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Dab dad ku dhintay (Somaliland)

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• Lix caruur ah iyo Hooyadood oo xaamilo ah ayaa ku dhintay xafada Axmad Dhagax ee magalada Hargaysa, ka dib markii Guri ay daganayeen dab baab’ashay.


Lixadaan caruurta ah ayaa da'doodu waxay u dhexaysay 1sano iyo bar ilaa 13 jir.Waxa kaliya oo ka badbaaday dabkaan Aabihii reer-ka oo ku xiran xabsiga magaalda Hargaysa iyo gabar Ayeeyadeed oo ku nool baadiyaha ku maqanayd.


Dad goobjoogayaal ah ayaa sheegay in baaburkii ugu horeeyay oo ah kuwa Dab-damiska oo ay iska lahayd shirkada Dahabshiil iyo Boliskuba ay yimaadeen goobta dabka hal saac ka-dib marka dabku bilowday markaas oo dabku baa'bashay guriga iyo dadkii ku noolaaba.


Dadka dariska ah iyo dadawayne aad u caraysan oo meesha ku sugnaa ayaa dhagxiyay boliiska iyo baabuurkii dab-damiska ahaa oo goobta dabku ka dhacay yimi waqti aan loo baahnayn.


Marka laga reebo Gagida diyaardaha, Somaliland ma laha ciidan Dab-demis



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Marka laga reebo Gagida diyaardaha, Somaliland ma laha ciidan Dab-demis


That just makes me so angry and frustrated. Not because i think that the country hasn't got the CAPITAL to afford such but the bloody dishonesty of RIYAALE and his government. If only the family's ppl or country on a whole could sue him and the rest of co with caaloolayaasha would have made me alot better.


The poor family and many other residents pay tax...they surely don't deserve such terrible treatment by their so called President and GUUD...(more like a baranbaro bakhtiday meel iska fadhida)waiting for the public to fulfill their duties and in the same time get thier money and trust. Bloody traitors!

Go down RIYAALE outa your seat :mad: :mad:


And come to think of i somehow blame the public for sitting back and bot making a big fuss...i mean this is the second time such incident occured in Hargeysa and this time with a high death roll!

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