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Mogadishu: return of the red beret military

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Ciidammo Koofiyad Cas xiran oo lagu arkay waddooyinka Muqdisho, kuwaasoo sugaya ammaanka caasimadda


Posted October 25th, 2007 by BaraxleySomali Ciidammo Koofiyado guduudan ayaa soo buuxiyay Magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasoo aysan dadka Muqdisho horay u arki jirin, iyadoo ciiidammadaan lagu arkayo waddooyin badan oo ku yaalla bartamaha Muqdisho, iyagoo ilaalo haya.


Ciidammadaan oo aanay dowladdu shaacin ayaa haddana waxay xiran yihiin dharka milateriga, waxayna wataan gawaari nooca dagaalka ah oo fara badan, iyagoo isgoysyada Muqdisho ee ugu rabshadaha badan mararka qaarkood ku hakada, halkaasna ilaalo xooggan ka qabta.



Shacabka Muqdisho ayaa waxay ku tilmaameen ciidammadaan inay yihiin kuwii loo aqoon jiray KOOFIYAD CASTII Dowladdii hore ee Maxamed Siyaad Barre, kuwaasoo u badlaa howlgallada laga sameynayo meelaha lagu maleeyo inay khataro badan ka jiraan, iyadoo ciidammadaanna ay yihiin kuwo meelaha ugu khatarta badan la geeyo.


Warar hoose ayaa waxay sheegayaan in ciidammadaan ay yihiin ciidammo dhawaan tababarro ay ugu soo dhammaadeen Gobolka Bakool ee Galbeedka Somalia, iyadoo tababarka ciidammadaan uu yahay ka hortagga khataraha iyo weerarrada gaadmada ah ee lagu qaado fariisimada ciidammada Dowladda.


Feejignaan dheeraad ah ayaa ka muuqata ciidammadaan, iyagoo si weyn uga duwan ciidammadii hore ee Milateriga, waxaana inta badan gacan siiyaan Booliiska Somalia, iyagoo saldhigyada booliiska xilliyada habeenkii ah ka gala heegan buuxa.


Ma jiraan wax war ah oo ku saabsan in ciidammadaan cusub ay soo galeen magaalada ayna qayb ka yihiin ciidammada sugaya ammaanka Muqdisho, waxaase lagu arkay iyagoo gaafwareega waddooyinka Muqdisho muddo ka yar 24-saacadood.

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You very well know that there wouldn't any of those claiming to be red berets around if the Xabashis hit the exits.


Oh yeah sad but that is the hard cold reality.

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^^^If that makes you happy adeer. The TFG forces will be able to hold the whole of Somalia when their training is complete. Remmeber we are trying to do in three years what was not done in 17. Creation of powerful security apparatus, the NSS, Police and Military.


The AU forces are countering external troublemakers, such as the Arabs, Eritrea and other criminal groups hel bent on keeping the status quo.

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Who is 'YOU" brother?


All that is going on in Xamar is basically sum up to one thing, violence.


The most important step which is security is still missing.


The TFG had better chance of succeeding if it worked with people rather than working with foreigners. They didnt', and that is precisely why it won't succeed EVER.

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^^^Adeer lets not pretend you are an expert on anything concerning the politics of the TFG. Its working with people yet its met with violence from a small quarter. It is dealingw tih these and has defeated their most battle harden groups.


As for foreign help, its a factor, a part of any state development.


Thus the TFG will succeed because it has done its homework, it is now the most powerful entity in Somalia and has subdued the crazy groups who now depend on internal difficulties within the TFG for their survival.

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where do u get this info...i mean, this place is like a hell hole with amxaars killing ppl.


how can u do training! when the place is lit up like 4th of july.

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There are many training areas around the country, some classified thus we wont get into those.


I will mention those that I can.


Balidoogle, Lantabuuro, Carmo, Bakool, Abqaale in Galkacyu district

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if it is so effective and is only encountering problems from small quarters,


then why havent they been able to stop the insurgency.


You are so confused that you spew anything that comes into your head without thinking.


If the xabashi's werent there the whole of the TFG would be eliminated in an a matter of weeks and you know it so stop deluding yourself.

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^^^Adeer the ends its what matters you are just concentrating on the means, if you want to destroy me and I defend myself, what does it matter if I use my own hands or others? So long as in the end you are no longer relevent.


Somalia has seen much change, for example everyone is just concentrating on internal TFG changes, no one cares for the clowns in Asmara or elsewhere.


So who is deluding himself?

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Originally posted by Mslm: Red Sea:

they might wear the beret, but they are no the red berets we knew off. lol

That is right saxib, these are PINK-BERETS, Zenawi's gabdho passing as men with balls and nothing close to the Libian and European trained red Berets we used to see in the streets of Xamar. Even those weren't as brave as they were taunted to be :D:D


But I salute those anyday over to these female-soldiers.

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