM adeer......caku Afrikan they never give thanks iga dheh....unless the giving the berbara port and close working “yes sir” relationship with meles is the token of appreciation.... Ethiopia paved the way for ur little enclave and its tribal militia just as its supporting the TFG, marka wax kale la so shir taga ya dig. Mida kale what’s this talk about uncles everyone stresses bout?........maybe I am missing something do ur uncles give u things or somthing.....cause AY hasn’t given me shit, Duke u got something cuz? I don’t need anything from anybody maybe u depend on ur “uncles” and eying politics in Somalia but I don’t...self made ya dig...nor am I little minded and support tribal enclaves...or tribal leaders...Somalia is great as One and Midnimo....but that happens when brotherhood is becomes a two way street.

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